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(Takes place when Midoriya gets molested and he leaves the locker room)
Todoroki couldn't believe he did what he just did. Why did I kiss him?! He thought angrily to himself and hit a nearby locker, startling Mineta who was still on the ground. He looked at the purple boy with a menacing death glare.

"Mineta," he spit.
"Y-y-y-y-yes? Todo-Todoroki?" Mineta shuddered violently, slowly backing away from danger.
"What you did to Midoriya is unforgivable, you need to pay for your actions." Todoroki bent down to look into Mineta's scared and frightened eyes. "Listen up wisely, I'll tell you this once and only once. You are to:

1) Not talk to anyone unless spoken to.
2) Not make rude, demeaning, derogatory, comments to anyone especially girls.
3) Wake up at exactly 5:55 in the morning for school and get to class at 6:15.
4) Clean the guys baths every day at night after showering.
5) Eat in your room by yourself.
6) Not touch or look at anyone inappropriately in any sort of way.
7) Not get Anywhere Close To Midoriya. Unless its for class or if an emergency calls for it." He listed everything in a stream of fast words.

"If you break any of these rules." He slammed his right foot on the locker next to Mineta's face and made spiky icecles form, trapping him in place. "I will make sure to freeze your body until all your limbs come off from the unforgiving frostbite. Then I'll incinerate all of your leftovers so you become nothing but dust and ashes. After, I'll dump your ashes down a sewer. Do you understand?" He stood to his full height. "Well?" He barked.
"Y-y-y-y-yes!!! I understand, I'm s-s-sorry!" He cried and was left groveling on the floor.

"It's too late for sorry now," he whispered turning his head away. Todoroki wasn't sure who that comment was directed to, but deep down he knew it was meant for him.

"W-w-wait! Aren't you g-g-gonna get me out of h-here?" Mineta struggled against the sharp ice, but stopped when they poked into him, some even puncturing his skin.
"Get yourself out," he snapped. Todoroki left the room and walked with no destination in mind. He just wanted to get away from everything and make his mind numb to forget all the events that just happened. How can I be so stupid?! He stopped in front of a tree next to the track field.

He already felt so afraid from being brainwashed from that freak! Plus, he was forced to kiss him. He punched the tree with his right arm as hard as he could, without flinching and blinking his eyes. Why did I have to betray him like that too?! He punched with his left. Not only did he reject me, icecles and frost started to form at his feet. He doesn't want to even look at me or talk to me anymore! I'm as bad as those purple bastards!!

This time when he threw a left hook at the tree, he also accidently used his fire quark and made the tree catch on fire. He stood his ground and watched as the flame started to progress through the trunk of the tree. The worst part was the way he looked at and spoked to me before he left...as if...as if he were afraid of me..

Lifting his right hand he made a quick flicking motion and summoned a huge block of ice to encase the tree, to stop the fire from spreading to the leaves. He stared at the tree and started to finally feel the pain in his knuckles from hitting the poor tree. He tried to touch his wounds, but he twinged at the stinging pain. Cuts were formed and bleeding faintly. Todoroki silently cursed to himself and turned towards his dorm.

I'm sorry, Midoriya.

(Hoped you liked this short filler about Todoroki and how much pain he's in. Don't get me wrong I love Todoroki, I just can't help but show some angst. I'll make it up to you in my future stories, I have planned. I promise you this good boi will get his share of Deku! Also Mineta is trash.)

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