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The school day went by like a flash, but it was just the same as yesterday. Todoroki and Mineta were still quiet with solemn faces. Midoriya didn't let that phase him at all though. Most of day, he just stared longingly at the back of Bakugou's head while chewing on his pencil. He did get in trouble a few times, which made Iida disappointed, but after the 3rd time he started to actually pay attention. (Kind of). He couldn't help himself, after last nights kiss session, they got interrupted by Kirishima's knocking on the door to go to dinner. Since then, they weren't able to get alone time again. Plus, they had the dinner thing to go to tonight. Midoriya was back at the dorms sitting on the couch with his friends watching cartoons.

"Is something wrong, Midoriya?" Iida pushed his glasses up on his nose.
"Nothing, just thinking about tonight," he sighed again.
"What's happening tonight?" Iida crooked his perfect eyebrow.
"I'm going to Bakugou's house tonight with my mom for dinner. We're gonna tell them about our relationship." Midoriya brought his legs up onto the couch.
"Wow, telling the parents already? How bold!" Kaminari popped up from behind and ruffled Midoriya's hair.
"Yeah, hehehe, nothing too serious, it's only dinner. When are you and Kirishima planning to tell your parents?" Midoriya tried to duck away from his hand.
"We haven't really talked about that stuff yet, we've only just started going out." Kaminari took a seat on the floor next to Sero.

"That's true," Midoriya mumbled.
"Are you worried about them not liking you or something? Because if you are you shouldn't. I bet his parents wouldn't mind having a kinder and gentler son like yo- GAH!" Out of nowhere, Bakugou punched Kaminari on the head with a bit of force.
"What the fuck did you say, spaz brain? You wanna die?" He had on his famous death glare.
"That Midoriya should be natural with your parents, because he's a good boy?" He laughed nervously. Bakugou let him go and sat next to Midoriya after Iida made space for him.
"Are you still worried about it, nerd?" He put an arm around his shoulder.

"Well, not anymore." Midoriya leaned into his warm body.
"Good, we should start getting ready soon." He looked at his phone for the time. "Let's go," both of the boys stood up and made way towards the stairs.
"I bet they already did it." Kaminari giggled once they were out of earshot.
"No way! They don't have that glow to them. But they do look like they're itching to do so!" Uraraka squealed with a high pitch voice making everyone nearby to cover their ears. "I wonder if I can put cameras into their rooms?" She said with a dubious smile.
"Uraraka! That's a violation of their privacy! Don't do something so indecent!" Iida shot up with a flushed face hidden behind square glasses.

"Ohh, don't act all innocent, Iida! I know you wanna see them get it on!" Uraraka teased him and giggled until she got slapped by Tsuyu's tongue.
"Sorry about that, Iida. She's just drunk off of their love, lately all she's written are fanfiction of them both. She hasn't been paying attention to me at all." Tsuyu grabbed Uraraka by the scruff of her collar and pulled her to the elevators.

Midoriya had finally found something decent to wear, and it was exactly the same thing he wore on his first date with Bakugou. He looked himself over in the mirror and began to get embarrassed of his poor taste in fashion. I should get me new clothes for these kinds of things he thought to himself. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door.
"Let's get going, my old hag is nagging me that we aren't there early or some shit. She's always on my fucking case." Opening the door, Midoriya gave Bakugou a soft smile.
"She just cares about you, and respects punctuality," he offered.
"Trust me, when you lived with her as long as I have you understand what I have to deal with," He rolled his eyes.
"Hahahaha, well if she was a bad person my mom wouldn't have been friends with her. From what my memory remembers she's a good person." He smiled up at him.

"Shitty nerd," he blushed. Midoriya tried to lean in for a kiss, but Bakugou seemed to brush him away. "Come on, we should start going, it's late," he grunted.
"Yeah, hehe." He laughed nervously, trying to hide the hurt in his voice. Both of them made their way down stairs and said their goodbyes to the rest of the class who wished them luck. When they hit the corner to wait at the bus stop, they heard a car honk at them.
"Midoriya, Bakugou, my boys! I sure hope you aren't actually going to take the bus to get there are you?" Toshinori called from inside the vehicle.

