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The week went by like a flash. Everyone in 1-A was excited for the hiking date they invited themselves on. The rest of the teachers found out about it, and encouraged the class to be safe. Bakugou didn't seem too thrilled that he would have to spend his hiking date with others. Midoriya on the other hand was pleased that he wouldn't be alone.

Bakugou was alone in his room, hair still damp from his recent shower after dinner. He was filling his shoulder bag for the days hike tomorrow. He threw in a clean towel along with a poncho, and a spare water bottle he would fill in the morning. After zipping it up he hung it on the door hook and sat on his bed. Grabbing his phone he saw that he had a message.
{Hair for Brains 👿💪}
{Hair for Brains👿💪}- I think I'm gonna tell him on the hike tomorrow.
{King Kacchan 👑💀}- then do it
{Hair for Brains 👿💪}- but what if he rejects me?
{King Kacchan 👑💀}- what if he doesn't?
{Hair for Brains 👿💪}- I don't think I can do it anymore, I'm fine as friends.
{King Kacchan 👑💀}- don't be such a scaredy cat. What happens when someone else snatches him up? You're forced to watch from the sidelines as someone else kisses him. Just do it.
{Hair for Brains 👿💪}- Why do you always have to win?
{King Kacchan 👑💀}- cause I'm always right. going to bed.
{Hair for Brains 👿💪}- ok, night...
Laying down on his bed, he went through his phone. His wallpaper was that of the picture Midoriya sent to him when they were at the restaurant. His lips turned up at the face he made in the picture. He wasn't at all looking at the camera, rather his amber eyes were on the back of Midoriya's small, green head. Putting his phone on his nightstand he fell into a fast, deep, slumber. As soon as he was unconscious his mind started to drift off.

Midoriya sat alone in the classroom looking out of the windows. Suddenly with a bang the doors opened revealing Shinsou on the left and Todoroki on the right with stern looks. Midoriya looked at the visitors and made a soft smile. The two boys entered the room and made their way to the smaller boy. "What took you guys so long?" Midoriya questioned.
"We're sorry, we had to deal with the garbage outside," Shinsou placed a hand on Midoriya's cheek.
"Oh, you mean Bakugou? I'm glad you guys got rid of him for me. Honestly, it's disgusting how he thought I would actually go out with him out of my free will. The poor fool never thought it was revenge," He scoffed.

Todoroki pulled him out of his chair into his arms and roughly crashed their lips with each other. At this Bakugou began to whimper, he couldn't say anything or do anything. The only thing he could do was watch and agonize about the scene before him. After a couple of minutes, Shinsou pulled the smaller boy by the waist and did the same.
"I love you, Midoriya," both Todoroki and Shinsou said at the same time with Midoriya panting on his chest. Bakugou was in pain seeing this happen, he couldn't even scream or kill the bastard's that dared to touch what was finally his. What made it even more unbearable was the reply the green head boy gave.

"I love you too-" with an alarming jolt, Bakugou bolted up from his bed in a cold sweat. Clutching at his head he gazed around his room. Grabbing his phone he read the time 5:48.

"Fuck me," Bakugou muttered.

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