50: You Deserve Me

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Kakashi: I will be fine. Put the seal on me.

Risei: but...

Kakashi took her hand and put it to his chest " trust me. Since you believe in prophecies so much, how do you know I'm not the few who will be with you till your end of your life?"

Risei:.... I don't know.

Kakashi: that's why. Take a bet with me.

Risei: you won't regret?

Kakashi: I won't die.

Risei: .... * Sighs* ok. *Places seal*

He pulls his sleeve up " um. It's not gone. " The communication seal was still there.

Risei: I'll take it off.

He takes steps backwards " no. This is something you imprinted on me. I don't want it off. I want to hear you talk to me. " She blushed " like I've that many things to say. "

Kakashi: then think of that many things to say.

" Crazy. " And she turns around to walk to richi's cradle. She carries him up in her arms " I'm going to be busy. I don't have things to think of. " He walks close to her, she had her back towards him. He kissess her in the hair " I will be back alive. Then I'll officially win this bet."

Risei: it's just a mission to prepare for war... You won't die... Right?

Kakashi: I won't.

She watches his back as he leaves.

A few days passess...

Kakashi returns from his trip. He waves goodbyes to his subordinates and headed towards the hokage building. He was finally alone as he walked through the alley. He stops in his steps " come out. Risei. " She jumps down behind him " Kakashi. "

He turns around " miss me already?" She ran towards him and hug him tightly " I thought... I thought you wouldn't come back. Arigato... For winning the bet." He strokes her hair " never seen someone so eager to lose. "

Risei: shut up...

Kakashi: so you will marry me now?

Risei: why are you even so eager...

Kakashi: so you wouldn't run. At least I don't have anyone to fight over with now.

Risei : arigato...

Kakashi: you deserve me.

Risei: arigato.

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now