Let's Talk

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Midoriya was feeling refreshed, he just had the best sleep in months and finished brushing his teeth. Putting on his hiking clothes he picked the night before he grabbed his shoes, phone, and shoulder backpack. Heading out the door he ran into Mineta.

"Whoa! Mineta, good morning. Hey, I never heard you say you wanted to go on the hike today," Midoriya asked.
"That's because I never did. I'm not going, Saturday and Sunday are my days. No way am I wasting it on going outside on a nature walk. With everyone going besides me, I get to be all alone in the dorms by myself. Muahahahahhahaha!" He giggled to himself in a gross manner.
"Ohhhkaayy, I'm gonna go now." He turned away and took the stairs to the first floor.

Almost everyone was downstairs and were just as refreshed as he was. Saying his greetings, he saw that breakfast contained simple scrambled eggs, rice, and sausages. Grabbing a plate he began piling his fill of food. Setting his plate next to Shouji he sat down.
"Itadakimasu!" He said and began chowing down.

"What happens if we see a bear or a snake?" Kaminari speculated to himself on the couch besides Kirishima, Sero, and Jirou.
"Then we run screaming in the opposite direction!" Sero commented.
"Idiot, aren't we supposed to make ourselves look bigger than the bear?" Jirou played with her earphones.
"Yeah, and scream really loudly." Kirishima added.
"That's no problem for me," Jirou put.

"Don't do either of those you dimwits. Did you forget that Kouda can talk to animals?" Tokoyami scolded from the counter.
"Oh yeah! That's pretty cool, because he's basically the princess, Snow White!" Kirishima beamed.
"I bet you wanna be a princess," Sero giggled.
"Hell yeah! I am a princess!" He yelled.
"I bet you would look amazing in a dress." Kaminari grinned.
"Shut up, idiot..." he blushed "I know I would!" Looking away, making everyone laugh.

"You need a dress? I can make one for you." Yaoyorozu said with a straight face.
"That's ok, thanks Momo." Kirishima smiled at her. Midoriya was thankful that his classmates were so full of energy. He loved that it was never boring to be around them and glad they would go on the hike with he and Bakugou.

Speaking of the little devil, Bakugou came out of the elivator with Ashido in full hiking gear. Making eye contact Midoriya could see that Bakugou had a tint of bags underneath his eyes. Bakugou strutted towards him and stopped at the edge of his table. Swallowing his food he gulped at how serious he looked at him. Shouji lifted his eyebrow and then minded his own business.

"Good morning, Kacchan. How did you sleep?" He smiled warily.
"I'll tell you later," he grunted looking him up and down before moving towards the fridge to fill an empty, black watter bottle.

After everyone was finished eating and the dishes were put away, Iida began explaining directions on when they would leave and how they should behave when they get to the bus stop. They had about 5 minutes before they left, and the ones to go back upstairs to get things they had forgot were, Kaminari, and Aoyama. Yaoyorozu was a little bummed that she couldn't use her quark to help them out, but Tokoyami told her that she shouldn't waste her energy on those idiots.

When everyone was present and accounted for they head out of the school in two lines just like mama Iida explained. Once they reached the bus stop, they saw that a bus was already waiting there with a sign that read

1-A hiking trip, be safe everyone! Sorry I couldn't come. -All Might

Everyone was taken aback at All Mights gift and started to board the bus before thanking the driver. Sitting next to each other was:
Aoyama and Jirou
Ashido and Sero
Tsuyu and Uraraka
Bakugou and Midoriya
Hagakure and Ojirou
Iida and Yaoyorozu
Kaminari and Kirishima
Kouda and Satou
Lastly were Shouji and Tokoyami

The only one who was by himself was Todoroki who didn't say anything. Midoriya felt bad that he was alone, but didn't think he would feel better even if Mineta came on the trip. Bakugou was on the outside with him by the window.

"Stop looking at that half-half bastard, nerd. I'm right here." Bakugou growled at him.
"I was just sad that he's by himself."
"Don't worry about other people like him, he can take care of himself. Did you forget what this whole day is about? It's a date," he grabbed Midoriya's hand "between you and me, all these other extras are background. Focus on me." He let go of his hand. Midoriya was a little happy, but he still couldn't help stop feeling bad about Todoroki. Midoriya looked at Bakugou and focused on his body language. Bakugou seemed irritated, but maybe it was because of the gray bags under his eyes.

"Kacchan, what happened last night?" Midoriya whispered enough for the other to hear. Bakugou sighed before telling him what happened during his nightmare.

"Wait, wait, wait, you dreamt that I'm going out with you for revenge? How could you think that?" Midoriya felt hurt.
"I wasn't exactly the nicest person.." he scowled to himself not looking at the other.
"You weren't," Midoriya agreed. "But, it wasn't always your fault. Because of what others said to you since you were young, you just thought you were higher than anybody else. You were praised through the roofs. Anyone would become conceited with themselves if that were to happen. I was weak, and you didn't accept how I could help you if I was so low..you didn't like my weakness." He stared at his hands.

"we talked about it during the fight, but I've always admired you. Yes, you were mean to me, yes, you were an asshole. However, I'm slowly forgiving you for your wrongdoings. We may be going out, but these feelings won't just disappear so easily. I like you, but I also despised the way you acted before. I just want to work on forgiving you while we're together. That's why I'm thankful we're taking it slow. I'm fine with holding hands, anything beyond that and I will fight you." Midoriya clasped his hands through Bakugous who listened calmly.

"I'm fine with holding hands too...and Midoriya...I'm sorry, for being an asshole.."he clenched his jaw. Midoriya smiled softly and felt that Bakugou was tense through his hands. Shuffling closer he placed his head on Bakugous shoulder.
"I accept your apology, let's take a nap. I heard we won't get there for at least 45 minutes." Bakugou started to feel relaxed and layed his head on Midoriya's.

The two tried to get some shut eye, but everyone on the bus seemed to be singing songs and yelling loudly about what they should do when they got there or what food they should eat on the way back. Bakugou starting to get annoyed and soon people were going to catch some hands until he heard Uraraka, Tsuyu, and Iida scolding everyone to get back in their seats and to use their indoor voices. Uraraka sent him a message.
{Round Face 🙆😋}
{Round Face 🙆😋}-I overheard u guys talking. Ok, I used Shouji to tell me what u guys were saying. Rest assured I got your guys back. But u have to be nice to him all day. Also I want another picture. Make it happen.
{King Kacchan 👑💀}- what the actual fuck? whatever, just keep the animals down. Also pay attention to your own relationship. I've heard you got friend zoned.
{Round Face 🙆😋}- it's only temporarily, don't be all tough shit just because u got Midoriya. At least I've gone past the hand holding phase. We've actually kissed.
{King Kacchan 👑💀}- wow, I'm so jealous.
{Round Face 🙆😋}- fucker
{King Kacchan👑💀}- watch your fucking language.
Putting his phone away he glanced at his fingers that were still entwined with the freckled boy. He could hear the soft breath of the smaller boys mouth. Sighing in frustration he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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