31: A Baby

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From then... Seven months later~~

Kakashi: who's that?!!

Risei walks out " kakashi... " Kakashi's eyes widens " risei... Where have you been? We have been worried for you."

Risei: running away from a bunch of people. You know. Danzou. A bit troublesome since I've to keep moving. Ugh... I swear it's been boring doing nothing.

Kakashi: it's been hard on you.

Risei: I guess... I need tsunade-sama. Can you ask her to meet me? I know it would be a bit difficult for her to leave. But I know she needs to meet the daimyo in this week. She can make a reroute.

Kakashi: alright.

Kakashi stayed with her after asking pakkun to pass the message to konoha.

Kakashi: daijobu?

Risei: couldn't be better or worser.

Kakashi: they say mothers are the happiest.

Risei: happy... No. I don't feel that. But yet I won't kill this baby. What am I doing...

Kakashi : because you're a nice person.

She smiles " hehe. Arigato. " She then looks to Kakashi " busybody. "

Kakashi: huh?

Risei: you made tsunade-sama tell you about me. How come you wanted to know?

Kakashi: ... You looked sad when you left the hospital that day. But even though sad, you kinda looked happy.

Risei: busybody.

Kakashi: it's... Itachi's right?

Risei sighs " troublesome neh~~ "

Tsunade : risei namikaze!!! How could you just run off like that?!!!

Risei: but you knew... I told you...

Tsunade: but I expected you to return to konoha!!! I was worried!!!

Risei: heh...

Tsunade sighs " daijobu?"

Risei: 7 months. Premature baby. You can do it right?

Tsunade: what are you thinking!! You'll die!!

Risei: but you can do it right?

Tsunade: .... You...

Risei: if worse come to worse. I want to live.

Kakashi: can't you just wait for the baby to come?!

Risei: can't wait. Don't try to lie to me. I know what's been going on. 7 months... It's time for you to leave me. Baby.

Tsunade: stop carrying everything on your shoulders !!!! You have us!!!

Risei: .... Tsunade-sama... Can you do it?

Tsunade: no. I won't.

Risei: I see. Then it's time for you to go. Baby. At least that , I can do it myself.

Tsunade: RISEI.

Risei: help me. Please. You're the only reason this baby has to live. Because... There's no other reason. Being chased for the rest of his life because of those sharingan... It's not a life. I don't want that kind of life for this baby.

Tsunade: fine!!! I'll help you.

Her eyes lits up " arigato!!! " Then she bows " one more thing. "

Tsunade: what now?!!

Risei: give the baby to sunagakure. Over there, this baby will be safer.

Tsunade: you... *Clenches fist* I understand. Everyone lets you have your way too much.

Risei: hehe. Arigato.

Tsunade places the baby beside the tired risei " it's a boy."

Risei: eh...

Tsunade: though of a name yet?

Risei: no... Kakashi.

Kakashi: hm?

Risei: do me a favour. Send him to sunagakure. Tsunade plus you. I won't be that worried.

Kakashi: um.

Risei: arigato.

Kakashi: but first. You rest. Tsunade-sama and I will send him tomorrow morning. Any names?

Risei : ... richi. How's that?

Kakashi: um. It's a good name.

Before the sun rises... She kisses her baby on the forehead one last time " gomen neh. My fault... " And she leaves.
The sun rises and tsunade goes into the room to see risei gone. Tsunade carries the baby " doesn't want to watch the baby leave huh... " Tsunade looks into the baby's eyes. The baby was sleeping soundly...

Tsunade : don't be angry at your mama. She's been doing everything for others. You're probably the only selfish thing she wanted.

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now