Just a Tease

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The clock woke the two cuddling, sleeping boys out of bed. They forgot that they had school for the rest of the week. Bakugou, had to leave to go to his room so he gave a sweet kiss on the top of Midoriya's head before leaving. Midoriya hastily got ready for the day and made his way downstairs. Saying his greetings he saw that Todoroki nor Mineta was nowhere to be seen. Sighing in relief, he sat down next to Uraraka, Tsuyu, and Iida.
"Midoriya, what happened last night? Bakugou told us you guys weren't coming down to dinner and just disappeared. Did you guys do anything? Huh? Huh?" Uraraka wiggled her eyebrows.

"We didn't do anything, just went straight to sleep," He blushed.
"Uh huh, sure, and I didn't just make out with Tsuyu in her room while she did her homework," she teased. "Which by the way I totally did." Tsuyu croaked and blushed sheepishly.
"We might have k-kissed once, but only once! Then we went straight to sleep," Midoriya blurted.
"Remember what I said, Midoriya," Iida chided as he ate breakfast.
"I remember, I remember. Don't worry about me...anyway, do you guys know what happened to Todoroki?"

"Todoroki?" Yaoyorozu interjected. "He came in here really early and left for the school around 6:50," she said.
"6:30!? School doesn't even start till 8:15!" Uraraka screamed.
"Yeah, he had a grim face and just left," Yaoyorozu worried. "I hope he's okay," she blushed.
"I'm sure he's o-okay, heh heh," Midoriya began to sweat on the spot.
"Who's okay?" Bakugou boomed from behind.
"Oh-" Midoriya cupped at Uraraka's mouth.
"No one! don't worry about it, Kacchan." Midoriya laughed nervously.
"Mmm, whatever. What do you want to eat, nerd?" He yawned.
"For breakfast, I'm making your food, remember?" Bakugou put on an apron.
"Oh, yeah, um, whatever you feel like making I guess? Surprise me?" Midoriya shrugged.

Bakugou went straight to the fridge and began his work. Everyone in the room was 'ohhing' and 'awwing' at his culinary skills.
"Can I get some of your food, bro?" Kaminari and Kirishima drooled.
"Fuck no, make your own shit," Bakugou scowled.
"Awwww! But it looks so good!" They whined.
"Too fucking bad. Midoriya is lucky that I'm his boyfriend." He shot a glance at the flustered boy. After a few more minutes Bakugou finished. "It's done," he plated the food and placed it in front of Midoriya. "Don't fucking complain if it's not to your taste, I put love into my work I hope you know," Bakugou growled.

"Thank you, Kacchan. I'm sure to like it as you made it just for me," Midoriya smiled up at him. He began to dig in while everyone eyed the food down with jealousy. "It's tasty, Kacchan! It's almost as good as my mom's, hehehe," he giggled.
"Whatever, nerd," he grunted. Once Midoriya was finished with his food and cleaned up after himself, they all made way towards the school.

Today was as normal as any other day, aside from the weird vibes Mineta and Todoroki gave off. No one could get a word out of them, Todoroki was normally antisocial, but from Mineta it's just weird. He didn't even make one disgusting snide comment to any of the girls, much less look at them. The class were thankful, but were scared that maybe he got hit by a quark or just had hit his head on something. They were scared to find out so they just ignored him, happy for the peace and quiet.

After school, Midoriya and Bakugou were inside Bakugou's room this time. They were finishing up some essays for homework about how a villain might think in the heat of battle and why they do what they do. The project was called 'To Be Inside A Villain's Head'.

"It's kind of weird to think of what a villain could be dealing with," Midoriya called from the table on the ground. Bakugou was at his desk with his back turned to him. "They might have problems of their own kind, and just need the money to support others or themself. If you think about it, it's not that different from a hero, just in a different light," Midoriya mumbled.

