48: Think About Me

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Sasuke: where's risei-nee?

Nino: she went out with tobi. No idea why.

Sasuke: I see.
Sasuke: tobi. Where's risei?

Tobi: she went back to konoha. Worried about richi. She apologised for not being able to stay. She missed richi too much. Needed to see him.

Sasuke: I see... dis she say anything about come back?

Tobi : don't know. Just said that it's itachi's child. She had to take care of it carefully. Some sort of responsibility.

Sasuke: I see... Then I guess... She can be understood.

Risei pov:

I leaned my back against the tree... hahaha.. this is my end. I don't want to die. I don't know why. I just... Feel... It's unfair? No... I want more... That's it. I want more before I die...

Gomen... Kakashi. I guess you won't be seeing me anymore. You won't have to worry about your death. Won't have to worry about me running away.

That's right... I'm dying... Hahaha... I laughed at myself. The ending I want so much... Yet why does this not feel as relieving as it should...

I look back to the life I led till now... Chasing after people... Happy... After shisui was gone... I don't think there was ever such a day... Except maybe only those days I had with itachi. Those very short days. After all, itachi could never be by my side either. We all had our own akatsuki stuff to do. Happy... What else... Kakashi... Sighs... I'm about to die. Guess at least that's one good thing I did for someone. Kakashi won't die.

My eyes were about to close... They gradually... Goes down like heavy curtains...

" Risei. Risei. Risei!!!" The voice called me. So annoying. Someone held onto my arm and shook me " risei!!!" Really annoying.

" Don't die on me!!!" The voice said. I know this voice... But... It's so annoying... Shut up...

" Risei!!!" It called me. I open my eyes... Kakashi?

Risei: are you dead? Gomen. My fault... Told you not to love me. Now you're dead...

Kakashi: risei!! I'm not dead!! I'm not letting you!!

What is he talking about... I feel so tired... My eyes... Closes back...

She takes in a deep breath... And her eyes open once again. She looks to her surroundings... Hospital. And... Kakashi sitting beside her reading his book.

Risei: kakashi. Gomen. I made you die. Told you it was a bad idea to bet on me.

Kakashi: you're not dead you baka. We're in konoha. Your poison is removed .

Risei: .... Oh.... wait . What...?

Kakashi: you called me.

Risei: I didn't call you.

Kakashi: well, the  you subconsciously did. You turned on communication seal and talked to me. You sounded like you were sucidal. I was worried, so I teleported myself to your side with the seal you had.

Risei: you know these kind of things now?

Kakashi: um. Copied a few things from you. Teleportation seals sure are convenient though they take time.

Risei: .... I didn't give you a communication seal.

Kakashi: you did. From one of our previous missions. You forgot to take it off from me. I didn't tell you either.

Risei: are you crazy? I could have used that to kill you if I remembered.

Kakashi: well, you didn't.

Risei: why... Save me...

Kakashi: you were thinking of me before you die. How could I have just let you die like that? I was winning you.

She blushed " baka. "

Sakura walked in " risei. "

Risei: hi. Sakura.

Sakura: you're fine after the poison is removed. But you need rest.

Risei: rest... Ok.

" Really?!!" Sakura and Kakashi said at the same time.

Risei: um... I need to think...

" Oh. Rest well. " And Sakura leaves.

Risei: kakashi. I saw shisui.

Kakashi: you did?

Risei: um. He got revived.

Kakashi: revived...?

Risei: um. One of the stupid things I did with orochimaru. I wanted to revive shisui and the uchiha clan. But in the end!! I didn't. I don't know if they wanted to be alive if I revived them. What if... They were going to be killed again? Or it would spike another war?

Kakashi: I see... Wait. So you mean someone used that jutsu to revive shisui?

Risei: um. That jutsu is called edo tensei. It sacrifices a soul to bring back the dead one.

Kakashi: I see.

Risei: don't you want to ask me?

Kakashi: ask what?

Risei: why I didn't just revive shisui by my own.

Kakashi: .... Why?

Risei: I really tried to. Using another village's ninja. But san daime stopped me. He said that I was disrespecting shisui's dead body. That shisui wouldn't have wanted it.

Kakashi: then do you love me? Even just by a little bit?

Risei: kakashi... Makes me happy. *Smiles*

He smiled satisfied with that answer and the smile she gave with the answer.

Risei: shisui told me to warn you. Said that if I got married to anyone before I died, after I die, he'll come for me.

Kakashi smirks under his mask " you think I'll let go just like that?"

Risei: hehe.

Kakashi: then I guess, I won the bet.

Risei: .... Half.

Kakashi: half ?

Risei: ... They all bear the one seal I gave them and then died. If you wear that seal and don't die... Then you win.

Kakashi: a seal?

Risei: um. One that allows me to know whether if you're dead or not.

Kakashi: isn't the communication seal enough?

Risei: they're different.

Kakashi: fine.

Risei: kakashi... How about konoha? Aren't you going to be hokage? After danzou's death.

Kakashi: I won't die.

Risei: you crazy... How can you be so confident...

Kakashi: because I want to be like you , for once. Wilful and reckless.

Risei: I'm not reckless!!

Kakashi: really? Just chasing after danzou without thinking of consequences.

Risei: I know the consequences!!

Kakashi: death is not a choice. You have richi. You have me. We are the people you need to think about.

She couldn't rebut " gomen... " He kissess her in the hair, then gently pulls the ends of it " risei. They're long... "

Risei: um.

Kakashi: I like you with shorter hair. Like the first time I met you. I like that you.

She blushed " kakashi... Um. I'll get them cut. "

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now