Hiking Escapade Pt.2

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Uraraka and Tsuyu were not aware that Kaminari and Kirishima were lagging behind the group. Instead, they were so captivated by their surroundings. Tsuyu was diligently turning certain logs of wood that had seemed like good hiding spots for frogs.
"It's great that it rained last night. We have a good chance of at least finding a Japanese tree frog or Japanese toad." Tsuyu flipped a log over to reveal worms and couple of creepy crawlies that didn't phase her.

Uraraka wasn't on board for being hands on, but she did make sure to have a phone on hand and was scouting the area with hawk eyes.
"Be careful at turning over logs, there might be venomous snakes or bugs we don't know about." Uraraka said with worry.
"It's ok, the only snake that could be here would be rat snakes. They aren't venomous. Plus even if I do run into one, I'm pretty quick." She said with confidence.

"Still, we should be careful. Come on we should start going higher, we've been here for a while." She urged.
"Hold on, where's Kirishima and Kaminari?" Tsuyu looked behind them.
"What?" Uraraka doing the same. She thought for a while until her brain clicked.
"Oh, don't worry about them, Kirishima is actually going to confess to Kaminari. Then we were-" she stopped.
"We were gonna what?" Tsuyu raised an eyebrow.

"well, we, uh, we-we were gonna be looking for frogs! Heh heh" she looked away and scratched her head trying to look innocent. Tsuyu squinted her eyes and brushed forward
"But that came after, you made a deal, didn't you? You wanted alone time with me, while Kirishima confessed." She concluded.
"Maybe??" She dragged the word out. "OK yeah I did, but we never spend time with each other anymore. I miss you," Uraraka spilled.

"We've been over this already, I want to focus on school. Being in a relationship, will cease my focus." She sighed.
"But we confessed to each other! What happens when we finish school? You're gonna leave, be a hero and leave me behind. You should focus on the present, because soon there actually might not be time for us to be together in the future. By then you might change your feelings about me and go out with someone else." She mumbled.

"I would never do that! I like you too much to leave you for another person. You think this is easy for me? I miss you too! Evertime I study or do my homework, you are in mind all the time! You're not the only one suffering," Tsuyu cried out.
"Why do we even need to suffer? We can be together! You and I, me and you..." she whispered. She looked at Tsuyu who was sobbing "I hate seeing you cry, don't be like this please." Uraraka's voiced cracked and had a pained expression on her face.

Tsuyu waddled to Uraraka with open arms and Uraraka took her in an embrace. Uraraka had her arms around Tsuyus neck, running her hands through the silky strands. Tsuyu had her arms around Uraraka's waist clutching at her shirt. Both started to sob into each others arms for 3 minutes.
"I'm sorry, I just wish we can just call each other girlfriends, go on dates, and stay over each others rooms while watching movies or eating ice cream. I wanna be with you, cry with you, be angry with you, and be happy with you." Uraraka said between hiccups.

"I wanna do that with you too, only you. I just..don't know if I can handle my schoolwork," Tsuyu replied.
"But that's what you don't get," Uraraka pulled away from her. "You think you're alone on this, but you're not. I'm here for you! I'll help you, I might not be the best at it, but I won't quit for you. I'm here. Please...be my girlfriend." Uraraka held her arms in place looking deep into her eyes.

Tsuyu let a couple of tears drop from her eyes until nodding.
"I was already your girlfriend." Uraraka pulled her into another tight hug for second, before gently taking her face and kissed her. Tsuyu kissed back and leaned into her, loving the way that Uraraka smelt of strawberries. Uraraka pulled away and smiled at her.

"Does this mean I can--"*keroooo* "go to your--"*keroooo* "what is that?" Uraraka frowned looking around for the noise.

"Tsuyu!!" Her eues widened "It's a frog! Quick! Picture!" She stumbled for her phone. Instead she tripped over her own legs and fell on top of Tsuyu, dropping her phone. Uraraka tried her best to lighten the fall with her quark. Tsuyu fell on her bum softly with Uraraka floating just above her. Pulling her down, Uraraka released her quark. "I'm so sorry," Uraraka picked Tsuyu up. "Because of me, the frog got away. Now you can't send a picture to your siblings." She bent down to retrieve her phone.

"It's okay, they'll understand if I don't have one. Besides, the others might get pictures for me on their paths. I'm just glad you weren't hurt." Tsuyu patted the dirt off of her and Uraraka's clothes. "What were you gonna say before?" She questioned.

"Oh, does this mean I can go to your--" before she could finish, she got interrupted by Kirishima.
"Hey you guys! Sorry we took so long to catch up. Did you guys see any frogs? I thought I heard one earlier while coming up?" He innocently smiled at the girls. He looked at Uraraka's face and his smiled faltered. "What? What did I do?" He looked between both of them. "Did I? Interrupt something?" His shoulders raised, to which Tsuyu nodded.

"It's ok," Uraraka sighed "anyway did you?" She inquired to the red head. Kirishima smiled again showing off his chompers.
"Yup!" Both boys said simultaneously. "Did you?" Kirishima lifted his eyebrows. Uraraka grinned at Tsuyu and she smiled back.

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