Chapter 1

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"Can anyone tell me what happens if the dog bites a human in its condition?" My teacher asked the class, but to my luck she was staring straight at me with the fakest smile I'll probably ever see.

I sighed and answered in an annoyed tone "The rabies from the dog attaches to the nerve cells and work their way through the nervous system.The person would get hallucinations,seizures, difficulty speaking , extreme sensitivity to bright lights, sounds, or touch, etc.,etc.Then eventually it will get to the brain which by then, is too late to be helped by a doctor."

"Very good Arriza." I gave her a sarcastic smile. "Now class, I hope you listened very carefully the past hour because today." She walked over to her desk and brought out a stack of packets paper from her file cabinet. "You have a Pop Quiz."

I gave her a deadly batman glare but nonetheless she passed the packets to us.

Typical act from a teacher.

Fifteen minutes later, the bell rang.

I stood up, dropped the quiz on her desk and made my way to the door not stopping for anything. School is over, they have no right to keep me here anymore.

I passed the crowd of annoying teenagers and walked towards my house. I wish I could call it my home but truth is, it isn't. There's a big difference.

As I was about to pass a corner I glanced at my right but soon I couldn't beleive my eyes. I stopped turned towards Ms. Perry's house.

The garden was horrible. Stem-less flowers littered the floor along with the leaves of her hedges. Dirt sat on top of her stomped grass and gray cement.

What the hell happened here?

Without thinking twice about it, I walked to the open door. Only to realize something terrible, her door isn't suppose to be red.

It was blood.

Oh hell no!

I said shaking my head and turning to walk away but a noise caught my attention.Adrenaline pumped through my body and I turned around.

Something really bad is happening.

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