Stay Safe

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"I bet Bakugou will be the bottom, he may be all talk, but behind doors we know he wants to be told what to do." Kaminari grabbed Sero by the shoulders and they laughed. Everyone was downstairs eating breakfast raving about the news.
"I will kill you in your sleep, I hope you know that. I have no power for this so early in the damn morning, fuckers." Bakugou growled at the yellow head.

"Don't be so shy, I'm your best bud you can tell me anything. There's no shame in it, one gives the other takes. Midoriya!" He yelled "What's your preference?" Kaminari looked over to the blushing boy at the tables finishing his share of Tsuyus famous pancakes who made him a sheep.
"We just started dating, stop asking him questions about that, shithead." Bakugou hit Kaminari on the forearm.

"Yeah, besides, Bakugou is clearly the top in this situation. He likes to take the initiative and show who's boss. No way would he step down in bed." Uraraka smiled mischievously at the blonde. Some students nodded in agreement who in return got some glares.
"Like I said, we just started dating, if you guys keep talking about this so early in the morning, Deku is gonna lose his head from all that blushing." Getting up from the couch he grabbed his bag. Flipping everyone off he headed out with Kirishima in tow.

Letting out a big sigh, Midoriya got up and washed his plate in the sink. Everyone stopped talking about who would top who, but still discussed about their relationship. Iida scolded the students who conversed about his friend and told them they shouldn't be gossiping about others.

"Listen, Deku," Uraraka grabbed her bag and dragged Iida away from Ashido, Kaminari, and Sero. "If and when you guys do the do, you have to tell me and explain it in exact detail. Don't skimp out on me."

The three friends left the dorms and made way towards the school.
"Kacchan and I kind of talked about it yesterday. He told me he wouldn't force things on me until he and I are ready. It might take months or years so don't get too excited." Uraraka pouted at him.
"Years? No way! You two have been friends since childhood. You guys are saving too much in you to hold out for years. It won't be long until someone is grasping for the other. However, you guys should go on more dates and build up until that moment." She giggled to herself.

"Midoriya," Iida pushed up his glasses, "it's great that you have a boyfriend and all, but don't forget about your class work. Being a student comes first. If you two do decide to *cough* do the do, don't forget that safety is important, make sure to get the essentials. Also having it planned won't be a bad idea either. Be considerate of others around you, if you know, you guys decide to do it at the dorms." With that both Iida and Uraraka were blushing furiously at Midoriya.
"I cannot believe you guys are giving me the talk. My mom hasn't even told me yet." Midoriya hid his face.
"It's better now than never. I just want to make sure you and Bakugou are safe," Iida cleared his throat.

Once they got to the schools intrance and changed their shoes they made way towards class. On their way, they could hear and see the glances with fingers being pointed towards their direction. Groups of girls and a couple of boys were whispering amongst themselves. Midoriya could hear the mentions of the names of himself and Bakugou. Knowing what the conversations were about he tried to hide his face behind Uraraka's hair. They reached the doors of their classroom and opened into to see Bakugou looking out the window with Kirishima sitting in Jirous seat chatting to his bro.

"-all I'm saying is that it's not bad to be protected. There's nothing funny about being safe. Better safe than sorry." They walked in on their conversation. Kirishima blushed at their arrival and quickly got into his seat, lest Iida scold him. "Hey guys!" He tried to be natural.
"Were you guys having the safe talk about condoms too? Man, aren't we all full of information so early in the morning." Uraraka giggled and took her seat behind Iida. Kirishima looked confused and then looked at Midoriya with a knowing stare.

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