Shopping Surprise

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The two boys stood in the coffee shop, contemplating what they should get. After a while Todoroki turned to Midoriya. "What do you want?" He turned towards Midoriya.
"I'm not much of a coffee person, so I'll get a lemonade, please." The boy admitted.
"Same, I come here for their tea." After ordering, Todoroki and Midoriya sat down at a table close to the window. Soaking the early sun they sat in silence until their names were called.
"Thanks for the drink, Todoroki. By the way, about what you were asking earlier..." He took a sip of his drink. "About Bakugou and I...He asked me out.. To be his boyfriend..." at that moment Todoroki was in the middle of drinking his tea. At those words he sputtered out some of his drink unto Midoriya's face. Putting his drink down, he panicked and stood over the table. Trying to apologize and wipe some away, both of their drinks flew onto Midoriya's clothes. In a daze, Midoriya flapped his mouth opened like a fish. Apologizing to the other people around them, they quickly cleaned their mess and left the store. After a few minutes of excitement Todoroki said something.
"I am so sorry about your clothes, I'll go buy you some new ones. Good thing we came to shop. Really, sorry, your words just surprised me that's all." He looked down embarrassed of their situation.
"It's ok, accidents happen time to time. It's nice that we were able to clean it up. Sad that I didn't get to finish it though. Fun experience, for once I felt like you. At first the lemonade was cold, then it suddenly became hot heheheheh," Midoriya Joked. Todoroki caught on and laughed as well.
"Yeah, you're right. Come on let's get you some new clothes."

After finding a decent shop, they finally manage to find simple clothes for Midoriya. Todoroki picked out jeans, while Midoriya picked an All Might T-shirt that almost looked like his hero suit. "This should be good enough, I'll go pay for it. Wait here, I'll be back." Taking the purchases to the front desk, Midoriya busied himself with looking at their key chains. His eyes were glued to this cute chain that had a white sheep eating a sunflower.
"That's me, trying to eat sunshine," he chuckled to himself.
"Here you go, Midoriya. They said you can change into them now." Todoroki handed him the clothes. Putting the sheep back, he took his new clothes and entered one of the stalls. He quickly changed his clothes, not wanting the other to wait for him long. Getting out, he striked a small hero pose.
"How do I look? Not too shabby, am I right?" He winked at the other boy who only stood admiring him.
"You look, pretty good..."which was an obvious lie. Reaching out his hands he handed Midoriya a clear bag.
"What's this?" He asked him confused.
"Just a present, I saw you looking at it earlier." Reaching in the bag, he pulled out the same sheep he was fiddling with earlier. Marveling at his new gift he hugged Todoroki who stood awkwardly.
"Thanks! I thought it was cute," he grinned at it and put it back in the bag
"What was that?" He thought he heard something from Todoroki.
"Huh!? Oh nothing! I didn't say anything..but no problem...It's also for an apology," Looking away sheepishly.
"Oh, ok. We should start shopping for you now. I think we wasted a good hour in here. Let's go!"