"I mean you're not wrong," Bakugou remarked. "But they chose the life and path they took, the fact remains that they're still villains who plan on doing harm to someone in some sort of shitty way. Even if they dont hurt someone physically, the money or merchandise they steal causes that business to suffer. The buildings they destroy causes damages and collateral."

"True," Midoriya sighed. "Did you tell your parents about the dinner tomorrow?"
"Yeah, they said they'll love to have you guys over. Did you tell All Might?" Bakugou questioned.
"Not..yet," he murmured.
"Why not?"
"I can't just suddenly ask him to come to a random dinner," Midoriya stammered.
"Just fucking do it, or I'll do it for you. I know you have his phone number." Bakugou got up from his chair and sat down next to him.
"No, I'll do it!" Midoriya brought out his phone and found All Might's number.
{All Might🌻💪}
{Midoriya🎒🐑}-All Might?
{All Might🌻💪}- yes, Midoriya my boy?
{Midoriya🎒🐑}-I was wondering if you were free tomorrow after school at 5:00?
{All Might🌻💪}-actually, yes, I am free tomorrow. I'm always free! Why?
{Midoriya🎒🐑}- there's a dinner party at Bakugou's house tomorrow and my mom and I are going as well. Would you like to come? I mean you don't have to go if you don't want to, it's up to you.
{All Might🌻💪}-I would love to come! I usually don't get to do much at home by myself anyway. Do I need to bring anything?
{Midoriya🎒🐑}-just bring yourself!
{All Might🌻💪}-okay then, I can't wait.

Midoriya put his phone on the table with shaking fingers. "He's actually going!" Midoriya put his face in his hands. Bakugou smirked and pulled him into his lap. Midoriya yelped as Bakugou layed his head on his shoulder. "Kacchan, your breath is tickling my ear! Hahahahehehe," He giggled and shivered.
"Deal with it, Deku," he spoke into the others ear with a low voice. He then put his arms around his flustered boyfriend. "You know, I couldn't really stop thinking about the kiss from last night." Midoriya couldn't handle his voice and it shown on his ears which were red and warm. Bakugou smirked and decided to tease a bit more.

"I missed the way you tasted and how soft your lips felt against mines," he groaned against Midoriya's ear. Midoriya was aware of how aroused he had become by the others words and the tingling sensations that were so close to his ear. He shivered by what Bakugou could do to him by doing simple actions. "What about you, Mi-do-ri-ya?" He dragged out each syllable in his name that made the green haired boy quiver. Finally, he spun his upper body around and dragged Bakugou into a passionate kiss with his arm behind his head.

Bakugou grabbed at Midoriya's waist. Midoriya in turn got up from his position and turned his whole body to sit and curl his legs around Bakugou's waist. This kiss was a deep heated one. Midoriya could feel the soft skin of Bakugou's face and his silky, disheveled hair. Bakugou dug his nails slightly into the others sides making Midoriya groan. The blonde prodded his tongue against his lips, and Midoriya opened his mouth to let him in. Bakugou's tongue were slick against his and they exchanged spit with each other. Finally, they parted away from one another panting hard. Both took shaking breaths and Midoriya could swear he heard and felt the others heartbeat with his chest pressed up against him.

Bakugou licked his lips and looked pleased with how puffy Midoriya's lips looked in the setting light of the room. "You look fucking cute right now," Bakugou smirked. Midoriya had flushed cheeks, his hair seemed impossibly messier than before, and his eyes were blank and full of lust.

"Kacchan..one more time...please?" Midoriya panted. Bakugou grinned smugly and tugged the others shirt closer to him.

(AN: OMG! thank you to everyone who are still reading my story!        (*/ω\*) I can't believe we made it to 1k! I'm so thankful and feel so blessed that you would take the time to read what I wrote. My heart could explode! (ू• ౪•ू ) Please bear with me a little longer. After this story, I plan to make many more. So if you finish this, look forward to those. Again, I would love to thank everyone *bows*) (✿ ◜◒◝ )

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