How Scandalous

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Waking up to sunlight on his face, Bakugou yawned into his hands and sat up making his blanket fall off his chest. Slinging his feet off the bed he sprang up and opened up his closet. Rummaging through his drawers he picked out a black tank top with gray joggers and black socks. After putting on his clothes he turned on the bathroom light and began brushing his teeth. The small bathroom only held a toilet and sink, since the showers and baths were downstairs in the lobby.

It would've been more convenient if we had our own tubs. Fucking cheapskates he thought to himself and rinsed out his mouth. Feeling refreshed he turned off the light. Grabbing his running shoes, ipod, and ear buds he left his room and took the elevator down to the 1st floor. Hearing the ding he got out and went towards the kithen.

The only ones who got up this early on the weekends besides him were Ojiro, Tokoyami, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu, Iida and Shouji. They all seemed preoccupied with eating breakfast, stretching, or reading a book.
"Morning," called Tsuyu and Iida.
"Mmm" he grunted and opened the fridge to pour himself a cold cup of water. Gulping it down, he turned towards the t.v. that was tuned on the news. Nothing seemed interesting so he washed his cup in the sink and headed out the doors after putting on his shoes. Putting in his ear buds he picked a random playlist and began running towards the track. The first 3 rounds he didn't break a sweat. Usually he would go for 10, but today he stopped with 7.

At the end of his jog, he hurried back to the dorms so he could take a quick shower and eat his breakfast. Once he got back, his classmates started to crowd in the common rooms eating cereal and watching morning cartoons. Taking the flight of stairs he reached his floor and got to his room. After swiping a clean pair of day clothes and his shower utilities he decided to take the elevator this time. Hearing the ding the doors opened up to Sero and Satou who still seemed half awake.
"Morn'" yawned Sero, Once again Bakugou Grunted.

After picking up Jirou, the doors stopped on the 2nd floor revealing a sleepy, freckled, green haired boy. Midoriya became wide eyed once he saw Bakugou in front of him. Who still wore his tank top that showed his rippling muscles. Blushing, he looked away and headed inside saying his greetings to the others.
"Good morning, Kachan," he squeaked out.
"Morning," the other grunted and smirked at the others obvious blush.
It wasn't that Midoriya was thinking about his glistening body. It was the odor that got him riled up. With Bakugou so close he could smell the sweat and body odor he had worked on this morning. It didn't stink or deter him, if anything it made him squirm and light headed at how good it smelt to him. Finally the doors opened, letting out the bunch and closed before a shivering boy.
Bakugou pleased with himself, went straight towards the bathroom and took a cold shower.

Midoriya shook off Bakugou's scent and made it to the kitchen where he poured himself some cereal. Taking a seat next to Tsuyu he began munching away.
"You should really learn how to cook, Midoriya," she croaked out. "It'll be healthier for your body, plus it tastes better," He munched in response.
"But I guess not, since you can't even tie your own tie for school. If you want I could cook for you too?"
"Thanks Tsu, but I don't wanna bother you. Cereal is more convenient anyway," he took a spoonful in.
"It's not a bother really, I used to make food all the time when I was at home. Besides I already make for Kaminari, Ashido, and Hagakure. One more won't hurt me, " she smiled.
"Well if you don't really mind then I don't have any reason to object to it. Thank you, Tsu," hearing a few happy croaks, he finished his cereal and washed his dishes.

