Snuggle Town

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Midoriya opened the door to Bakugou grabbing the frame. Midoriya stepped to the side to let him in. Bakugou walked inside and closed the door, then locked it. Midoriya moved towards his mini fridge and brought out water for himself and Bakugou. He sat down on his bed and gulped down his whole bottle. Bakugou was quiet and stared at Midoriya with timid eyes. Both were apprehensive to break the silence and that led to Midoriya to choke up and start to tear up again. Bakugou knelt in front of the boy and dabbed the others eyes with the handkerchief.

"Why are you crying?" Bakugou grabbed Midoriya's left hand.
"I-I-I got k-kissed by someone else," Midoriya stuttered.
"BY WHO?!" Bakugou realised he got angry and cursed to himself. "Sorry," he grit his teeth. "Who?"
"I don't want to tell you, you're going to get angry. I don't want you to start a fight with both of them." Midoriya gulped a lump down his throat.
"Two people kissed you?!" Bakugou shot up. "The bastards who even dared to touch you should be blown off the fucking earth. You're mine!" He tackled Midoriya with a hug making them slump backward onto the bed.

"Kacchan, careful!" Midoriya fussed beneath Bakugou.
"Listen to me, nerd. Whoever touches you and gets away unscathed knowing you're mine, must want to die." He bumped his head against Midoriya's. Midoriya could feel his breath against his face.
"So you aren't mad at me that I got kissed by someone else?" He questioned.
"Did you kiss back?" He growled.
"Did you like the kiss?"
"Do you still like me?"
"I l-love you," he blushed.
"That's all I needed to hear."

Bakugou snaked his arm around Midoriya's head and pulled him into a tender kiss. Midoriya was wide eyed for a moment, then he started to relax into him and began to kiss back. He wrapped his arms around the blonds neck and pulled him closer to his body. Both were battling for some sort of dominance, but Bakugou won and took control of the kiss. They seemed hungry for each others lips and moaned into each other. Soon they separated for air and stared into each others eyes with a deniable hunger.

"First kisses don't mean shit, unless they have a meaning behind it, understand, nerd?" Bakugou placed a hand on Midoriya's face and used his thumb to play with his lips. Midoriya nodded and pulled Bakugou to him, and he nestled his face into his neck. "I'm sorry, that I kissed you. Even though we said we would only hold hands." Bakugou layed on his side, pulling Midoriya with him.
"It's ok...I really needed you to do it. I felt so bad, knowing someone besides you kissed me...besides, I didn't really hate it. I want to or would like to kiss you again. Only if you want to." Midoriya buried his head further in.

"Hmmm? You want to kiss again?" Bakugou raised his eyes and placed a hand under the small of Midoriya's back, making the smaller boy to shiver at the touch.
"I mean, not now, we should probably get going down to eat dinner," Midoriya panicked.
"I told the others not to wait for us." Bakugou smirked at Midoriya's reaction.
"What?!" He shot up from his spot. "Kacchan, whoa!" He got pulled back into Bakugou's arms again.
"Do you even want to go downstairs and eat dinner with them? You've been crying this whole time, your eyes are are your lips." Bakugou looked smug to himself.

"Who's fault was that?" Midoriya pouted and blushed. He squeezed Bakugo and relaxed inside his arms. "I do want you to stay here with me..." Midoriya said close to a whisper.
"Hmmm? Till after dinners over?" Bakugou questioned. 

"No...the whole night," Midoriya whispered.
"The whole night? You sure about that, Deku?" Bakugou probed.   
"Only to stay by my side, I don't want to be alone by myself after what just happened," Midoriya voiced.
"Will you ever tell me who were the ones to kiss you?" he asked.
" least not for now, I don't want to cause trouble or seek it. I'm just glad that you're okay with me for what happened and that you still want to go out with me." Midorya propped his head up to look up at Bakugou.

"Those fucking bastards are lucky my nerdy boyfriend knows mercy." Bakugou leered.
"Mercy is a great attribute, Kacchan. You should learn it." Midoriya started to get up and move towards his drawers.
"What are you doing?" Kacchan got up as well and looked over in his direction.
"Changing my clothes. I feel filthy in these. Give me a minute." Midoriya opened his bathroom door and hastily closed it. Leaning against the frame he calmed his breathing and heart rate.

