Chapter Two

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Amelia was used to waking up early in the morning, but it didn't mean she liked it, she had a love-hate relationship with it. Her alarm went off early in the morning and the first thing she did was let out an annoyed groan. She sat up in her bed slowly and pressed the snooze button.

She quickly got out of bed, knowing that if she laid back down, she wouldn't wan up anytime soon. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and let out a big yawn, as she walked put of her room to her bathroom. She did her normal routine, which included talking a shower and letting her hair dry.

As her hair air dryed she went to her kitchen and started making her fruit smoothie, that she made pretty much every morning. She loved her fruit juices and green juices. After she made her smoothie, she sat on her couch and messed around on her phone.

She got a few text messages mostly from her family, so of course she replyed right away. Then she three notifications from the dating app, she two matches, and one of them actually messaged her. She ignored the message and just went on with her morning, figuring she could answer any time.

Her morning was slow and boring, not really exciting. She got dressed in her work clothes, did her hair and makeup, then grabbed her smoothie and purse, heading out the door. She normally would walk to work, but since she was a little late, she called a taxi.

The taxi ride was probably only 20 minutes, not that long. She paid the taxi driver and rushed inside the Channel 6 News building. She went over to her cubicle and set her things down, then heard a  voice behind her.

"Hello Miss Jackson."

It was one of her coworkers, McNaughton. He was full of himself and a jerk, so obviously Amelia didnt like him one bit. Amelia sighed and turned around to see McNaughton, a smirk on his face.

"What do you want McNaughton?" She asked, not caring of her tone was unfriendly.

The smirk left his face for a moment, but soon he chuckled and the smirk found its way back on his face.

"Your funny. Anyways, since its Friday, I was wondering if-"

Amelia cut him off right there, "Not gonna happen." Then she turned back around and sat down on her desk chair, signing into her computer.

She felt a pair of hands on her shoulders, making her flinch away. She rolled her eyes in annoyance and rolled back her chair, one of the wheels running over McNaughton's foot. He took away his hands and hissed in pain, glaring at Amelia. As he walked away limping slightly, Amelia smiled and shook her head.

She went back to signing in on her computer, but just as she was about to start working on an article, April suddenly came up.

"Come on. You need to see this." April quickly said and walked away.

Amelia sighed and got up from her chair, following April towards the group of coworkers, possibly talking about what story to use today. Amelia saw Vern and stood next to him, growing when April said she had something important to say.

"Um, I witnessed an attempted Foot Clan robbery at the docks in Brooklyn last night." April started to explain, but McNaughton decided to say,

"Hold on, the scanner said that gunshots were heard, but there were no reports of any Foot Clan activity."

"That's because whatever they were attempting to do was stopped." April said pulling out her folder.

"What were you doing in Brooklyn anyway? Was there a trampoline convention?" McNaughton said laughing lightly. Vern and Amelia gave him a look, while the others laughed.

"I was in Brooklyn because I was reporting, not sitting behind my desk, McNaughton." April snapped back, making Amelia smile widely.

"Okay, kids!" Bernadette said, then looked back at Apri, "Who stopped it?"

Now everyone was really listening as April started to say, "Well, there was this guy. I didn't see him clearly, but he was swinging these giant shipping containers and knocking these guys into the... Into the river. There is a vigilante that is fighting back against the Foot Clan. There's a huge story here!" Amelia gave April frown and shook her bead, warning her to stop.

"O'Neil, I think you found Superman. That's cool." McNaughton then said, making Amelia rolled her eyes.

"Put a sock in it McNaughton." She said, then pushed his chair roughly away, causing him to wheel away.

"The vigilante is real. I saw him." April then said, but not before giving Amelia a thankful look.

"O'Neil, I'm gonna assume that you would not come up here and tell us this fantastic story without some tangible proof." Bernadette" said

I took this photo of one of the shipping containers." April said pulling out a picture and handing it to her boss, "I actually think that it may be his calling card."

"This is nothing, O'Neil. This is nothing!" Bernadette said, gesturing at the picture of graffiti.

"That's exactly the point. Somebody stopped a Foot robbery and left no evidence. There is nothing." April said, making Amelia shake her head.

"Oh, I get it. You wanted me to put 'nothing' on the nightly news." Bernadette huffed.

"Of course not." April quickly said, but Bernadette held up a hand.

"You know, I'm gonna pretend we never had this conversation. I'm erasing it from my mind. And the rest of us, we're gonna go back to work. Let's hit it!" Bernadette said, causing everyone to get to work.

Amelia walked over to April, "Maybe next time-"

April shook her head, "No. I am not giving up on this story." She quickly said and walked back to her cubicle.

Amelia frowned, but she did the same.

"Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Channel 6 Morning News.

New developments in that ongoing sanitation strike to tell you about.

But first, after reviewing the city's soaring crime rates with the police commissioner, Councilman Dan Gregor took to the steps of City Hall, reaffirming the city's commitment to fight against the rising crime organization calling themselves the Foot Clan.

He did so on the heels of a renewed contract with Eric Sacks and Sacks Industries."

"Using the Sacks research and securities technology, this city greatly improves its chances of bringing the Foot Clan to justice!"


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