Leaving the store, Todoroki lead them to a shoe store he particularly had in mind.
"I already ordered the shoes online, I just have to pick it up. You can sit and wait here, the lines a little long. Sorry about that." He checked the growing line of customers.
"No worries I have my phone, I think I got a text message earlier in the other store. Take your time." He brought out his phone.
"Ok" leaving the other to his technology he swiftly got into the line.
turning on his phone he began to read his messages.
{Kacchan💥💢}--are you fucking sleeping?
{Kacchan💥💢}--where the fuck are you?
{Kacchan💥💢}--hair for brains said he saw you leave with the half-half bastard. Why and where would you go with someone like him?
{Kacchan💥💢}--you better not be ignoring me, shitty Deku.
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--I went shopping with him, he wanted to get a new pair of shoes. Plus he said he would buy me lemonade...but ended up buying me a new wardrobe..we're almost finished anyway then coming back home.
{Kacchan💥💢}--what the fuck? I could have bought you stupid lemonade. Shit, I could have made it fucking fresh by the side of the road if you wanted. Why would you go with him?
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--cuz he's my friend.
{Kacchan💥💢}--yeah, but I'm your boyfriend. Why are you going on dates with another guy?
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--it's not a date, it's just going shopping with a friend. While getting a drink. Nothing wrong with that...and you just asked me out yesterday, we haven't even done anything yet.
{Kacchan💥💢}--egg-fucking-xactly, you should have gone on a date with me, you stupid nerd.
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--you didn't ask
{Kacchan💥💢}--so you would go on a date with anyone who asked you?
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--of course not! I'm saying that Todoroki who is my friend and is only a friend asked if I could join him to pick up some shoes in return of some nice lemonade and company. If you wanna go on a date we can go on a date. I won't go on a date with anyone besides you. Since we are now a thing. Stupid Kacchan!
{Kacchan💥💢}--fine, whatever. I get it, but if he does anything I'm fucking killing him.
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--he only spilled scalding liquid and my lemonade on me, but I could handle it.
{Kacchan💥💢}--what the fuck? How do you fucking even? You know what, I don't even wanna fucking know. Just hurry up.
{Midoriya🎒🐑}--no worry, beef curry we ain't in a hurry...sorry not sorry.
By the time Midoriya stopped texting, Todoroki was next in line. Looking up from his phone he scanned the store. In the corner, he lingered on a few figures who wore all black clothing. At first they seemed harmless, but one of the smaller bodies swiped at a few merchandise hiding it in their pocket.
Getting up from his seat he dashed at them and seized both of their hands.
"That's wrong, you should not have done that. Please, put it back." He asked in a stern but calm voice. The two figures were hidden with face masks, but he could see that their eyes were grey and dark.
"Tch, whatever. Its not worth anything anyway. Let the fuck go of me, asshole." Letting go of their arms, they put back the stolen goods and knocked down a couple stands scaring some customers in the process. After they left, some of them thanked Midoriya and huffed about children being rude.
"Wow," he heard a voice say. Turning around to face Todoroki. "Maybe we should have called the police," he huffed out.
"Nah, at least they got ashamed of themselves and put back the goods. No harm done."
"I guess you're right. I got the shoes. Let's head on home now."

Walking out of the store they caught a bus.
"That was a really exciting day," Midoriya sat down with Todoroki next to him.
"Yeah, sorry about that. I think I'm bad luck after all," the boy softly looked out the window.
"You aren't bad luck! More like a walking RPG character. Wherever you go you always have an adventure waiting for you," he thought "or maybe just side missions. Your main mission was picking up new shoes as armor." He joked and laughed.
"RPG? I've never played games before. So I wouldn't know," Todoroki blushed.
"Really? If you want you can play with me? I have a lot of games. I beat all of them so its no problem to start over again," He replied.
"Sure, you would have to teach me though. I'm no good at that kind of stuff," he blushed even more.
"That's fine! I'm more than happy to help. Oh! it's our stop, let's go."

Getting up from their seats. They got out after thanking their driver. Walking towards their dorms the sun started to fall back towards the horizon.
"Midoriya?" Todoroki called out behind him.
"Hmmm?" He turned around
"I didn't say anything about you and Bakugou going out before...So let me tell you this.." He shifted the bag of shoes to his other hand.
"If he ever, and I mean ever hurts you in any kind of way, just know..That I will always be here for you. Always, you can count on me." Looking Midoriya straight in the eyes.
"That's enough bullshit nonsense, half-half fucking, asshole, bastard." Bakugou walked up to the two, glaring at said bastard.
"Bakugou!" Midoriya scolded.
"I don't intend on giving him to you or anyone. I may be an asshole, but not to him anymore, asshole. I intend to stay with him so you better look else where. You would be wasting your time, he's mine." Putting an arm around Midoriya's shoulder he turned and dragged him back into the dorms. Todoroki who stood by himself in the falling sun, started to walk back slowly, replaying the others words over and over again.

Walking back to the dorm Bakugou let go of Midoriya's shoulder and entered through the front door.  Both were quiet, but the room could feel the nervous tension coming from them.
Uraraka and Iida stared at their friend and mouthed 'what happened?' Which he replied with 'later,' walking up the stairs with the blonde in front of him.
Getting to Midoriya's floor, Bakugou stood in front of his door.
"Tomorrow at 11:30, you better be ready," and with that he left.

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