Strained Pants

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"Inko, when our sons get married, we're going to be actual family! Imagine that!" Mitsuki cackled.
"My, that's an idea I thought would never come true. Now we have a chance of being in-laws!" Inko giggled. The families and Toshinori were finished eating a rather boisterous meal. They were all in the living area having tea and drinks, talking about the possible future for their boys.

"While I'm happy that you boys thought of me and invited me over for dinner, but why exactly am I here? You two could have just told me during school." Toshinory faced the new couple.
"Well, um, about that, its, you see, uh," Midoriya babbled.
"We think of you as someone very important to us, especially to De-Izuku," Bakugou stopped himself. Midoriya blushed prefusely and covered his face in a rush. Toshinori saw this and put on a big, proud, and sheepish smile.

"I want to thank you, my boys! I'm not supposed to pull favorites amongst my students, but for tonight it'll be an exception," He justified. Bakugou and Midoriya both smiled back at Toshinori.
"Wow, for a minute there I thought you both were gonna say that All Might is like your father figure, no offense to you Masaru dear, but when you guys were younger, you used to nag Inko and I all the time about getting the latest All Might action figure. Remember, Inko?" She winked at her now blushing friend.

"How could I forget?" She smiled. "All Izuku wanted to be like was his hero, All Might. I loved it when he used to and still does talked about you, Toshinori-san." She took a glanced at the retired hero who seemed to be hiding his blushing face behind his bunny-ear like hair. "Huh? Toshinori-san? Are you okay? Does your tummy hurt?" She fretted over him as her natural motherly instincts kicked in.
"I-i-its nothing! I was just happy to hear such kind words from you, that's all!" He assured her by waving his arms frantically. Midoriya and Bakugou shared a look from across the room, I fucking told you, shitty nerd. They just needed a certain amount of pushing. Midoriya frowned at Bakugou's smug ass face.

"Oh my, aren't you two cute together?" Mitsuki observed her best friend. "Toshinori you should come over with Inko more often! We would love to hear some of your hero stories some time in the future, right dear?" She pat her husband's hands.
"Hmmm," he nodded.
"What?" Both of them jumped.
"Well, of course you would have to tell us when you're free so we can all plan our day off. My Inko is rather shy sometimes, but when given a good push she gets what she wants." She gave a knowingly look at Inko, then one to Toshinori. "Soon, our two brats are gonna leave the nest. Whither we like it or not, we're gonna be lonely. I don't want my beautiful friend to be alone at that time. Toshinori, are you courting or dating anyone right now?" She gave him a sharp look.

"Well, um," he started to sweat and glanced at Inko. "Not at the time being, but I have my sights on someone at the moment." He gave a small smile at her.
"That's great! Let's discuss this more! Why don't you boys go on up to your room while we talk. Bakugou, no funny business! I wanna say, no making babies, but in your circumstances I'll say no glove, no love. I've checked your whole room, so I know they'll be no love tonight." She smirked.
"What the actual fuck, you old hag!" Bakugou gave her the finger which she kindly returned.

Bakugou led the way upstairs with Midoriya behind him. On the way, Midoriya touched a couple of baby pictures of Bakugou that were on the wall. He giggled at one where a naked Bakugou was running away from a fuming Mitsuki who was trying to catch him and put him back into the tub. "What are you laughing at, nerd?" He stoop down in front of Midoriya's face to take a good look at the photo. "Oh, that picture. I told her to take it down," he frowned.
"Why? You look so cute in this photo! I should ask your mom for a copy of everything," he giggled. Bakugou growled and turned away. Midoriya's heart sank for a second, before following him to the top turning a right into the room at the end of the hall.

"You can sit wherever you want," Bakugou sat down on his bed. Midoriya took a moment to think to himself until he finally took a seat... On top of Bakugou's lap.
"What are you doing? Of all the places you can fucking sit and you choose on top of me?" He grumbled.
"Kacchan, since this morning you've been ignoring me every time I tried to get close to you or kiss you," His voice cracked. "Are you sick of me already?" His eyes threatened to spill, but he bit down on his cheeks to hold them back. Suddenly, he was thrown onto his back on the bed with Bakugou on top of him pinning both his arms down with his own.

"Are you a fucking idiot?" Bakugou barked, trying to keep his voice down, making it sound strained. "Sitting on my lap, asking me stupid ass questions when you should already know the answer. You do realise where you are right? I wouldn't bring you over to my parents house, announce that I'm going out with you because I'm sick with you." His let his hair fall in front of his face obscuring Midoriya's view. "Of course I'm not fucking sick of you, shitty Deku. Do you know how fucking hard it is to hold myself back from ravaging you on the spot?" He groaned.

"Even now, when you sat on my lap.....Fuck," Bakugou said through clenched teeth. Midoriya was held back, and couldn't really move, but he understood what he was talking about. His tears started to fall softly and rolled down his cheeks onto the bed.
"Thank goodness," he sobbed. "I was starting to think you were getting disgusted of me," sighing in content.
"On the contrary," Bakugou smirked, and lifted his head to catch Midoriya's green eyes. Bakugou gripped onto Midoriya's hands, and guided it to rest onto his strained bulge that was pulsating through his tight jeans.

Midoriya gulped down a big lump in his throat and blushed as he stared into Bakugou's sharp amber eyes. He brought his lips next to Midoriya's ear and spoke in a low, seductive voice. "Do you see what you do to me, Izuku? You make me want to-" suddenly there was a knock on the door. The two boys jumped and stood up as quickly as they could. Masaru opened the door and looked at the flustered boys.
"Your car is here to take you guys back to the dorms. Toshinori-san is waiting downstairs with your mother, Izuku-kun," He stated.
"Okay!" Midoriya replied. Masaru left the boys and went downstairs. Midoriya looked back at Bakugou who was trying his best not to show through his pants. On the inside, Midoriya couldn't stand to see his blonde boyfriend look so frustrated. Deep, deep down he felt turned on and licked his lips. Mmm, Kacchan.

{Next chapter will sadly be the last. I could go on and write something for All Might and Inko, but I'll write them a separate story in the future. Hope you enjoyed my short tease. Can you guess what the next chapter will be about? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) }

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