26: Sweet Letters

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A crow lands onto itachi's shoulder.

Itachi: kuroni. What's the matter? Flying all the way from the summoning world.

Kuroni: a letter from you. Just got it from one of the cats. I think it's from risei.

I've reached konoha. Managed to stay under watch. Still feel like killing danzou everyday. Without me by your side, does it feel lonely? I'm getting bored. Do you really love me? You love Sasuke more. Love konoha more right? That's why you made me return. To protect konoha. Tell me the truth... I'm getting really really bored now. Maybe you can give me something other be sad or happy to feel about.

Kisame walks in " a letter? From who? Risei? "

Itachi: ah. She apologised. She wants to come back.

Kisame: that's good isn't it?

Itachi: of course it's not. She betrayed me.

Kisame: I see... Petty.

Risei receives itachi's letter...

You and I both love konoha more. Since shisui was gone, we both only have sights on konoha. Except you had two more promises to keep. And one of them is similar, that is Sasuke. You and I know , we just enjoyed each other's company. You still love shisui. Then love me.  And I, still love you. Just that, we both have konoha first then each other. I'm a little bit jealous though, that shisui gets to be first place. Before konoha.

Kuroni: this time. It's a one sentence message.

Itachi; what is it?

Kuroni: don't die. Let's get married when this ends. Kehe. So sweet.

Itachi: hurry up and return. Don't spread weird things. *Smiles*

Kuroni: kehe. Hai Hai.

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now