Chapter Fourteen

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Amelia in the arms of Leo, as they slob down the sewer tunnel, following the others. She tried to ignore the pain on her thigh and on her shoulder, but that hard since she and Leo kept moving around so much.

Leo would occasionally glance at Amelia, especially when she tensed his arms. This time when he looked down at her, she showed a face of discomfort. He saw her eyes were on her wounded thigh. He let out a soft sigh.

"Its almost over..." He whispered to her.

Amelia's head snapped up to look up at Leo, seeing he had a smile on his face. Amelia smiled back slowly, a small blush appearing on her face. Soon the sewer fun slide was over. They all entered a building threw a vent and looked around.

"All right, listen up." Leo started catching everyone's attention, "We gotta find the elevators and get up to the roof." Then he looked at Amelia, April, and Vern, "You guys get out of here. Get to a safe distance."

Amelia shook her head, "Not gonna happen." She said quickly, Making Leo look at her.

"Amelia's right. We can go find Sacks and get our hands on the mutagen as a contingency plan, just in case... You know." April said, hesitant in the end.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Raph said, his voice full of sarcasm.

Leo did not like this at all. Amelia was still hurt and of Sack's was armed, he could kill her. Leo gave Amelia a look, but she gave him one back. One thing was for sure, Amelia was stubborn. Everyone grew quiet as the two held a staring contest.

"Who do you think is gonna break first?" Mikey whispered to his brothers, who only shrugged.

Leo knew that this was not the time and decided to look away first, but only to look at April, "If we don't make it back, bring the mutagen to Splinter. It can save his life." He informer, looking back at Amelia again.

Amelia showed him small smile, but he still didn't look happy.

"Sacks's laboratory's on the 36th floor. I've already disabled the security system." Donnie said quickly, "Oh uh... Good luck..."

"Just please don't die." Amelia said.

Raph smirked, "No promises princess."

Amelia rolled her eyes, as April and Vern started to walk away to the stairs. Amelia watched as the brothers ran away. Just as she was about to follow April, Leo stopped running. Amelia stayed still as Leo turned around. Then he started walking towards her.

"Just in case I don't come back..." Leo said quickly and Then pulled Amelia close to him, slamming his lips on hers.

Amelia's eyes widened, but she kissed back quickly before the kiss could end. Leo was the first to pull away and looked down at Amelia.

"Be careful. I mean it." Leo said sternly, then walked away to go after his brothers.

Amelia stood there for a moment, but ran after April and Vern. April looked behind her to see Amelia catching up.

"What the hell were you doing??" April hissed, as they started going up the stairs.

Amelia blushed, "Uh nothing..."

The three made it to the destination and ran through the halls, look in gn through by he glass walls. Then the three spotted Sack's in a room, creating mutagen. As the metal bottle filled with the green ooze, the three walked in, but ducked when Sack's shot at them.

"Seriously, you three... You're adorable, really. I could just pinch your cheeks!" Sack's said, shooting his gun again.

"I understand a girl with dead daddy issues. I do." Sacks started, speaking about April, "But you're not gonna stop me. This is history repeating itself. Your father walked in on me, April, just like you did. It took a few less bullets to take him down, though."

Amelia's eyes widened as did April's, who then muttered, "You killed my father."

"And you Amelia!" Sack shouted, "I saw your brother there under all that Mess. I can remember his pleading eyes look up at me as I held up my gun. Only took a bullet!"

Amelia grew furious and on the counter she ducked under, she picked up a chemical. She stood up and threw the chemical into Sack's eyes. Behind Sack's was Vern. Sack's started shooting his gun, a bullet hitting Vern. Vern knocked Sack's out

Amelia went over to the mutagen, while April went over to Vern.

"Look, just go get some help and take the mutagen with you. Just go. Go!" Vern shouted at the girls.


Whaaaaaaaat just happened....

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