Tainted Lips

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Midoriya looked up to see Todoroki holding a frozen Mineta by the scruff of his neck. He felt confused, but had hope that he was getting out of here.

"I should report you both to Aizawa sensei, but I'll let you go for now." Todoroki dropped Mineta on the ground beside Shinsou. Todoroki sealed Shinsou's mouth shut with frost.
"However, let this be a warning." He bent down close to Shinsou's face. "The next time you even get the idea to get close to Midoriya, I won't hesitate to go all out on you and make sure you won't be able to work as a hero..or villan..ever again." He stood to his full height.

"Mineta will be given consequences, since he does live in the same building as me. Now Leave." Todoroki shot a menacing glare at Shinsou, who did the same, but left the changing room before giving a quick glance at Midoriya. "Midoriya, are you ok?" He came to his side with worry in his voice.
"Todoroki, I'm a ch-ch-cheater. Bakugou won't l-like me anymore. He'll think I'm disgusting." He had tears coming down his cheeks with a broken frown on his face.

Todoroki took him into an embrace trying to calm him down.
"You aren't a cheater, you were held against your will. You couldn't have done anything." He pat his back.
"But Bakugou might think I'm weak, and say I should've known better." Midoriya was full of hiccups.
"If he does think that, then obviously he just doesn't trust you and truly doesn't love you. If he can't take your word, then just leave him. He doesn't deserve to be your boyfriend." Todoroki looked him in the eyes at arms length.
"But I love him, I don't want to leave him. We only started going out. We're supposed to tell our parents about us this Wedn-" at that moment Todoroki took Midoriya's lips with his.

Midoriya was mortified. "MHHH! GET OFF OF ME! HOW COULD YOU?! I POUR OUT MY FEELINGS ABOUT GETTING KISSED BY SOMEONE ELSE OTHER THAN BAKUGOU ANd- and you d-do that to m-me?" His voice cracked with anger and hurt.
"I -I can't help it...I love you, Midoriya. You talking about Bakugou like that made me jealous." Todoroki took a step forward making the freckled hair boy flinch. He stopped in his tracks.

"Why him? Why couldn't you choose me? I'm more suited for you, he was an asshole to you. He doesn't even make you feel special, if you choose
me I can make you happy." He grabbed at his chest.
"Maybe I could have been happy with you, but Kacchan makes me feel full and just complete. Everytime I'm with him, wither it's on a date, looking at the back of his head in class, or being near him is when I'm the most content. Im sorry," he sighed.

"Todoroki I'm glad you saved me, but could you please wake Mineta up so I can get out of here. I want to go to my room...and please, don't talk to me for a while. I don't think I can handle being by you right now." Midoriya croaked.

Todoroki had a pained expression on his face, but complied and kicked Mineta awake. Mineta looked terrified out of his mind, and couldn't look both taller boys in the eyes, but he let Midoriya go. Midoriya grabbed his things and left the changing room making his way towards the dorm. He came into the back of the building, not wanting to be seen by anyone, more specifically Bakugou. He took the stairs and made it to his floor. He opened his door and locked it behind him. Dropping his things onto the side, he flopped down onto his bed body facing down. Right then and there he started crying his heart and eyes out and pulled himself into a fetal position. He could taste the salty tears off his cheeks and felt the pillows get wet.

He groaned into his bed and tried his best to not make noise, choking in on himself and his feelings. He felt like he just lost everything. Not only did one of his best friend betray him, but he also felt like he betrayed Bakugou two times. He felt so hopeless so he continued to cry until he heard his phone go off. He sat up and reached for his phone on his nightstand.
{Kacchan💥💢}- are you not done yet with changing your clothes? Need any help or something, Deku?
{Midoriya🎒🐑}- I already got back.
{Kacchan💥💢}- I didn't see you come in.
{Midoriya🎒🐑}- I took the back intrance.
{Kacchan💥💢}- the back? Did something happen?

Midoriya didn't want to tell him about what happened, but he knew he would have to spill sooner or later. He picked later and put his phone back listening to the barrages of his phone chime going off. Midoriya went back to his fetal position and encased himself inside his sheets. He wanted to go back into time to change what happened. What he really wanted was to be embraced by Bakugou and to be told it'll be all right. After a while the messages stopped and the room was washed over with silence. The shaking boy took a huge shaking breath.

Dragging his sheets out of bed with him he got up to get a drink of water when all of a sudden a loud bang could be heard outside his door. Midoriya jumped and stared at the door hearing the banging outside again.

"Why aren't you answering my messages, Midoriya?! Don't ignore me! Oi! Open the doors! If you don't, I can and I will bust it down just to get in. Open up for me, I won't get mad. I just want to make sure you're okay. Make me make it up to you, please? I want to be here for you, whatever it is. Don't let me just talk to myself. I thought we were supposed to be talking about and working our problems out together? Midoriya, please." Bakugou's voice was filled with reassurance, worry, and hurt all at the same time.

Midoriya was crying again and didn't think it would be so soon. He would be a hypocrite if he didn't talk with Bakugou. He felt himself having a mini panic attack, but he slowly took some quivering breaths. Calm down, calm down, Kacchan is just here to help, he's here to help me. He came just for me. He thought to himself and balanced himself to the floor.

He wiped his face with his sheets and blew his nose with a handkerchief. Clicking the lock, he opened the door.

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