13: His Last Words

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Itachi: risei. You called me.

Risei: sit there. Don't go anywhere until I'm done. Even if san daime calls you, you're not allowed to go. I'll explain to san daime.

Itachi: risei...

She digs a hole...

Itachi: I'll help.

Risei: sit there!!

And he watched... She was done digging a hole. She summoned shisui's body from her scroll. She jumped into the hole with the body in her hands. She placed the body down and kissed his lips. Her tears fell " gomen. My time ran too slow... We couldn't do our promise." She came out and buried him.

Risei: if I died before you... Can you bury me with shisui?

Itachi: .... Um.

She takes a breath in... Then she looked to him " what did shisui tell you? You were the last to see him . "

Itachi pov:

The last words shisui said...

He wanted to protect the uchiha clan and keep peace of konohagakure. And...

Itachi: gomen. He couldn't keep his promise to you.

I watched her as she clenched her fist really tight. Tears were threatening to fall... But none fell.

And... If you love her still, be together with her. Protect her in replace of me. Do all of these...

If you're my friend...

Risei: I understand. Arigato.  Shisui... Shisui died because of danzou. Nah.

Itachi: .... I don't know.

Risei: liar. Sighs . Uchiha men are all so selfish.

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now