38: Grown Up

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Risei: Sasuke. This direction... Are we heading towards kumogakure?

Sasuke: ah. Actually... We're heading towards kumogakure to capture the hachibi.

Her eyes widens " hachibi? Why?"

Sasuke: it's a condition the akatsuki made so that I can join them.

Risei: .... Akatsuki... Pein... Shit. Sasuke. Don't die. I need to return somewhere for a while.

Sasuke: where are you going?!!

Risei: to keep my promise. Kuchiyose no jutsu.


Nano: yo. Sasuke. Looks like we'll be together again.

Risei: killer bee is not someone easy to defeat. You don't have something strong enough to defeat him yet. Something he cannot counter. But your nii-san has. He gave it to you before he died desho.

Sasuke: amaterasu.

Risei: I know you haven't mastered it yet. But you can. Master that and killer bee is not difficult. If all else fails... Run.

Sasuke: ah. I got it.

Risei body flickers...

Risei gives a breath of relief as she saw the entire thing through nano's eyes " kakashi. You must be happy nah. Sasuke actually knows teamwork. " She then held onto the ring on her necklace " Itachi, your ototo got your amaterasu. You can rest in peace. "

A cat reverse summons itself " risei."

Risei: oh... Nero. What is it?

Nero: you're looking for Naruto. Aren't you?

Risei: um. I need to warn them off pein. Or at least do something about it. People are going to die.

Nero: Naruto is in the summoning world.

Risei stops in her steps " what? I got it." And she summons herself into the summoning world.

Nero: yo. Gamabunta.

Gamabunta: huh? What are you doing here? Nero. With a human too.

Nero: we want to see fukusaku-sama

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Nero: we want to see fukusaku-sama.

Gamabunta: for what?

Risei: it's about Naruto. It's important.

Gamabunta: you're that ex-akatsuki.

Risei: drops all her weapons onto the floor " I come with no harm."

Gamabunta: hm....fine. Come with me.
Gamabunta: old man. Someone came here to see you.

Fukusaku: you're that girl.

Risei: huh?

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Risei: huh?

Fukusaku: the sage toad predicted your life when you came to us for the first time.

Risei: oh... You mean when I was young... I got mischievous and walked into your territory.

Fukusaku: do you still remember the prediction?

Risei: I had one?

Fukusaku: the sage toad said you would have a very hard life ahead. You jinx almost everyone around you. Except a few. Those few will be the one who walk to the end of the life with you.

Risei: then I guess... The prediction isn't wrong. They did... All die. Who is the few?

Fukusaku: it's a prediction. How would I know.

Risei sighs " I heard Naruto is here. "

Fukusaku: ah. Learning the sage mode.

Risei: like jiraiya... anyway... Sasuke has successfully captured killer bee. I'm probably going to get him back. But even before that... Pein will come to attack konoha. There's only two bijuus left to catch. You cannot let Naruto leave here. He will get caught."

Fukusaku: but I can't control what the kid wants.

Risei: if he gets caught, this is over. OVER!!!

Fukusaku: I understand. But... You know that kid. You've been watching him, haven't you? He's as wilful as you. He doesn't listen.

Risei clenches her fist" I don't care!! Do something!! I ... Made a... Promise..." Fukusaku jumps onto her shoulder and pats her head " you have too much burden on your shoulders. This was probably your fate. I'll try my best. Ok?"

Risei: um...

Naruto has hear everything and walked out "  risei. "

Risei: you... Heard everything.

Naruto: Sasuke became an akatsuki?!!

Risei: ah...

Naruto: why didn't you stop him?!!

Risei: he hates konoha. He wants to crush konoha. It's the only reason why he agreed to help catch the hachibi.

Naruto: why?!!

Risei: because of danzou. He's a disgusting man. I'm leaving.

Naruto : wait!! .... Risei... Watching me... What's that mean?

Risei: I made a promise to your parents to do that. To protect and watch from afar. I made the same kind of promise to Itachi... About Sasuke.

Naruto: then why... Didn't you ever come and look for me? You promised them to protect me right?!!

Risei: you weren't in danger. Naruto. Plus... You had kakashi-san as your sensei. You were safe. So I left the village.

Naruto: last question... Who are my parents?

Risei: ..... san daime never told you... Nobody told you.

Naruto: nobody...

Risei: .... Until now?

Naruto: um.

Risei: I see... I guess everyone has their reasons then. I can see why... If we survive pein's attack... I'll show you your parents. Let's go, Nero.

Nero: oh!!

Naruto: wait!!! Tell me!!

Risei: they're both so grown up now. All of you can rest in peace...

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now