Date Ruined

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"Midoriya!! Open up! Or do you want to be late for your you-know-what?" Uraraka giggled uncontrollably behind his door. Letting it open, he ushered her in with Iida in persuit.
"Shhhh! Do you want the whole dorm to hear?!" He whispered shouted.
"Sorry, sorry. They don't know what the you-know-what is anyway. Ok, show me your wardrobe." She and Iida sat on his bed.
"I can't believe the guy who calls himself King of Explodo kills is going on a date," Iida trembled.
"Well," Midoriya opened his closet. "It's a good step forward for him and me. Mostly him though," he pouted.
"Yeah, and you are not going out in what you usually wear to your first you-know-what," Uraraka added. Getting up from the bed, she gently shoved Midoriya away and began rummaging through his clothes.
Sitting down next to Iida they started making idle conversation on what he would do on the date.
"Can you kiss on the first you-know-what?" He shivered.
"Ok, that's getting tired. Let's just call it what it is, a date." Uraraka frowned and flew a couple of clothed behind her.
"It's kinda feels weird to say it out loud. A date. Which is also what one calls a name of a certain day." He burrowed his eyebrows in thought.
"You're weird, phhhht!" Uraraka chuckled.
"Yeah, I am," He agreed.
"And to answer your question, I think you could kiss on the first date..BUT, I think it should wait until the perfect time to heighten the experience. What's better than a kiss that has been on the mind of two people for christ how long they were waiting for? When lips just comes crashing into one another and start hungrily craving for more? HehehhehehHahahHaahhAhHAHAHAHA-" Uraraka riled herself deep in indecent thoughts.
"I don't even want to know what you're thinking about.." Both Iida and Midoriya shivered at how much their friend maniacally laughed to herself.
"I'm getting goosebumps," they started to break out in a cold sweat.
"Yeah, girls are scary," Midoriya whispered.
"I cannot wait until everyone finds out about it. It's just gets my blood pumping! Ok! I've got the perfect outfit! Put it on!" Uraraka exclaimed and held out the fabrics to Midoriya.
"Get changing!" She ordered.
"Right here?" He gulped
"What's the deal? We're friends! Plus you're gay, I'm gay, and Iida is straight..but pure," she looked at Iida with knowingly eyes.
"I'll turn around," Iida blushed.
"You guys are too pure." she shook her head with a smile on her face.

Taking off his pajamas he started to get dress with the clothes Uraraka handed to him. She gave him a pair of simple jeans, a patterned dress shirt, and a green cardigan to match his hair and eyes." Posing in the mirror he started to smile at himself.
"I'm glad my mom gave me these clothes for Christmas last year. I feel good and comfortable in this. Thanks, Uraraka!" He gave her a hug.
"No problem, when you go on your date. Take lots of photos, 'k? That's my form of payment! He has to be in it too, got it?" She held stars in her eyes.
"Yes, yes, you want pictures. Iida, you want anything" he looked at the boy with the glasses.
"No, I didn't do anything but watch I mean, um not watch you get dressed. I don't need anything." He started doing robotic stances, making Midoriya laugh.
"I think you made me relax, I was pretty nervous for my date. You helped me defeat my butterflies." He smiled.
"I'm glad to be of use!" He said with a serious voice making Uraraka and Midoriya laugh.

Looking at his phone, Midoriya wiped away his tears.
"Oh, I got a text from Kacchan."
{Kacchan💥💢}--you better be ready, I'm coming down now to pick you up.
With wide eyes he looked at his time to read 11:25.
"It's almost time!" He basically shouted, surprising his friends.
"Ok you guys better get going before he gets here." He rushed to opened the door and pushed them out.
"Thanks for the help! And go take the stairs!" He closed the door. With his heart beating he waited against the door, listening to anything beyond it.
After a couple of minutes he heard the ding of the elevator. Waiting in anticipation, the door vibrated against his back from the knocking of Bakugou's determined knocks.
"Oi! Open up! I'm here!" He pounded the door. Midoriya opened the door with a smile, staring into the eyes of a scowl. Which slowly turned softer at the sight of the smaller boy in his cute attire.
"I'm ready! Where are we going today?" Midoriya in turn looked Bakugou down too. He wore ripped jeans with a red tank top and a black jacket. To his surprise he also wore a feather necklace, which made Midoriya giggle.
"I like your necklace, it's very fashionable." He beamed at him.
"Thanks," he muttered "but you don't have to laugh at me! It was a gift from Kirishima," He growled at him. "I told him about us, just so you know." He into the boys room. "Why the fuck is your room so messy? Do you not know how to clean for shit?" Getting hiss scowl back. Midoriya shut his door tight.
"Uraraka and Iida were here helping me pick out an outfit. I didn't have time to clean up. They also know about us," He inquired. "Ok, let's go!" Grabbing onto Bakugou's arm he pressed the button and waited for the ding. Getting on they saw that they weren't alone.
"What are you guys doing?" Meneta asked suspicious of the two boys who were somewhat holding hands.
"None of your shitty fucking business, grapehead," Bakugou spat.
"Kacchan!" Midoriya slapped his arm.
"What? It's none of his concern what we do." He eyed Meneta down.
"Look man, I don't discriminate," Holding up his hands defensively. "In fact I encourage it. That way there'll be more ladies for me," smiling with disgusting eyes.
"You seriously have a major fucking problem, you gross bastard." He walked out of the elevator, without the arm of Midoriya on him.
"Where are you guys going?" Ashido called out to them.
"Out," Bakugou grunted and left out the door with Midoriya in tow.

