42: Felt Like Home

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Kakashi knocked onto the door. Risei came and opened it " oh. Kakashi. "

He came in and saw the baby in the cradle. He walked over and picked the baby up in his arms.

Risei: ah...!! Ale?

Kakashi: what's the matter?

Risei: so weird... shikai-san came and carried him. He cried. Gai too. But he seems fine with kurenai and you. Weird...

Kakashi: so you're saying he's picky?

Risei: maybe. Yamato also came by and visited me. When he carried richi, he also cried. I thought he only liked kurenai. Guess he likes you too.

Kakashi: then I guess that's good. After all , I'm going to be his father. Kawaii...

She blushed " we're not even that... Yet... "

Kakashi: you're being shy about it? I was pretty sure, you were daring about these kind of things.

Risei: it's not like you won the bet.

He cupped her cheek with his other hand " I will win. Then you'll marry me. Then I'll be richi's father. Then we can have our own kids. "

Risei: Kakashi... You... Don't have to do that for me.

Kakashi: then how did you propose to do it?

Risei: I... I don't know. Maybe richi could just call you kakashi-san when he grows up.

Kakashi: and if we have our own children?

Risei: then... Then richi will have siblings. But you don't have to be his father.

Kakashi: you make things too complicated. * Kissess forehead* kakashi-san is too hard a name for a baby to pronounce. Papa is easier.

" Kakashi... " She hugs him " ... Don't do this to me... I might end up treating you like shisui. " He cups her head and pulls her in " then do that. Baka."

Risei: you... Haven't won the bet...


Shikai: I heard. I guess there's nothing the copy ninja cannot do.

Kakashi scratches the back of his head " ha ha ha... You compliment me. "

Shikai: that richi is really picky though. He always cried when I carried him.

Kakashi: I guess... He just chooses people.

Shikai: just like her mother. Picky and difficult to please.

Kakashi: don't be like that. *Sigh* kind of .

Shikai: and yet you like her. You're stuck on this on your own. *Smirks*

Kakashi: haha. Yea. So... Who's going to be the next hokage?

Shikai: I thought you weren't worried about things like that.

Kakashi: well... There's a chance it would be me... Not trying to be arrogant.

Shikai: I do want to push you up to the seat. Except...

Kakashi: except danzou has a certain influence huh...

Kurenai opens up her door after hearing knocks on her door " oh. Risei. What's the matter?"

Risei passess richi to kurenai " if... If I die... Send him to sunagakure. Or... You can take care of him as your own. If you don't find... Danzou troublesome. "

Kurenai: you're going to follow danzou

Risei: I don't trust him. If he tries a decision that harms konoha... I'll try to kill him. Hope it works at least...

Kurenai: risei...

Risei's tears fall " don't tell kakashi. He'll be mad at me. Shikai-san too. " kurenai held onto risei's arm before she left " anything you want to tell kakashi?"

Risei: .... .... .... For that one moment... I felt like I was home.

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now