Chapter Four

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Amelia felt her whole entire body leave the surface of the fire escape, her body flying through the air. Before she even knew it, she landed on her feet and fell to the ground. She let out a cry when her ankle in the ground hard, feeling it swell up in pain.

She hissed in pain as her her lashes soaked from by the short tears that left her eyes. She sat up slowly and placed a hand on her swollen ankle, hissing under her own touch. She looked around, pain showing on her face. She first saw April and was thankful she was OK.

April looked back to see Amelia and gasped, standing up quickly, going over to help Amelia stand up slowly. Amelia showed a face of pain as her ankle throbbed and as April helped her to her feet. Amelia leaned on April support, but kept all her weight on her good foot.

"Give me the camera." A very deep and gruff voice said.

Amelia and April both liked over, then Amelia gulped lightly. He was large in muscle, tall, and to make everything better he was green with a shell. Amelia saw he had a red mask on, reminding her of the colors she saw in the subway.

"Ooh, look, he's doing his Batman voice." A new voice said, sounding much more friendly.

Amelia flinched as the weird red masked green person just glared at them, but watched as it rolled it's eyes.

"They're so hot, I can feel my shell tightening." The lighter voice spoke again, his voice strained in the end to prove his point.

Now the red o e seemed irritated and looked back growling, "We can hear you!" Then he turned back to the girls, a threatening look on his face.

"If you don't give me the camera, I'm gonna..."

Amelia started to back from in fear, well she tried to anyways. Then another deep voice spoke, not as deep as the red ones, but it was deep in its own way.

"Enough! Back off, Raph."

April turned around quickly, making Amelia wince when some of her weight went on her ankle. She turned around as best could and looked over to see another on stabding on the edge of the roof. He had a blue mask.

Amelia looked back at the red one slightly to see is hands up in surrender, walking off, but then commented.

"I only saw Batman once!"

Amelia turned back over to look at the blue one again, when hearing him lightly jump off the edge of the building and land on the roof with a thud. Then he started walking closer.

"Ladies, hello. I apologize. My colleague here forgot to say 'please.' So, would you please hand over the camera?"

While April let go of her friend and walked back, Amelia stayed where she was at, mostly because she couldn't move. She looked up at the blue, taking note of how blue he's eyes were. She coward slightly and backed up a little, but bit her tongue when she almost cried out in pain.

April grabbed Amelia's arm again, but mostly to keep her self steady since her head started to feel dizzy. Then a thud was beard behind the girls. April quickly turned around, still holding onto her friends arm, while Amelia only turned her head

OK, another one, great. Just great. Amelia thought. This one had an orange mask on. When April gasped and looked visibly panicked, the orange one held up his hands.

"Whoa. Chill. It's just a mask. See?" He started taking off his mask, "Don't freak out." Then he held up his mask, "Right?"

April fainted and as she hit the floor, Amelia went down with her. The weight from April pulling her down and the pressure on her ankle, she just couldn't keep herself up. She landed on her bottom, but that didn't feel half as bad as her ankle did, her ankle was way worse.

"Oh, I think that went well." Amelia's head snapped up and saw another one, this one wearing a purple mask.

Four. There's four. If a fifth one steps up, I'm gonna end up like April. Amelia thought, but she hissed when she felt immense pain flow through her bad ankle.

"Yo' Don, the blondie's hurt."

Amelia would have snapped at the orange one, she hated the word 'Blondie' it made her more irritated when someone called her that, but she let it slide since all she could feel was pain in her ankle. Amelia looked up quickly when she heard steps coming toward.

The purple one stopped walking, but Amelia nodded her head slowly, giving him the OK. The purple one started walking towards her again, slowly this time. She watched as he bent down and gently picked up her ankle. Amelia yelped slightly, earning an apologetic loom from the purple dude.

"What happened?" He asked as he took off her shoe, thankful Amelia didn't mind.

Amelia felt a little uncomfortable when all eyes were on her, but they didnt care. Amelia cleared her throat and shyly said,

"When the Foot Soldier slammed me on the ground, he stepped on my ankle..."

The purple one nodded and turned to look back at the red one, "Raph give me one of the wraps from your hand."

The red one didnt seem happy, but the blue one nudged his arm, making him growl. He took off one of his wraps and gave it to the purple dude.

"Just put some ice on it, should heal the swelling. There are broken bones, which is good of course. Just stay off your foot for awhile." The purple one explained as he wrapped her ankle up.

Amelia nodded and when he was done, she softly said, "Thank you..."

The purple one looked dumbfounded for a moment, as well as the others, but he quickly nodded and stood up. Amelia put her shoe back on and looked over to see the purple one trying to wake up April.

"Breathing steady. Blood pressure stabilizing." The Purple one said aloud, mostly to himself.

"Why are we still here playing doctor?" The red one growled.

"She may have a head injury." The blue one said, causing Amelia to look at him.

"Uh, correction. She's a hot chick who may have a head injury, which makes it our civic duty to..." The orange started saying, but was ignored and the purple one cut him off.

"Ma'am, ma'am. Can you hear me? Do you know what city you're in? Do you know where you are?" He asked April, snapping his fingers in from of her face.

Amelia crawled over to her friends side and gently grabbed her hand, "April..." She said softly.

Then smiled when her friends eyes started to open slowly.


Hope you liked it!


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