7: Guaranteed Request

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Risei: .... What's the baby's name?

Kushina: Naruto.

Risei: .... Food? You called your baby a food?

Minato: it's not like that. It's according to jiraiya sensei's story. It's a really great story.

Kushina passes the book " this is it. " Risei starts to read it.
Jiraiya: how is it?  It's good right?

Risei: .... So unrealistic. But... I wish there was this kind of person.

Minato: that's my wish for him too.

Risei: naruto...

Jiraiya: that's right. When Naruto grows up, you can be his sensei .

Risei: I refuse.

Minato: why?

Kushina: exactly. I was thinking it was a great idea.

Risei: sensei is too big an expectation for me to fulfill. I cannot. It means to guiding someone .... I can't do that. I'm selfish and... I don't know. I think I cannot fulfill. But. I can promise to protect him. In my ways.

Minato: um. That's good enough. Then I'll make a Guranteed Request.

Risei: that's right... You never used that birthday present. What do you want?

Minato: I want you to watch over him.

Risei: I already promised you. Don't waste it.

Minato: I don't want you to protect him. He'll be not be able to do anything. I want you to watch over him from afar.

Risei: minato... Um. Your Guranteed Request has been received.

" arigato! Now. I've got something else to give you." Minato goes to take a scroll and passess it to her. She opens it and realises it's the library for every uzumaki family seals.

Risei: minato?

Minato: you deserve it. I've talked to kushina about it. She agrees.

Kushina: um. I've never seen anyone so good with seals . You deserve them. I also know you'll protect them and pass them to someone you think is worthy.

Risei: kushina... But... Shouldn't you pass it to an uzumaki? Your baby? I'm a namikaze.

Jiraiya: well, then you can be just called the uzumaki descendant.

Risei: but... How about your baby?

Minato: if in future, he shows potential, you can pass it on to me. You won't be selfish and mind right?

" Minato... Kushina..." She runs and hugs them " you're nice people... Pervert jiraiya too. "

Jiraiya: of course I am!!

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now