Chapter Fifteen

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April disapproved of Amelia going up to the roof by herself, but Amelia would not let her have a say in the matter. Amelia was already out of the to and running down the halls as fast as she could, ignoring April's shouting. She found the near set elevator, quickly pressing the button.

The elevator ride up only took a few minutes, Amelia rushed to the door that was now on a balcony, but the ladder to the roof was right next to the door. She climbed the ladder as quickly as possible. Once she made it onto the roof, she looked ahead.

Her eyes widened as the four brothers struggled to keep the tower up, while Shredder terrorized them. First he went up to Leo, punchin him in the gut. Amelia huffed and shouted the metal mans name.


Shredder turned around to see Amelia, the canister in hand. Leo looked up and mentally growled. Does she ever listen?! He asked in his head, but ignored as he tried to keep the tower up.

"This is all thats left!" Amelia shouted once more, backing up.

The Shredder grunted and took a massive leap towards April, now standinf in from of her. Amelia took a step back, but then froze in place, because if she took any more steps back she would be falling to her death.

"Little girl. That belongs to me." Shredder said, pulling out his knives.

Amelia looked at him panic, but then heard the tower start to groan. She looked to her side, as did Shredder, watching as the tower started to fall. Her eyes widened and just as she was about to move, Shredder ran towards her. She let out a yelp as she and Shredder were free falling for a split second, until Amelia gripped onto one of the poles of the falling tower.

Amelia let out yelp in pain from her shoulder, as she tried to band on with all her might. She was faced towards Shredder, watching as he took out a knife. Amelia gasped when he threw the knife at the pole she gripped onto, but in fear of gettingfi get her fingers chopped off she let go.


She heard her name being shouted as she started falling. Just when she though this was the end, someone grabbed her wrist. She looked up to see Raph and sobbed in relief.

"I gotcha..." Raph said, keeping a firm hold on her wrist.

Shredder tried make the brothers, including Amelia, to fall. After Shredder was about to throw a knife, Leo threw his katana, the blade stabbing Shredders armor. Then Amelia came up with a stupid plan.

"Swing me towards him!" She shouted.

Raph looked hesitant and waited Foreo to say something. Again, Leo was against the plan, but this was there one chance. He growled as he had a tight grip on Raph ankle.

"Do it!" He shouted.

Raph nodded and started swinging, as did his brother. They all moved at the same time and pace, to point where Amelia raised her foot and kicked Shredder in the face. The knife Shredder held now stabbed him, right in the face. In shock and pain, he let go and started to fall.

Shredder fell to his death, hitting the ground hard. The surface beneath him caved in, created a crater like hole. Soon people gather around him, pulling out there phones or cameras, trying to get pictures and videos of the sight before them.

Amelia was pulled up and gripped onto the tower so tight, her knuckles were white. Then the tower started to actually fall, falling of the ledge of a building it was leaning on.

"I think this is it, guys!" Donnie shouted so the others could hear him.

"Does anyone have anything they want to say?" Leo shouted after, then turned his head to look at his nerdy brother, "Donnie?"

"I'm the one who licks the icing
off the Pop-Tarts every morning
and puts them back in the Box!" Donnie quickly confessed.

"I so did not understand the ending of lost!" Mikey said soon after.

"Raph?" Leo said, looking over to his hot beaded brother.

"I just, uh... If this is our last moment together, I just want you guys to know I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was so hard on you. Every time I pushed you, I... I threatened you, I yelled at you, I pushed you beyond your limits, it was because I believe in you! I believe in each one of you! I believe in your spirit and your intelligence and your potential. And every time I talked about walking away, it was because I was scared! I just didn't think I was good enough to stand next to you and call you brothers and say to you I love you! I love you guys so much!" Raph shouted his speech, his eyes watering.

He got so caught up in the moment, he  didnt realize that they all survived. The tower didnt break into millions of pieces and the other didnt go splat on the ground.

"Raph? We made it..." Donnie said, pulling his brother out of it.

Amelia looked around shock, but soon her eyes started to get teary. They were alive, they were all alive...

Mikey looked over at Raph and smiled, "Are you crying?"

Soon everyone looked at Raph.

"No, ding-dong. It's just a little dusty out here." Raph said, trying to blink away his tears.


Does anyone else find Raph's speech so emotional? It makes my heart melt lol



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