Chapter Nine

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"Listen closely, April." Splinter said, while April and Amelia sat across from him.

"I don't remember a time before living in that laboratory..." Splinter started and as he did, the boys gathered around and sat down as well.

"That fateful night started like any other. Sacks gave us our injections. Your father made sure our vital signs were strong. And you, as always, provided us with a special treat..."

April and Amelia both mentally smiled at the thought from the past.

"After the brothers went to sleep, I heard loud voices. There was the smell of smoke. Alarms sounded. Your father had discovered the truth behind the man he was working for..."

Amelia listened closely as Splinter then said, "He set fire to the lab. His last breath was taken trying to destroy Shredder's plan. I was terrified. But then, you appeared. And ushered us to safety. I never had a voice then, but I thank you now, April." He ended that note with a smile and stroked his goatee he had, but he continued right after, starting with a hum.

"Mmm. We wandered the sewers until I found this place. It was then that the mutagen that was injected into our blood began to change us in miraculous ways. I saw how your father loved you and I knew I had to show that same love to the turtles. I became their father and they became my sons."

Amelia couldn't help but smile at that, the words Splinter said warming her heart. Then Splinter began again.

"Like all children, they were drawn to the distractions of popular culture. And I knew one day they would want to explore the world above. They would be ridiculed. They would need to learn to protect themselves, both mentally and physically..."


"Hey. Does anyone want to play Buck-Buck?"

"Buck one!"

"Buck two!"

"Buck three!"

"Where you going, Raph?"

"Come on. I can't do it by myself. I need all four!"

"You're a Buck short."

"Yeah, that sounds stupid. Like you, Mikey!"

"That's why you're just the hype man, bra. See these moves?"

"Yeah, whatever, man."


Amelia's heart pounded when he then said, "And then I found a way."

Amelia had a good idea as to what he meant and Smiled. Splinter was clever, but she wanted to know just exactly how he taught his sons to fight. Then, just like that, her question was answered.

"First, I would teach myself the ancient art of Ninjutsu. The brothers followed my lead, accelerating at a wondrous rate!" Splinter said, sounding extremely proud in the end, as he should be.


"Wassup, bra?

Want some of this?

I'm like a ghost!

I'm over here, now I'm over here, bra.

Like a shadow!

I'm a flame shadow fire dragon!



"Their gift was also their passion. They lived, breathed and dreamed all things martial arts." Splinter went on, glancing at his sons, making Amelia look at them as well.

She looked at all of them, but her eyes landed on Leo last and she blushed, looking back at Splinter as he continued.

"Then, they were ready..."


"The katana.

Most noble of all the blades.

It is the weapon of a leader."


"Everything they are, and everything that they've become was made possible by the bravery that you displayed on that fateful night April..." Splinter finished the story, looking at April with a smile, but said girl looked confused.

"I was just a little girl..." April said slowly.

Amelia shook her head, April was just more than that. She gripped April's hand gently and smiled at her. April returned the small smile, but looked back at Splinter.

"And you gave us freedom where others would have kept us in cages." Splinter explained.

Amelia jumped when Leo spoke up, forgetting he and the others were even still here.

"Wait a minute, Dad. All these years you told us we were rescued from the fire by a great guardian spirit, the Hogo-sha." Leo said, but it was more of a question that was looking for an answer, rather than a statement.

"That's right. And this is the Hogo-sha." Splinter said, gesturing at April.

All the brothers, well except Ralph, bowed towards April. Amelia smiled and gave April's hand a squeeze, nodding her head in respect.

"What about her?" Ralph then asked, nodding is head towards Amelia, sending a small glare her way.

Amelia looked down at her lap, but Splinter words caught her bead to snap up quickly.

"Ah, Miss Amelia. I do remember your brother..." Splinter said with a small smile

Amelia's heart ached at the mention of her brother. He was so smart, kind, brave, compassionate, he didnt deserve to die so young.

"Your brother worked along side April's father. Correct?" Splinter commented.

Amelia slowly nodded her head, gulping lightly. She remembered spending time with him when she was only 10 years old. They spend there time together in the labs, getting closer as time passed.

"Amelia's brother was a brave man my sons... He also past away from the fire, but I do recall Miss Amelia that as April saved me and the boys, you tried to save him. Didn't you?"

Amelia could feel the tears start to sweep up in her eyes, but she cleared her throat and said, " I-I did..."

Splinter hummed and nodded, while Amelia frowned.

"I remember seeing you..." April started, causing everyone to look at her, "You screamed his name..."

Amelia nodded and stared off into space as she spoke, "He was trapped under something and I couldn't lift it..."

Spliner nodded, "Do you remember what he told you?"

Amelia nodded as one so gle tear ran down her cheek, "He told me 'Your the oldest now, take care of our mom and sister for me.' Then I just remwber blacking out..."

April nodded, "You were pulled out from the debris, alive. I can't even remember how long you stayed in the hospital for..."

Amelia shrugged, not remebering either. She kept replaying the whole scene over and over, remebering that was last time she saw or spoke to her brother. Amelia felt a hand on her shoulder and loomed up to see April, who gave her a small smile, in which she returned.

"You are very brave Amelia. And I have faith that your believes that as well..." Splinter said, a smile on his face.


OK this chapter is longer yay lol

What do you think? How do you feel about Amelia and her brothers past?

Don't worry more will be explained about her and her family, but later in the book. I know its a little confusing now, but it will all be explained in the end!


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