Hiking Escapade Pt.1

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Many pictures were taken once the bus ride was over and stopped at their destination. No one wanted to disturb the two sleeping boys snuggled up to one another. After 10 minutes they agreed no one would tell them about it and decided to wake them up. Bakugou woke up with a scowl. Midoriya was once again up from a good sleep.

Once everyone thanked the bus driver and got out they started stretching with simple warm ups.
"Ok, to make sure everyone is going to be safe we're gonna have 5 groups of 4 with one less." Iida conducted from the sidelines. The group is as follows:
Aoyama, Jirou, Satou, and Kouda.
Tsuyu, Uraraka, Kaminari, and Kirishima.
Bakugou, Midoriya, Ashido, and Sero.
Shouji, Tokoyami, Hagakure, and Ojirou.
the last group was Iida, Todoroki, and Yaoyorozu.

"Make sure you stick to the path and be wary of your surroundings. Hydrate and take as many rest stops as you need if you feel drowsy. Don't do anything reckless, like fighting or daring of any kind. Also, if you need anything like bug spray or sun screen come here to get some from Yaoyorozu," Iida went crazy with his robot movements.

Kirishima was thankful that Uraraka came to his aid when he told her that he would finally confess to Kaminari. They planned that on the way, they would somehow split up so he can confess, while Uraraka would take Tsuyu alone to get some alone time. He was feeling nervous, but every time he looked at Kaminari's face he felt reassured and knew he had to do it today. Since Bakugou and Midoriya started going out, Kaminari has been jokingly saying how nice it must be to be in a relationship.

Kirishima and Kaminari were already so close that they even stay over in each others room. Of course, they hadn't said anything, no one would question two bro's falling asleep in each others room while playing games or watching movies. Regardless, today no matter what, Kirishima was going to make it official.

"You guys ready?" Tsuyu said at the front of the group.
"Yeah, let's go! I'm pumped to see what's at the top. I've heard there's a swing and a nice view!" Kaminari excitedly put up his arms which Kirishima thought was cute.
"That seems aesthetic af, let's journey on, fellow bethren!" Uraraka shouted pointing towards the path.
"I hope we get to see some frogs, my siblings told me to get some photos for them *kero kero*" Tsuyu looked around the area.
"We can find them together, let's go!" Uraraka grinned ear to ear.

The groups went on separate paths that would all lead to the top. Some seemed keen on winning to get there first, but Kirishima wasn't at all interested in it. Kaminari was at least three steps ahead of him, but he couldn't get the nerve to get closer. Instead, he observed the way he walked. Kirishima always liked the way Kaminari tried to take long strides even though he was shorter than him. His muscles were pretty well-built, and knew his body would feel right with his. Many times they have hugged, only in the names of bro's of course. Kirishima had a chance to change that title, yet, he felt afraid. Afraid, that he would reject him, but mostly, afraid that Kaminari would break their friendship up entirely.

He. Did. Not. Want. That.

Kirishima hated this side of himself. He hated the coward that hid inside his rock body. Why am I like this? Kirishima thought to himself with a grim face.

"Kirishima?" Kaminari startled his thoughts bringing him back to reality. "You alright, bro?" Kirishima hadn't noticed that he was straying from the group and was out of ear shot distance from Uraraka and Tsuyu. Kaminari lagged behind and met the distance halfway to Kirishima.
"I'm fine Kaminari, I was just caught up in my mind." Kirishima wearily smiled. Kaminari looked skeptical at him.

"Wanna talk about it?" His voice filled with a small tad of worry.
"I-I-I I'm frustrated at how I'm such a coward. Even though I'm supposed to be a hero, I have still yet to overcome that fear. Even now, I'm faltering and can't bring myself to do what I want." He crouched on his legs and put his head between his arms and knees. Kaminari squatted next to him and put a warm hand on his head, ruining his spiky hair.

"Everyone gets scared, even the pro's. They just have more practice than we do, but I'm sure they ask themselves why they save people in the first place. It might be the simple, 'I wanted to save them' or 'for money' or 'personal reasons'. You just have to find that reason, once you do you can be capable of anything." He pat his head softly, running his hands through his silky strands.
"It might take a while, but there's no shame in that. You just know that you want to do it, but can't find the reason yet." Kaminari shrugged.

"You are going to be a great hero, Kirishima. Once you find that reason I want you to tell me what it is, in return I'll do the same, deal?" Kaminari wagered. Slowly Kirishima lifted his head, and stared into Kaminari's sharp, electric eyes. Kirishima stared for 30 Seconds and closed his eyes taking a deep breath.

"Kaminari, I have something to tell you." He opened his eyes and rose to his full height bringing Kaminari with him. He locked eyes with him it's now or never!

"Kaminari, for a while now, I actually started to...develop feelings for you. I realised that you are special to me. You're always on my mind and I can't get your goofy smile out of my head. I want you to think of me as something more than... a friend.. do you..do you want to go out with me? Please..." Kirishima, whispered the please and closed his eyes tight awaiting his reply. The way things were going, he would cry no matter the response.

It was a good 2 minutes, before he finally opened his eyes and thought Kaminari had fled until he heard sobbing beneath him. On the ground was now Kaminari head between his knees, hands wrapped around his legs. Kirishima felt confused if this meant no, and started to tear up thinking about it.
"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry. I knew I shouldn't have said anything. Please forget everything I said. I always make things worse. I-I-I'm gonna leave you alone now. I'm sorry," His voice broke. He tried to turn around, but felt a strong grasp on his wrist where Kaminari was holding him in place.

"Don't be sorry, I was just in disbelief at your words. I also have..feelings for you. I didn't think you would ask me out all of a sudden," he smiled through some of his tears. "I kept asking myself...if I was fine with just being your friend. I beat myself over it, and worried if you would find out from the sleep overs. I really am pathetic, to think you confessed first right after I consoled you on being brave." Kaminari squeezed his hand around Kirishima's wrist.

"You aren't pathetic! In fact, the time I fell in love with you was when you saved me and Bakugou from that weird potato guy!" He blushed furiously, matching his hair. "I thought you were so cool, and brave. Then every time you would hang out, it just grew bigger and bigger until I wanted you by my side more." Looking into Kaminari eyes he could see a twinkle.

"I think you're cool too!" Kaminari sprung up, surprising the other. "You work hard everyday, and you are so kind to everyone. I love when you cry when others cry, and when you always want to help." He released his wrist and grabbed his hands with his own. "Also, to answer your question..I would love to go out with you, if you would have me?" He tilted his head.

"Of course, dummy." He smiled and bumped his head against Kaminari's.
"We should catch up with Uraraka and Tsuyu. They might be wondering where we are, let's go."

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