"All Might!" Midoriya sprang.
"Get in, I don't intend to make your parents wait any longer." He opened the door and they climbed inside.
"Thank you, All Might," Midoriya sat in the middle.
"Thanks," Bakugou grunted.
"No problem, what's the dinner for anyway?" He asked.
"We'll explain when we get there," Midoriya said with a flustered face.
"How is your mother getting there, Midoriya?" Toshinori said in a courteous manner.
"M-my mom? She should be taking the boss," he stuttered.
"I should have dispatched a car over to her place, if I had known," Toshinori worried.
"It's fine, our houses aren't that far away from each other anyway," he assured the lanky man.
"Well, if you say so.." he slumped. "Oh! here we are," he sat up as they pulled in front of the house.
"Thanks, for the lift, old friend," he waved to the driver.

Getting out of the car, they saw that Inko had just reached the house as well and was halfway up the steps.
"Mom!" Midoriya called for her. She turned around and jumped at the sight of three of the boys.
"Oh my! You boys scared me! Did you just get here?" She gave them a soft, warm smile.
"Yes, we did," Toshinori boomed returning the smile and strutted next to her.
"Well, let's get inside. I'm sure, Mitsuki is waiting for us patiently." She took the last steps to the door and knocked three times. Masuru opened the door with a soft smile that reached his eyes which shown his age.

"Hello everyone, glad you could make it. Come on in. Please, make yourself at home." He stepped aside to let everyone in."Mitsuki just finished the food and is plating everything. Bakugou, could you let your mother know the guests are here," He advised.
"OLD HAG!" Bakugou yelled, "WE'RE HERE!" They could hear clanking noises in the hall.
"STOP FUCKING YELLING, SHITTY BRAT!" Mitsuki emerged from the door across the hall with a scowl on her face until she saw her visitors. "Oh, hello everyone," she put a delicate hand on her face. "Sorry, about that. Anyway, dinner is ready so come in the dining room with me." She beckoned them to follow her.

"I was super excited that All Might, I mean Toshinori, Inko, and her son would all come to my house again to have dinner. Take a seat, there's room for everyone." At both heads of the table were the Bakugou parents. One side of the table were the Midoriya's with the other side being Katsuki and Toshinori. "But what really surprised me was that my Shitty brat was the one to call this dinner together." Said mother and son duo glared at each other from their respective seats. "Tell me, Katsuki, why are we all here today?" She questioned. Midoriya's hands were slowly clamping up, but one shy look at his composed boyfriend made him relax.

Bakugou sighed, "I called you all here, to tell you that Izuku and I are going out together," he said with an indifferent tone. It took a while for the parents to register what had been said, but finally Inko was the one to express her feelings first. She started to sob and hug Midoriya to her bosom. He warily pat her back with a flustered smile.
"My son, who has an awful temperament, actually scored such a nice and Kind companion for himself? Honestly Izuku, what do you see in him?" Mitsuki scoffed.
"What did you say, you old hag?" He growled.
"The truth," she stated.

"That may be so," the green haired boy started. "However, Kacchan has other outstanding qualities to him as well." He gently pushed away from Inko. "He passionately puts his all into everything that he does, including cleaning. Kacchan may be stubborn, but he knows when someone needs help and understands what others are going through. The bad qualities of Kacchan are a part of him as well, it's not always the answer, but when it's time to get angry and fired up. Kacchan, does it best ." He blushed and hid his face with his flailing arms. Almost everyone was blushing as well until Toshinori and Mitsuki burst out laughing.

"You're the perfect one!" She took a tear out of her eye.

(I'm sorry if this seemed so rushed! The Story is starting to come to a close soon, so prepare thyself. Next chapter is going to be a filler about Todoroki and Mineta and what happened with the two. Thank you for reading!)

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