12: Shisui is Mine

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Shisui: what's that?

" Hehe. " She hugs him from behind " my special seal~ it's permanent! Forever!"

Shisui: you want to keep a surveillance on me?

Risei: what if you decide to cheat on me? Decide I'm not good enough for you? Hm?!

He turns around and cups her cheeks squishing them " like I will cheat on you. I made you a promise."

Risei: in case you die...

Shisui: and what? You'll come to take my corpse?

She nods her head " um. Restore you like I did to minato and kushina. I won't let anyone disrespect your corpse." He kissess her lips " arigato."


Itachi turns around " risei." She had just teleported herself there. She panted heavily " shisui... Where's shisui? Where is he?!!"

Itachi: risei... He... Dropped down there.

She grabbed onto his collar " WHAT HAPPENED? WHY DID HE DIE?"

Itachi looked away " gomenasai." Her tears flowed " don't say that!!! Tell me why?!! What happened!! I felt him dying just a few minutes ago!! It only took a few minutes... For me to teleport here... What happened!!! ITACHI. "

Itachi: ....

Risei clenches her fist " DAMN IT."

Itachi: where are you going?!!

Risei: to collect shisui. He's mine!!!

Risei found his body and buried her face in his chest " shisui... You promised me... So cold... Shisui..."

She felt presence from around. She sat up with her hair covering her face " there are no eyes. NO SHARINGAN. LEAVE MY SHISUI ALONE. SHISUI IS MINE. "

And with that, the ninjas leave.

She cups his cheek " don't worry. I'll restore you. Like I promised... Bury you. Shisui... My shisui... "

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now