Hiking Escapade Pt.3

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Bakugou was starting off well. The hike was a piece of cake for him. He probably could have done this whole thing 50 times in 30 minutes. He hated waiting for people, but alas he did it all his life. Everyone was always behind him, especially his hiking group.

"Why are you guys so fucking slow? This pains me to even see you guys huffing and puffing. Didn't you guys want to be heroes? Shitty nerds." Bakugou waited for the three to catch up with him.
"That's because you wouldn't let us stretch or drink water and just took off without us!" Ashido and Sero yelled back at him and were taking deep breaths of air. Midoriya was doing the same, but he didn't seem to have broke a sweat yet.

"Come on Kacchan, this isn't a race. Let's take a rest, yeah? I need some water and a moments of rest to get my breathing to normal. Plus, like you said, this is a date. We aren't really doing anything date worthy." He stopped by a big boulder that was low enough to sit on. "Let's sit down and eat some food we brought and take in the scenery," he smiled.

Bakugou rolled his eyes and walked towards the boulder before sitting next to Midoriya who was in the middle of rummaging through his bag. Sero and Ashido cheered and did the same, choosing a spot near a small stream that held a couple of fish. Midoriya took out his water bottle, an All Might bento box, a handkerchief, and 2 pairs of chopsticks. He handed one to Bakugou who accepted it.

"When did you make a bento box?" Bakugou looked skeptical.
"I didn't," he opened the lid. "Tsuyu did, she makes me breakfast and lunch sometimes." Midoriya faced Bakugou and placed the bento box between them. They said their thanks and began digging in.
"Hey! Guys! Didn't Tsuyu want a picture of a frog?" Sero asked from the stream. Midoriya looked over at the two.
"She did," he racalled.
"Sweet, that one looks pretty cool! I'll take a picture for her and show her when we meet at the top. Ashido take a picture," Sero laughed.

"Where's your phone?" She scolded while taking out her pink phone and taking a quick snap of a frog they had found chilling by a log 10 feet away.
"I left it in my room," he shrugged. She shook her head and put it away in her bag.

Midoriya and Bakugou went back to eating. Taking a few bites out of the food Bakugou started to get upset.
"Deku," he grunted.
"Wahht?" He said with food in his mouth.
"Tell that frog girl to stop making food for you. I'm going to make your damn food from now on, got it?" He pointed his chopsticks at him.
"Why? Her food is great, isn't?" Midoriya pushed away the chopsticks.
"It's not about that, I want to be the one to make you food. Not someone else. You should be grateful, even my parents think my food is awesome. The only time they get to eat it is on Christmas. You get to eat it everyday," He said smugly.

"You don't have to bother, Tsuyu already makes it for me. You already do your morning exercises, anyway. That's just too much trouble for you." He gobbled away.
"It's not too much trouble! I want to do it for you! I can make time for you to make your Shitty food! Stop trying to push me away. Can't you just accept me trying to be a good boyfriend to you? Fuck" he growled. Midoriya had his mouth open and flustered at his words. Sero and Ashido were listening, but didn't want to stare so they stayed quiet and talked amongst themselves in awkwardness.

"I'm sorry, Kacchan" he stopped and grabbed his hand that wasn't holding the chopsticks. "I just already felt bad that Tsuyu was making my lunch. But if you really want to make my food, I won't stop you," He smiled. "This will be the last lunch I shall eat from Tsuyu." Bakugou blushed and looked away.
"Whatever, nerd." He picked at a piece of tamago that had a cute face on it. He hated how he looked so uncool, but he needed to do it.

"Let's finish and then get to the top. I'm dying to get a try on the swing." He continued eating his portion. Once everyone was full and took a bit of time to rest their stomachs they headed out on the path again.

Sero and Ashido goofed around, while Midoriya and Bakugou walked side by side holding hands this time. Bakugou was still fast, but he took his time to match with Midoriya's speed. After what seemed to be 15 minutes the trees started to break away into a clearing. Walking into the clearing they saw they weren't the first ones there.

"Hey, come look at the view guys, you can see the town from here," Iida called from a bench that out looked the whole hill. Todoroki was talking to Yaoyorozu underneath a tree. Midoriya and Bakugou caught his eye and Bakugou scowled at him. Todoroki glanced down at their hands and then looked back at Yaoyorozu, Making Bakugou smirk.

"Where's the swing?" Sero and Ashido asked excitedly looking around.
"It broke, a long time ago," Iida said.
"Whaaaaaaat?! We came here for nothing! I wanted to go on the swing." They cried in unison.
"If you want, I can make one," Yaoyorozu eyes lit up.
"Really?!" They yelled.
"Sure, just let me make some rope and a place to sit on." Yaoyorozu hummed to herself when she finally thought she became of use to someone. Midoriya and Bakugou had chosen a spot on one of the benches to sit down on.

"Wow, the view is gorgeous." Midoriya took a breath of fresh air. "And the wind feels nice," he closed his eyes.
"It's alright," Bakugou commented.
"I think it'll be better when everyone gets up here too." They sat in silence for a minute until they heard other voices.

"We made it! Whaaaat, third place? That sucks!" Kaminari pulled at his hair.
"Are you guys making your own swing?" Tsuyu asked Yaoyorozu.
"Yeah, the swing that was originally here broke. I'm done hooking it up now, so you guys can go on it now. At least 2 people can fit on here, give it a try" She stepped back.
"Momo is the best! Momo is the best!" Sero and Ashido cheered on the sidelines. Ashido and Sero both got on and Sero used his tapes to pull and push themselves from the tree branches. Next were Tsuyu and Uraraka, who took photos. Then Kirishima and Kaminari.

At that point the last 2 groups made there way to the top. After everyone got there turn of the swings, it was about time to make it back down the hill.
"Kacchan, let's go on the swing before we go. I wanna take a picture with you." Midoriya pulled at his arm.
"Ugh, why do you always make me do useless shit." Bakugou complied and followed the green head.
"I'll take a photo for you!" Uraraka wailed.
Midoriya smiled and Bakugou put an arm around Midoriya's waist.

"You guys are so cute," Uraraka giggled. "I'll send you the pictures when we get back to the dorms." Midoriya and Bakugou got off and met up with Sero and Ashido to make their way down. This time, there weren't any breaks so they were the ones to make it down first that time. Not long the others followed suit.

"We should do this again, maybe not here. But like, a group date would be nice." Kirishima commented with Kaminari beside him. Everyone lifted their eyes at them and they blushed together.
"Yeah, this was so much fun!" Uraraka beamed.
"Agreed," Tsuyu nodded. "I also got my frog photos thanks to Sero and Mina *kero kero*" she croaked in happiness.

"We can make plans when we get home. Everyone hurry and get on the bus just like we came here," Iida scolded. Once everyone was accounted for, the bus took off and almost everyone was fast alseep.

"Kacchan, next time let's go and get ice cream." Midoriya leaned his head on Bakugou's shoulder.
"Mmm," he answered back.
"I had a great day today," he blushed.
"Me too, nerd. Now shut up, I'm trying to take a nap." He closed his eyes with a shit eating grin.

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