We kissed!! Oh my gosh! I told him I wanted to do it again! What the heck! But, Midoriya touched his lips and screamed internally. Squatting towards the ground he hid his face that was blushing furiously. I'm glad that he still likes me....that am I supposed to face him now? Midoriya shook his head of thinking about it and started to get undressed to put on his new fresh of clothes. Before he opened his door he dumped his clothes into a basket under his sink.

Looking into the room, he saw that Bakugou was playing with one of his All Might figurines. "What are you doing?" He chuckled. Bakugou hastily tried to put it away, but in doing so he knocked over a few figurines that were on display. He cussed to himself and tried to pick them up. Midoriya laughed with mirth in his eyes and helped him.
"Sorry about that, I just wanted to see." Bakugou fretted.
"Hehehe it's ok, no harm done. They're sturdy, being as they're All Might," He assured.

"Speaking of All Might, do you think he'll come to the dinner thing at my house when we tell our parents about us?" Bakugou asked.
"Huh? Why do you ask?" Midoriya sat down on his bed.
"You haven't noticed?" He lifted an eyebrow.
"Notice what??" He dragged.
"Your mom and All Might? Look like they could become a thing?"
"What are you talking about? They don't like each other." He said with skepticism in his voice.
"But they could like each other, they just need a good push. I mean think about it, All Might can finally take a break and settle down." He sat down next to Midoriya.

"But, why my mom?" He blurted out.
"Because All Might himself said she was a fine woman, which is true. You're mom is kickass." Bakugou nodded.
"Thanks for saying so, but I don't know if I can handle my mom and All Might going out. That's really weird," he felt dizzy thinking about it.
"But what about All Might? He deserves a good relationship. Let's invite him over, if he says no then he says no. If he goes and they don't spark then they don't spark. Fucking simple," he concluded.
"Hmmm, I guess?" Midoriya made a face of doubt.

"Okay, let's stop thinking about that and just lay down." Bakugou comfortably scooted back and layed down onto the bed on his side with a hand propping his head up. "Well? Aren't you gonna join me? You were the one who wanted me to stay, nerd," Bakugou smirked.
"Let me prepare myself first." He panicked. Bakugou rolled his eyes and grabbed him by the hand, pulling him into the bed beside him. "Kacchan! I'm not ready yet!" Midoriya yelped.

"Shut up, we're just gonna snuggle with each other. Jeeze, you act as if we're gonna do something else," Bakugou grumbled. Midoriya closed his eyes as he was face to face to Bakugou. He could feel the breath of his nose on his. He tried to put his arm around Bakugou but felt hesitant. Bakugou slipped an arm around his waist and pulled him closer, making Midoriya put his hands on the Bakugou's chest instinctively. "What are you afraid of? Just put your arm around me...and open your eyes, fuck," He growled.

Midoriya peeped his eyes open to look into amber, cool eyes. He blushed and shuddered at his harsh stare.
"Kacchan, stop looking at me like that!" He put his hands in front of the others eyes.
"What are you doing? I wasn't even doing anything, Deku," He hissed.
"But Kacchan, your eyes are too intense for me. I can't look into them for long periods of time so close to mine," He stuttered.
"Would you rather you turn your back towards me?" Bakugou suggested.
"That doesn't sound too bad," Midoriya nodded, like Bakugou could see him.
"Are you sure about that?" Bakugou smirked.

He leaned closer, still with Midoriya's hands on his face."While you turn your back to me, you realize that we'll be pressed up to each other." Their nose touched and he teased in a low, deep, voice. "You're ass will be pressed against my-"
"OKAY! I'm fine like this, really." Midoriya interjected by putting his hand on Bakugou's mouth. "Kacchan, stop being mean. My heart can't take too much right now. Ugh!" He pulled his hands back and wiped it on his sheets. "Did you really just lick my hand?! Gross," he shrieked. Bakugou snickered and pulled Midoriya in by the waist.

"Shut up and hug me too, shitty nerd," He grinned.

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