Chapter Seven

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"Ooh, 11 hours in the Ha'shi. Are you sure none of you want to tell me where you were last night?" The four turtles adopted father said. Splinter walked towards his sons as they each were involved in a difficult task.

"How you holding up, fellas?" Leo asked his brothers, as he tried to keep his whole entire body still.

"Ah! I ain't breaking if Donnie ain't breaking." Raph growled as he balanced on the small tricycle with one foot, as be was also knitting.

"Experiencing intense nausea but not breaking." Donnie replied as he balanced on wobbly board, bouncing a ping pong back and forth.

"Guys? I'm in the zone! There is literally nothing that could break me right now!" Mikey said confidently as he did a hands ta on a chair that spinned slowly, but then a box a pizza was thrown in front of him on a table

"Starting to break." Mikey said, now shaking.

"Of course, you've all tasted the five-cheese pizza. But this, cheesemongers have speculatedof its existence for centuries. Da Vinci's original masterpiece. I submit to you..." Solo her opened the box to reveal a delicious cheesy pizza, "The 99-cheese Pizza!"

"Oh! It's not possible." Mikey said, drooling at the sight of the cheesy golden glory in front of him.

"Mikey, it's a trap! A pizza with that variety of cheese is a culinary impossibility!" Donnie tried explaining, but Mikey rarely paid attention, his focus on the pizza.

"Shall I list the ingredients?" Splinter asked, but really he was going to lost the ingredients anyways.

Mikey shook his head, but Splinter went on, listing the ingredients. Mikey tried to zone out everything his father said, but the more he listened and looked at the pizza, the more he was starting to give.

"Mikey, don't you do it!"

"Keep it together!"

He barely heard what his brothers said, but Splinter named the last ingredient, as well as hold I g a piece of pizza up to his face. So close he could just take a bite...

"All right, all right, all right! We left the lair because the Foot were taking hostages and we kicked some serious butt, and there were these girls named April O'Neil and Amelia Jackskn who took our picture, but we took care of It!" Mikey said in one breath and let out a gasp when be was done.

"Oh, no, my worst fears have been realized." Splinter said with a frown.

"Don't worry about it. Donnie erased the picture! We're not in danger." Leo managed to say as his while body burned and ached from staying in one spot for so long.

"No. It's April O'Neil who is in danger! Find the girl. Bring her here. As well as the other girl. She is now in danger as well..."

"But, sensei, you said to not go..." Donnie said, but Splinter snapped.

"Find the girls!" Splinter shouted.

"Find the girls." Mikey said as he ate the slice of pizza he took from  Splinter.


April just returned home from seeing Sack's. She immediately grabbed her computer and started doing research to find out more info on the subway attack. Just as she clicked on a link, her computer when haywire. Then a voice was heard through the speakers and an a dress was printed on the screen.

"Bam! You've been hacked! By Donatello. Remember me? Turtle. Four eyes." April looked at her xomputer weirdly,"But enough about me. We told you we'd find you. Meet us here. Bring Miss Jackson as well. Or... Or else we're... You both shall be punished and stuff..." Now April really gave her computer a look, but copied down the address on a piece of paper.

She quickly grabbed her phone and dialed Amelia's number.


"Amelia its the turtles..."


Amelia walked down the dark street anxiously, looking to see this was the right address. Just as she turned a corner, she smiled as she saw April. She lightly sprinted towards her.

"April, what's going on?" She asked quickly.

April shrugged, "Only one way to find out..."

The two went over and started to climbs up the fire escape. O GE they were on the roof, they looked around. Amelia looked for any signs of the turtles, but found nothing. Then she heard April speak out.

"Hello? You told us to come here. Wd didn't bring anyone with us. We did exactly..." April said, but a loud thud was beard behind the two causing Them turned around quickly.

"Okay! Are you April O'Neil and Amelia Jackson?" Mikey asked.

The girls stepped back, but to only bump into Donnie, who ran a scan on them.

"Initiating retinal scan. Scanning, scanning, scanning, scanning. Scan complete. It's them. It's them. Guys, it's them!" Donnie said happily.

Amelia and April back away from him, but then felt arms around their shoulders.

"Of course it's them, Donnie." Leo said and looked down at the girls, but his eyes mostly on Amelia, "Hey. Really glad you two could make it. Hey. There's someone important we want to introduce you to,"

April backed away from Leo, as did Amelia, then pillow cases went over ther heads.

"But first..."


What do you think?

Little bit more of the turtles in this chapter 🤣


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