Chapter Twelve

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"Yeah, I've thought about... I've thought about doing, not becoming a ninja, but I was doing a bunch of yoga for like, 10 days at one point, and, uh, I pulled a hamstring." Vern said very awkwardly, to point Amelia actually cringed.

"Vern just please stop talking." Amelia begged.

Vern never got the chance to retaliate because quickly pointed forward and said,

"There's the gate right there. There it is."

Raph leaned forward and growled, "Ram the gate."

Vern looked at him like he was crazy
"...'Ram the gate'? This is Channel 6 property." Vern tried to explain, but Raph could care less and growled again.

"I said ram the gate!"

Vern looked conflicted, but with a sigh he said, "All right, everybody, strap in!"

Vern rammed through the gate, but suddenly bullets hit the van, causing everyone to duck. Amelia let out yelp as bullets pelted against the van. She watched as Raph literally broke through the van, making a good sized whole in the side of it. Soon Raph had taken care of this foot soldier, looking at the others.

"Follow me!" Raph said, opening Vern's door.

Amelia didn't bother to use the doors and just climbed through the whole in the side of the van, following Raph inside the building. A few soldier came towards them, but Raph took care of them.

Soon they were in a large room with scientesr, to which Raph yelled at them to leave. Amelia looked forward and saw Leo, Donnie, and Mikey all in glass cages.

"Leo!" Raph shouted his brothers name, trying to break the glass.

Amelia walked up to Mikey's glass and and loomed around it, trying to figure out how to open. Amelia looked to her side and froze.

"R-Raph..." She stuttered the red masked turtles name.

Raph looked over to see the shredder, in his metal suit and all. He scowld at the medal man, pulling out his sai's.

"Raphael! The fourth cage is for you!" Shredder shouted, running towards Raph.

Amelia back away as the two fought, looking over to see April and Vern run over. She watched as April went over to Donnie's cage, pounding on it to get his attention. Amelia looked at boys, seeing they all were getting weaker by the second. She frowned and panicked, not knowing what to do.

Amelia heard Donnie whispered the word adrenaline. She got the memo and ran over to machine, turning up the adrenaline, a little to much...

She back away as the boys broke free from the restraints, all of them breathing heavily. Amelia glanced at Leo as he looked around the room. Then she covered herself as he and the his brothers broke through the glass, glass flying every where.

Amelia looked up quickly and smiled as the boys ran around, acting insane.

"Oh! I feel really good right now! I feel like running!" Mikey shouted as he ran around.

"I feel like cleaning! Who wants to clean the dojo? I'll clean the dojo!" Leo shouted, as his brothers ran around.

"Endorphins! Endorphins!" Donnie shouted as he put on his equipment.

"We got to get Raph!" Leo then shouted as he and his brother ran over the edge of the balcony, tripping.

Amelia giggled at the scene, but soon she was called over by April and Vern. She ran towards them, knowing he turtles were OK. She followed the two outside, the brothers running outside as well.

"We got to move. Let's go!" Leo said and by now he and his younger brother calmed down from the adrenaline.

"Sacks is airborne!" Raph stated, looming up at the flying helicopter.

"Flight time to Manhattan, 19 minutes!" Donnie facted quickly, trying to figure out to get everyone out of here.

"Get us out of here, Donnie!" Leo shouted at his nerdy brother.

Donnie nodded and used his equipment to help him. He used his goggles and liked a foot soldier. seeing they head weapons in there hands, making him panic.

"Oh, my gosh, they have guns!" Donnie shouted and just as he did that, the Foot Soldiers started shooting at the group.

"Get down!" Leo ordered as he and his brother gather around Amelia, April, and Vern.

Amelia covered her head, but as she glanced up she saw a Foot soldier pointing his gun directly at her. The soldier fired and one bullet grazed Amelia right in the shoulder while the bother hit her thigh head on, making her cry out out in pain. Her whole body slammed against car that was near from the force. She didnt worry to much about her shoulder, but her the bullet wound in her thigh was currently bleeding out.

"Leo Amelia was hit!" Donnie said as the shots died down.

Leo looked Amelia to see what Donnie met. He let out a growl as Amelia placed a hand on her would to try and stop the bleeding. He quickly looked at Vern and pointed at him.

"Can you drive that truck?" He asked sternly.

Vern shook his head quickly, "Yeah!"

Leo nodded and looked at his brothers, "We're on Raph. Ready?"

Raph backed away from the circle, making the first move to attack first. Soon all his brothers joined, each of them taking down a group of Foot soldiers. They took down some of them, but more was going to come. They had to get out of there fast.

"Come on! Everybody in the truck!" Leo ordered, but then he ran over to Amelia.

April tried to help her friend, but Leo put a hand on her shoulder, "April get in the truck, I got her."

April nodded quickly and ran towards the truck. Leo came closer to Amelia and put his arms gently under body, picking Ber up slowly.

"I gottcha..." Leo muttered.

Amelia whimpered in pain, wrapping her arms around Leo's neck. Leo ran to the truck, gently handing Amelia off to Donnie who was already in the back of the truck. Donnie carried her to the back of the truck and set down gently.

"We have to get the bullet out!" Donnie said.

Amelia didn't care at the moment, she was in to much pain. The truck started to move and Donnie started to rip Amelia pants near her wound. The bullet hit her thigh, luckily the outer part. Donnie pulled out a small case, but big enough to hold bandages and tweezers...


Poor Amelia is just big target ain't she? Lol

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