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Shinsou just heard the news, it took him a week to find out. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Since the end of the Sports Festival, he has had his eye on Midoriya. However, due to his circumstances of not being in the hero department and focusing on studying to be in it he had no time to go talk to him since then. Now, he hears that Bakugou Katsuki, the person who won the Festival is going out with him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He's also heard that the whole class has gone on a group date going hiking, whatever that is.

He wanted to scope it out, so he decided to go head on. Right now he stood at the intrance of 1-A's dorm. He knew it would be awkward to just waltz in there living area, but he had to find out for himself if it was true. After a moments thought he walked in without a sound. The common space was empty, even though it was Saturday, meaning they had gone on the hiking trip. Feeling more confident he strolled around the kitchen and opened the cabinets to find the cups. As he thought, he found that the cups were all labeled with names and he took the ones that was named Midoriya. It wasn't that hard to find since it was the face of All Might.

He put it in his bag he brought, and took the stairs for the 2nd floor. He was thankful that he had found Midoriya's room so fast, as a nameplate implied his room on that floor. He was thinking of going through all the floors until he found it. Opening the door he walked in leaving it open. He turned on the light and gazed around his room. He's never seen such a room filled with so much All Might merchandise. Taking a seat on the bed he layed his head on the pillows.

He took a sniff at the scents and could smell a sweet, but masculine aroma. (Imagine that creepy but cool dude from 'Tokyo Ghoul' with the purple hair that would sniff at Kaneki's bloody handkerchief XDDD) he couldn't help but feel himself get a bit hard thinking about Midoriya sleeping here. After a good minute or two he got up and looked around on his desk. He took a couple of pencils and erasers, nothing he knew Midoriya wouldn't miss.

Then he rummaged through the drawers and took an underwear from the top. Before putting it away in his bag, he took a quick sniff of it too, and licked his lips. Right when he was about to step back he felt glued to the ground and couldn't move. He tried to get out but both of his feet were stuck to something round and dark purple. Turning towards the doorway he saw the problem. Clutching one of his balls, Mineta leaned on the door frame.

"I thought you guys were off on a hiking date?" Shinsou said with a cool head to sound natural. He thought he would get him to Crack then and there, but instead Mineta wrote on a piece of paper. Showing him his pad it read, You won't fool me, I already know what you can do, brainwasher. What are you doing in Midoriya's rooom? Stealing his underwear? Are you a pervert?" He wrote in irony.

"So it seems you were left behind by your classmates. It's quite sad really, to be treated like trash. I know what it's like to be ignored, even though you can hear what the others feel and talk about behind your back. Not having friends who give a crap about you. To be laughed at like you weren't even there. Aren't you sick of being left out in the shadows while the others get to have fun without you? While they go on to be all buddy buddy you get left behind, then get forgotten in a blink of eye. To the point where they even forget you exist and your name." Shinsou harshly stated with an indifferent face.

Mineta looked about ready to crack so he went on. "I've heard rumors about you, you know. That you yourself love to be a pervert and everyone hates you for it. Even girls in my class cringe at your name."
"WHAT-!" Mineta stopped mid sentence realizing his mistake too late.
"Idiot," he smirked in amusement. "Now, let me out of here." Mineta ceased his sticky balls and Shinsou got out. "Take me to Bakugou's room."

(AN: sorry if you love Shinsou! For this story I wanted him to be the "bad guy/stalker." I really love him too, just thought it'll bring me a challenge. Also I'm sorry, if you got upset reading what Shinsou said or brought you bad memories. If you want you can talk it out here. On another note I'm really thankful for everyone who are still reading my story this far \(^3^)/ Thank you!)

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