Putting his dishes away he felt a hand on his right shoulder. Looking at the owner of the hand he smiled.
"What's up Todoroki?" He turned around.
"What happened yesterday with Bakugou? I texted Uraraka and Iida about it, but they said you didn't tell them anything. Is he bullying you again? You can tell me what's going on. I usually wouldn't be worried for someone else, but if it's you." He squeezed his arm around the others shoulder. Midoriya glanced around the room. It was filled with pretty much everyone from 1-a he didn't want people to know yet until he was ready.
"Um, no it's not like that. He's not bullying me, we just had a talk about something. I'm not ready to talk about it, but I swear I'll tell you and the others when I am. Anyway, I'm gonna go back to my room. See you at lunch." He pried away from Todoroki's hand and left him in silence. Taking the stairs he reached his floor quicker and turned the corner. Opening his door he saw his phone lit up with messages.
{Iida✋🏃}--Todoroki kun just asked me if I knew about what happened with you and Bakugou, Midoriya. I just told him we didn't get any information. Are you gonna tell us what happened? We're your friends, after all. Whatevers bothering you we have your back.
{Uraraka✌♡}--yeah, spill the beans, killer machine! I ain't taking no for a answer. We won't tell anyone unless we have your permission.
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--I just talked to Todoroki downstairs at breakfast. I didn't say anything though... It's not a problem, I mean not really it's just what it is and it happened all of a sudden...
{Uraraka✌♡}--did he tell u he has a sickness and he's about to die?! 😨😱
{Iida✋🏃}--if he needs medical attention, money is no issue for me. My family knows the best doctors in the country.
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--Wut?! No! He's not dying!!
{Uraraka✌}--oh 😅😋
{Urarka✌♡}--then what is he?
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--he called me out to the back of the school to um, you know, he and I. YOU KNOW!
{Uraraka✌♡}--Deku, if u don't start spilling I'm coming there right now.
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--HE ASKED ME OUT!! 😥😥
{Uraraka✌♡}--he did what now?! And what did u say? Biiiiiii--
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--I accepted. I guess we're a thing now..?
{Iida✋🏃}--I totally was not expecting that. Honestly, I thought he was going to beat you up...sorry.
{Uraraka✌♡}--same, tbh 😂😅
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--same, I told him the same thing lol but it was actually a confession. I was surprised, but I'm relieved that he said it. Although I've never been in a relationship b4. I've been dying inside since then.
{Uraraka✌♡}--I bet, now I know why you tried to skip dinner u sly fox 😉 OMG I can't wait till everyone knows. Fangirling is coming...prepare thyself..
{Iida✋🏃}--I support you, just don't do anything I wouldn't do. Which is a lot of doing nothing. I got my eyes on you both.
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--I just told u I've never been in a relationship b4. What makes u think I would do what u and Uraraka are both thinking right now? U guys r so nasty.
{Uraraka✌♡}--LMFAO 😂😂😂👉👌
{Iida✋🏃}--Uraraka! 😲😫
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--I'm done, I can't even with u right now 😐😑😧 see u guys at lunch or dinner.
{Uraraka✌♡}--I was just kidding....or was I? The world shall never know! I'm gonna go do my laundry. Btw we can discuss relationship advice later. Heheheheheheheheheheheheheh
{Iida✋🏃}--I'm questioning my life. See you guys later.
Sighing on his bed he placed his phone on his dresser and looked up at his ceiling. He was trying to make his mind go blank, but Uraraka's words kept coming back into his head. What if we do the do? I'm probably going to be the bottom aren't I? I can't see Kacchan like that..." With those in his mind a familiar, mischievous smirk started to fill his head. Bakugou with his hand wrapped in a fistful of green, curly hair. While Midoriya's head was buried in his lap. Panting, Bakugou squeezed his hair a little harder at the point of it being pain and plessure.

Midoriya enthralled by this image shook his head and buried his face in his sheets.

"What am I thinking?! Kacchan would never look like that. He, he, he wouldn't even make those sounds. Oh my god, I can't even believe I thought of that! What is wrong with me?!"
He grabbed a pillow and held it tight to his chest. This went on for a while until he heard a knock on his door.
"Who is it?" He threw his pillow across the room in a hurry.
"It's me Todoroki," he calmly stated.
Opening the door, Todoroki took a step back.
"What's wrong?" Midoriya asked.
"Do you want to go shopping with me? I need a new pair of shoes and I thought we could go together." Todoroki said without blinking.
"Why me?" Midoriya scratched the back of his head nervously.
"I thought you might appreciate a day out of the dorm. You seemed down, so I wanted to take you out. I'll buy you coffee," hope in his eyes. Midoriya pondered it for a second. Seeing no downsides he grabbed his phone, wallet and shoes.
"I'll take you up on that offer."

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