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Midoriya couldn't believe of how much disbelief he was in. But no matter how many times he replayed his memories of the past hour he knew it was real.
"Izuku, I know that I'm a problematic person who always swears at and argues with you, but I honestly from the bottom of my fucking core can't picture you with some other shitty person other than me." The explosive boy looked to the side while pouring his feelings out to his childhood friend. Midoriya who through this confession stood in front of him and couldn't help but blush at the others words.

"Kacchan, can you believe before you called me out here, I thought you were going to beat me up? Honestly, I was ready to fight you." The green haired boy chuckled to himself while the other stared at him with wide eyes. "But hearing you say these things makes me sad that I thought that. I'm sorry, Kacchan." He scuttled closer towards the sweating mess in front of him and slowly grabbed the others right hand in his own. Bakugou looked at Midoriya in the eyes full of hope.

"Does that" he paused "mean, you?" He cut himself off, scared of the answer.
"Kacchan, you don't need to tell me how you behave. Or did you forget that we were friends since we were children? I know you have problems, but they can be solved. That's why it's called problems. If you want, I can help you? But only if you want to though, I don't want to force you." He sheepishly looked to the ground at his red shoes.

"Wait, wait, wait, did you understand what I meant after I said that problem part? I'm not saying I need help, nerd. I'm saying that I want you to be mines, despite my problems. I want you...I want you to be my boyfriend." With those words coming out of his mouth both boys went red with embarrassment. Sparking with nervousness, Midoriya let go of his hand gasping at the tiny light show.
"You don't have to answer me now, I just wanted to tell yo-" he didn't get far as Midoriya took back his hands in his and squeezed tightly.

"I didn't miss that part, I just.. didn't want to leave out your problem part. To answer your feelings...I-I also feel the same way..." he peeked a quick glance at the taller boy, but quickly looked down again. "Kacchan, I've always been following behind you. I've always thought you were so cool and strong. Then they slowly started to evolved into stronger feelings. I didn't want to accept it, but since that fight we had, it only became stronger." Both of them stood there for a minute holding the others hands and waited for an answer.

Bakugou couldn't handle it any more. He let go of Midoriya's hand and clasp it under his chin gently. Tilting it up to look at his face and held the others green eyes which collected a few tears.

Midoriya couldn't help the flow of his tears, thinking this were all a cruel prank and waited for the laughter.
"Izuku, this is real. You know I'm a lot of things, but a liar ain't one of 'em." He had soft eyes for the crying mess below him. To reassure him more he lifted his left hand that still held hands to his lips and placed a hurried peck to it. "Do you understand, nerd? I like you, what about you?" He waited patiently for a response. What he got was the soft crying and sobs of the other who only nodded his head in response.

The bell rang for the end of school. They had study hall for the last period since Aizawa sensei was called out for something important. Which made it possible for Bakugou to call Midoriya out to the back of the school and confess. "We should hurry off to the dorms, you can go first, I have something to do. I'll meet you there."
Midoriya wiped his eyes and nodded again. Letting each others hands go he briskly walked back to his class to pick up his bag, meeting his friends on the way. Who seemed worried about him being called out of class all of a sudden by his rival. Asking him questions about what happened only to get a reply of "I'll tell you later"
Now here Midoriya was, smiling like a big, foolish idiot who seemed like he won the lottery. He hoped this wasn't a dream, and not just his silly imagination making this up. Bakugou and him were rivals, but that didn't mean they couldn't like each other. He just didn't expect the explosive boy to feel the same way that he did. Midoriya definitely never had a girlfriend before, more less a boyfriend. "Maybe he meant we should be friends that are boys?" Making a face, "no he definitely said he liked me, and I guess I did too when I nodded to him." He mumbled and turned his body to stuff his face in his pillows.

What am I gonna do? How am I supposed to face him ever again? Do I do anything? How should I act? What happens if we k-k-k-k-kiss each other? What about after?! He thought aggressively to himself and pounded his fist into his sheets. What if he doesn't like the way a kiss him? Or decides he likes girls because of it? I don't know anything!!!!! Internally screaming, Midoriya heard his phone chime to his heroes favorite catch phrase.
*I'm here! *I'm here! *I'm here!
Grabbing his phone he opened his messages to read.
{Iida✋🏃}/ {Uraraka✌♡}
{Iida✋🏃}--Are you guys ready for dinner? Let's go together!
{Uraraka✌♡}--yeah, let me put on a jacket then I'll come down to pick you guys up.
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--crap! I forgot about dinner, good thing I'm on the 2nd floor. Sorry if u guys have to wait 4 me.
{Uraraka✌♡}--no worrries!
Taking off his uniform as fast as he could, Midoriya grabbed his usual 'All M' shirt and a simple pair of black pants. Before he put on his shirt he heard a knock on his door.
"Deku! You ready? Btw when are you going to tell us about Bakugou? We just rode the elevator with him so it reminded me," Midoriya cursed to himself. He momentarily forgot that he lives in the same building as his new boy- he stopped himself. Just thinking about that word made butterflies float in his stomach. Going downstairs means he would have to face him again. He didn't know if he could stand being in the same room as him even if his friends would be there too.

"You know what," Midoriya opened his door slightly to meet his best friends. "I'm suddenly not feeling well, I sort of lost my appetite. You guys go on without me. If I get hungry, I'll go later on tonight. Sorry for wasting your time." Scratching the back of his head he avoided eye contact with the other two.
"Are you alright? Do you need anything for your tummy? Is it diarrhea?" Uraraka worried for her friend. Midoriya blushed.
"No, it's nothing really. I just need some rest. Good thing we don't have school tomorrow. Anyway, you guys go and eat." Exchanging slightly worried looks the two friends bid their farewells and made it towards the elevator.
"Why am I such an idiot?" Closing the door to his room, he decided to take out his homework and work on them to ignore his growing hunger. It wasn't anything hard so he managed to finish it in 15 minutes. Once he put it away in his bag he heard the chiming go off again.
{Kacchan💥💢}--where the fuck are you, Deku? Aren't you going to eat?
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--I lost my appetite, so I'm resting in my room.
{Kacchan💥💢}--liar, you're avoiding me. Come downstairs, dumbass. I'm not going to do anything to you. You have 3 minutes or I'm coming to get you.
With that he sprang up towards the door and took the stairs not risking the time limit. Panting he made it towards the dining area where everyone was eating beef curry and fried gyoza.
"Midoriya, I thought you were sick?" Todoroki asked him in confusion from one of the tables.
"I, uh got it out of my system. False alarm. Heh heh," he stumbled towards the kitchen and started making his fill of food. It smelled great it probably doesn't taste like mom's home cooking though he thought to himself. Looking for his friends he sat down next to them who were conversing with Tsuyu.

"Are you really ok? You don't have to force yourself." Uraraka chided him and stuffed her face with a spoonful of curry.
"Yeah, I just needed a cup of water and a moment to rest. It was nothing," he nervously took a small glance at Bakugou who was on the couch next to Kirishima. They caught each others eyes, which made Midoriya jump a little and the other to smirk in amusement.

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