They took a bus sitting close together with Bakugou on the outside.
"So where are we going? I really wanna know," Midoriya questioned.
"The cinema, I saw that a new All Might movie just came out and thought you might like it."
"Oh you mean, 'American Smash!' I saw the reviews online. I thought it seemed good, but I didn't have time to go watch it. My mom wanted to take me with her to watch it too. I'm glad that you're the one taking me though." He grinned at Bakugou who huffed in response.
"Yeah, that one. Do you want popcorn or whatever when we get there? I can buy for us while you find us a seat."
"Are you sure? I can buy since you already bought the tickets," Midoriya looked at him.
"It's alright, you can buy us dinner. How does that sound?" Bakugou looked back.
"Hmmm, that's seems fair. Did you find a restaurant you wanted to eat at? Or are we gonna decide after?"
"I picked out a side restaurant that serves pretty good katsudon." He looked out the window. "Come on, this is our stop. Grabbing his hand and pulling him off the bus.

Entering the cinema, Bakugou went ahead to wait in the food line. "Go and find us a good seat. I swear if we sit next to or behind people I'm gonna lose my shit, Deku." Bakugou grumbled.
"Yeah, yeah, it won't have that many people anyway. This movies been out for like 2 months already. I'm suprised it's still on, to be honest. I'll see you there." Midoriya set off to find the right theater room. On the way, he noticed a few couples with kids going inside holding hands. As he said, the showing room only held about a total of 5 families. Picking a seat in the far top away from the others, he decided to check his phone. He received only one message from Uraraka who reminded him to take pictures. Honestly he forgot about his deal, so he set a reminder into his phone. Turning off the volume on his phone, he noticed Bakugou climbing the stairs up to him.
"I only got one popcorn, I didn't want to spoil our appetite for dinner. Here, your drink." Putting away his phone he grabbed his cup.
"Thank you," he took a sip, "lemonade?" He gave him a knowing stare.
"Yeah, I told you I would get you lemonade. This time, it won't get spilled all over you," he smirked.
"It was an accident," he set it down in his cupholder.
"Right, and not because he wanted to get you out of your pants." Face full of popcorn he threw a couple of kernals at his green hair
"You weren't there," Midoriya pouted. Swatting at his lame attempts.
"If I was, you wouldn't be in that situation," he grabbed Midoriya's cup and took a long sip.
"Hey, that's mine!" He tried to get it back.
"Deku, you know that we're in a theater right? You're making too much noise." He gave back his drink and smirked. Looking around he saw that some of the parents were giving them harsh stares. Apologizing internally, he calmed down and put back his drink, glaring at Bakugou.
"Kacchan, that wasn't nice." He pouted and took some popcorn from the others lap.
"Ok, I'm sorry," chuckling. "As an apology, you can have some of my drink." Passing his cup to the him who accepted. He took a few sips and made a face.
"Dr.Peps? Yuck, not my favorite soda," holding out his tounge making Bakugou laugh.
"It's for people with selective taste," grabbing back his cup and took a sip.
"You obviously have horrible taste,"
Midoriya remarked and washed out the after taste with his drink.
"What?! I have great taste, I'm going out with you, aren't I?" He yelled.
Realising what he said, both Midoriya and Bakugou started blushing.
"Sir? Hello?" They looked towards the stairs where an usher was holding a flashlight on them. "You are disturbing the movie, we're gonna have to ask you to leave." He said in a calm voice.
"What the hell? The movie didn't even start yet! Why should we leave?" Bakugou growled at the usher who stepped back in surprised.
"Well you seem to be bothering the other people in here who want to enjoy the movie. Please, just cooperate with me. I'm just doing my job." He tried, but they both could see the shaking in his legs and fingers.
"Che! Fine! Who wants to be in this stupid cinema anyway?! let's go." He grabbed his drink and popcorn. Midoriya grabbed his cup and followed after the angry ball of nerves. When they got out, Bakugou turned to Midoriya. "I'm sorry, because of me, we got kicked out and now we can't watch the movie." He knit his eyebrows.
"It's ok," Midoriya touched his eyebrows and spread them out from his frown. "I actually downloaded the movie on my phone. We can go watch it in a cafe and order something there. I don't have earphones though..." he pursed his lips.
"We can go buy some."

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