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After they bought a decent pair of ear buds they found a cafe shop to chill at.
"Let's sit somewhere comfortable, go get the couch while it's open. I'll go order some deserts since we already have drinks and popcorn." Bakugou remarked.
"Sounds like a plan," Midoriya chirped. Sitting down on the leather couch, he started to melt into the velvet fabric. Bringing out his phone, he saw that it was on 85% battery life. Good thing I charged it before I left he praised himself.

It didn't take long for Bakugou to come back with the snacks.
"Thanks, Kacchan," he smiled.
"No big deal, nerd," he sat down.
"Ok, let's get this started." He passed an ear bud to Bakugou.
"Kacchan, come closer. The screen is too small for you to see it from there. Plus, the ear buds aren't that long." Bakugou, was fine with the movies, at least they had their own seat. Here however, they were so close he could feel Midoriya's body warmth. He didn't want to invade his space.

Getting impatient, Midoriya decided to close the space himself, moving closer to the other boy almost  pratically sitting on his lap. Shoulder to shoulder, Bakugou and Midoriya's heart beat pounded with excitement.
"I'm gonna start the movie." With nervous fingers he pressed play. They could feel how tensed each others bodies were, making it feel awkward. After a good 10 or 15 minutes they started to relax into the couch and each other. The movie was a comedy/action film so they laughed at the good parts. One more than the other. They munched away at their snacks and enjoyed the entertainment. In the middle of the movie, Midoriya's neck started to get stiff which Bakugou noticed.

"Izuku, you can lay your head on my shoulder you know," he muttered.
"What? Oh, it's nothing I'm fine," he waved his free arm.
"I'm being nice, just do it damn it! You're only resting your head, geeze!" He grabbed his head and gently placed it on his shoulder. Midoriya was tense again, but after a while he shifted himself better making  Bakugou more comfortable. They stayed like that until the movie finished.

"That was a great movie, sound effects were on point. Although some of the casting were questionable. Plot wise was cliche, but who doesn't enjoy the usual cliche?" Midoriya stretched.
"It was alright, the villain could have been more stronger in my opinion," Bakugou yawned.
"True, in real life that guy would not stand a chance against All Might. Not to mention a one hour movie. Somehow it did.." he slanted his eyes.
"Well, it's not something I would watch again. So it's trash overall. Come on, I'm hungry for real food." He stood up and collected their trash. Midoriya helped him with his mess as well. Throwing away their garbage, they left the cafe and made way towards the restaurant.

Midoriya didn't know where it was so he followed behind Bakugou. Glancing over his shoulder Bakugou stopped, making Midoriya crash into his back.
"Wah! Kacchan! What are you doing?!" He rubbed his nose, making the other laugh.
"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. You weren't paying attention so it's your fault too," He chuckled.
"I don't know where we're going," he looked down.
"well, then hold my hand." Bakugou held it out.
"There are people here," he looked around nervously.
"Fuck them, they can mind their own shitty business. Come on, don't keep me waiting. If you do, I'll just Carry you," he mused. Midoriya definitely did not want that so he hastily grabbed onto his hand. Content, Bakugou began walking.

Midoriya wasn't used to this and in no time his hands started to sweat. A few people glanced their way giving weird looks, but Bakugou gave them a few death glares making them turn their heads back.
"See, you're worrying over nothing. If someone says anything we can just punch them in the face." He said with a serious face. Making Midoriya even more worried.

"Here we are," they stopped in front of a Japanese themed restaurant. They let go of of each others hands and entered. A hostess came by to show them their seats. Sitting across from one another they started looking the menu over.
"What are you gonna get, Kacchan?" He flipped through the pages.
"I already looked over their menu online, but their udon seem pretty good." He browsed the many selections.
"I think I'll get the katsudon with sides." Midoriya closed the menu.

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