Fucking Finally

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All Might had called for two cars to come to the Bakugou home. He told them that it would be faster if he and Inko went in one car while the boys went in the other. Before they could go off, Inko gave Midoriya a kiss on his head and they parted ways. The car ride was somewhat awkward and silent as Bakugou sat on one side as Midoriya sat on the other. They did however, hold hands and Midoriya ran his thumb along Bakugou's soft skin.

Once they reached the school, they thanked the driver and got out. Still holding hands, they opened the doors and found the lights were dim, with no one in sight. Midoriya saw on a nearby clock reading 12:45. Everyone in the dorms should have been fast asleep, since they still had school tomorrow. Bakugou didn't give him much to see, as he basically dragged him upstairs and ripped Midoriya's door open. He pulled the green haired boy in, closed the door, and clicked the lock shut.

Turning around, Bakugou pulled Midoriya into a harsh kiss that made their teeth clash. The blonde pushed him against the door. He had one hand pinning Midoriya's above his head and the other holding onto his chin gently. Bakugou pressed his right leg in between Midoriya's, having his thigh rub against his crotch.
"Mnnn, Kacchan," Midoriya breathed between kisses. Bakugou, bit gently onto his lips making him wink at the slight pain.

They played with each others tongues forcefully, until they parted for air. Panting, Bakugou started to unbutton Midoriya's Cardigan and yanked it off of him. He looked at the dress shirt underneath, "Why the fuck did you have to wear so many button shirts today?" He grunted. Instead of unbuttoning this time around, he grabbed at both sides at the top of the collar and gave it a forceful yank, tearing it apart. He then threw the shirt aside.

"Kacchan, that was a gift from my mom," he complained.
"Shut up, I'll get you a new one." He lached unto Midoriya's smooth neck and started kissing it before sucking and nipping at the skin. Midoriya pushed him away, making Bakugou growl. "What's the problem?" He frowned.
"No hickeys on my neck, Kacchan. Everyone is going to see it, especially the teachers," He blushed.
"So its fine anywhere they can't see." Bakugou slumped Midoriya over his shoulder and slammed him on the bed with a thud.

Bakugou ran a hand from the bottom of Midoriya's stomach all the way to the top of his collorbones. Squatting down at the edge of the bed, he began placing butterfly kisses alongside his body. Midoriya shivered at the open air and the way Bakugou touched him. Suddenly, he bit down onto his waistline making him yelp.
"K-Kacchan," he stuttered. Bakugou then kissed it and began sucking harshly on the spot, making Midoriya shiver. "Tickles," he whispered. Lifting up, he saw that he had left a good purple mark and began placing more on the lower half of his body.

Bakugou slid one of his hands to Midoriya's plump nipple and flicked at the small bud. "Ahn~," hearing a reply, the blonde set to work and began tweaking at it. He abused and pinched at them lightly making Midoriya moan. Bakugou gave one last kiss and lick on the side of his belly button and stood up to his full height. Midoriya was now all covered in love bites, and that made Bakugou smug and smirked to himself. He reached behind his back to grab at his shirt and took it off before throwing it on the ground. Before he could reach for his jeans, Midoriya sat up and pulled at Bakugou's pants to him.

"Kacchan, let me do it, please?" He looked up into Bakugou's eyes as if begging him.
"Go ahead," he groaned. Midoriya seemed grateful and began his work. This time I'm going to make you flustered, Kacchan he thought to himself. He unbuttoned his jeans and unfastened the zipper. Hooking his fingers into the top of his pants, he slowly brought down his pants and dropped them once they got to his thighs, falling onto the floor. Bakugou stepped out of them with only his black boxers on with an obvious strained erection. He tried to push Midoriya back on the bed, but he stopped him. "I'm not done yet, Kacchan," he teased.

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