28: Not Helping

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Yamato: someone's following us.

Everyone goes onto battle mode.

" Hehe. Not bad. " Risei walks out " me. Me. "

Sakura: risei.

Risei: oh!

Naruto: why are you here.

Risei: I got bored in the village. Came out on a little trip. Hehe. No mind right?~

Sai: did you get tsunade-sama's permission?

Risei: of course. Of course.
Yamato lagged behind and held onto risei's shoulder " heh... Could I talk to you?"

Risei: okie.

And they both slowed down their steps to behind the team.

Yamato: you totally just came out on your own right?

Risei: heh heh. Tenzou, correct!! You're still as smart neh~

Yamato: the cover name is Yamato desu. Yamato.

Risei: Hai Hai.

Yamato sighs " you might not be able to return konoha like this. Hurry and return. "

Risei: don't worry. I've my own plans. Yamato. You trust me?

Yamato; .... Risei.

Risei: it's ok. It's ok. I understand. I want an honest opinion.

Yamato: you've never really done anything bad to me personally...

Risei: um. But you're still worried if I might do something to Naruto. Ok. I understand. I actually told tsunade-sama I came out. Just didn't wait for her agreement. If you don't believe me, you can send a message to ask. Really. I won't be offended.

Yamato: you're still wilful as usual.

Risei give a v sign " hehe. "

New team 7 vs Yamato

Risei comes down from the tree and claps her hand " everyone is so strong."

Naruto: you're not even helping!!

Risei: why should I help? *Heads slants* Sasuke is not my friend.

Sakura: but you watched him grow. Didn't you?!

Risei: well there's that... But we lived in different parts of the mansion. I only see him every once a new year.

Sai: it would be a waste of resources though.

Risei: mmm~~ true. But I came because I'm bored. I'm only going to do something when you four are going to get in big trouble. You know, die. If Naruto does, that's big trouble. Kyuubi would come out. I'm here to prevent that.

They couldn't rebut that.

Yamato sweatdrops " a bit too straightforward... Don't you think? Risei."

Risei: arigato.

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now