47: Just Death Like That...

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Tobi: don't worry. I won't make Sasuke worry about you. I'll just say, you returned to konoha.

Risei: he won't believe that.

Tobi: You returned for richi. That's believable for a mother. But I wonder if Sasuke even sees you as a mother. But I guess he'll understand since he's been alone before. He wouldn't want his nephew to have the same thing happened to him.

Risei: he's quite stubborn about me.

Tobi: that, I agree. But it's ok. He can be angry all he wants at you. You're dead anyway. Then I'll just say maybe you ran away from all of these with your baby because you're so selfish. Because... You want to protect the baby you had with itachi. He loves his brother so much, that he can agree with.

Risei: manipulating others. How unpleasant.

Tobi : don't say that. Just each to their own needs.

He charges towards her. She deploys her red chains.

Tobi: getting serious from the start I see.

" I think I've said this many times. Nothing good comes from underestimating you. " And she makes her red chains stab through his body. But it goes through like no hurt was being done to him. He clanks her kunai against her kunai. " Beware of the unknown?"

She made her red chains spread seals onto his body. Those seals were supposed to make him not move. But the seals won't even imprint onto his body. 

Tobi : that won't work.

Tsk. Because he's not materialised?

" Tsk. Unknown. No. You're strong. You helped to kill the uchiha clan." She made her red chains stab through his arm that was holding the kunai. He kamui himself before it happens.

He lets himself out a distance away from her " you watched. Weren't you out in the village for a mission? Or did itachi tell you? "

Risei: I got scolded for a thousand times by shisui to not waste my energy to deploying cats to watch over the uchiha clan. But... I couldn't help it. I was afraid of danzou destroying my beloved uchiha clan without me knowing.

Tsk. I know how it works. Yet it's going to be hard to land a hit on him.

Tobi: what are you thinking about?

Risei: nothing...

Tobi: for once, you'll really try to kill me with no hesitation?

Risei: I don't know. In my head... I still know you as obito. Though... I know you're probably not that obito anymore. But... I know you as obito.

" Then you'll regret for that. Unfortunately. " He charges towards her once more. And crosses kunais with her. She made seals spread to his kunai. The seals spread to his body. He couldn't move. She suspiciously puts her blade to his neck.

Just the she feels a jerk.

She body flickers and was now a distance away from tobi. She turns around " that was dangerous. I knew it. Like it was that easy to kill you. "

Tobi :  hm. So illusions really don't work on you. I thought it was just Sasuke's bad skills.

Risei: you're not itachi. You won't be as apt as him in using illusions. Plus I've my own tricks.

Making a seal against difficult illusions was the right choice. He's not itachi. His illusions won't be hard to handle. It's his other materialising jutsu. Tsk. I only have one hand to use. Ah... The worse time to get hurt. You're really vulnerable to shisui. Risei. Shall I take a bet?

Tobi charged forward again. She threw kunais at him. He deflected them off . She deploys red chains through his body again to no avail.

Tobi: what are you doing? Haven't you tried that before?

And now he was by her front. He swings his kunai to slice her throat. She doesn't defend herself. He swings... A slice drawn across her neck. A seal spreads as the line drawn across her neck. She grabs onto his wrist and places a seal knowing he would put his guard down thinking he would win. He kamui himself immediately.

He lets himself out a distance away. The seal spreads to his arm... He slices his nerve that controls his arm. The seal stops spreading. " As I thought. Your seals eat chakra."

Risei: ah... Shouldn't have done the special one to you. Should have just done the normal ones that restrict. Those spread faster.

Tobi: just stop me. Still don't want to kill me I see.

Risei: .... Seals aren't meant to kill. They're meant to restrict.

Tobi: but there are ones to kill. Isn't it?

Risei: that, was supposed to kill you if it had succeeded taking over your body.

Tobi: this is going to take some time...

The she spits blood " what..."

Tobi: finally. It's working. How tough is your body, I swear. Guess the poison was a wise choice. I don't have that much time to waste with you.

Risei: poison... That time when you sliced my neck.

Tobi: hurry up and die. So this won't be painful. Don't fight the poison. You want to see shisui and itachi. Don't you?

".... You... " She felt her eyes go blurry... She was going to collapse anytime. She was on the verge of death.

Close my eyes. That's all I need to do. Accept my death. Then... Then I can see shisui once again.

But what about richi? He has kurenai. Gomen neh... Richi. I don't think I can outlive a poison. No... I expected myself to die. Gomen neh. You were forced to accept my decision.

Do I have a reason to live...?

Don't know... Why do I feel so unhappy with this unending. So not wanting to die. Isn't this what I want? Death. *Laughs* by poison. Don't want. Just die like that...

She forced open her eyes and she body flickers escaping from tobi.

Tobi: oh well. She's going to die anyway. At least I don't need to keep her corpse.

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now