37: Family

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Risei was having lunch with Sasuke's gang. She continued quietly... Until something catches her attention. She drops her chopsticks and ran out of the ramen house.

Sasuke gave chase " risei-nee!!"

Risei stopped the man who was ringing the bell and singing a song. " Old man. "

" Oh. Onee-chan. Buying ice cream from me again?"

Risei: um ... You still remember me?

" Of course I do. You and your boyfriend were such a good couple. You had that pretty white hair too. He seemed to really love you. Always letting you have your way. "


Risei: Itachi!! Buy me some ice cream.

Itachi: alright. Old man. Two vanilla ice cream.

Risei: but I want chocolate!!

" Ok. How about this one? " The old man takes out a packet " this one has two in one. One chocolate and one vanilla."

Itachi: um. Arigato. Old man.

She puffs her cheeks up " now I want vanilla... Too... "

" Greedy. " And he opens the packet " you can have a bite from mine. "

" Hehe." She kissess his cheek " arigato."

End of flashback~

Sasuke: risei-nee?

Risei: um.... He's really nice to me. He loves me a lot.

" What happened? You two had a fight?"

Risei: not really... He just... Just left me. He had something really important to do. And left me.

" Don't be sad." The old man have her an ice cream " here you go. You two like this ice cream right? You don't want him to see you unhappy when he returns. Do you?"

She takes the ice cream " arigato..." And tears fell down her cheeks. She opens the packet and munches a bite in between the chocolate and vanilla.

" Onee-chan... You really miss him huh?"

Risei: um.... arigato... Old man.

" It's nothing. I'm just someone who sells ice cream."
Sasuke : risei-nee and nii-san went to that old man to buy ice cream?

Risei: um. Gomen. Made you worry.

Sasuke: no... It's nothing.

Karin: huh?!!! You know it makes sasuke-kun worry, then don't just run out like that!!!

Risei: you're really noisy .

Karin: HUH?!!

risei: I will make you unmovable if you don't shut up and stop that attitude.

Suigetsu pulls Karin back " Karin!!" He whispers loudly .

" I hope you remember, I used to be an ex-akatsuki. Forever. I'm not your everyday prisoner. Uzumaki Karin." And risei leaves.

Karin: sasuke-kun!!

Sasuke: behave yourself.

" What have you done to sasuke-kun!!" Karin takes out a kunai and heads towards risei's back. Risei turned around, grabbed onto her wrist and seals was written all over Karin's arm. Risei let's go of Karin's wrist " don't be annoying."

Karin tried to move her arm " what did you do?!!"

Risei: I said, I would make you unmovable. This is just one arm. Do you want to try the whole body?

Karin: let me go!!

Risei : treat me nicely. I did nothing to you.

Karin: you seduced sasuke-kun!!

Risei slaps Karin across the face. Her face blackens " don't you dare say something like that again. The men I seduced all couldn't marry me even when I eagerly so wanted to. They all died. So if you say something like that again... " Risei looks to Karin's eyes " I will. Break all your tendons. Then it won't be a problem of crawling. You won't be able to even move. Understand me?"

Karin : Hai...

Sasuke: you seduced nii-san?

Risei: hehe. Um. Like I did with shisui~ Uchiha men are all so selfish. I had to make them notice me.

Sasuke laughs " what's that?"

Risei : it's true!! I liked shisui a lot. So I went to his house every day to make him notice me. Making carefully sure~ I'm not the annoying kind.

Sasuke: eh. So that's why you came to our house every day.

Risei: as for Itachi... He wouldn't agree to having a relationship at all. I wouldn't have either. But I guessed... I still wanted him to be by my side. So I always went to disturb him whenever I had time. It was so frequent~ even that kisame liked me.

Sasuke: risei-nee, you're just easily bored. Admit it.

Risei: bored... No... Lonely. I easily felt loneliness...

Sasuke: risei-nee... I'm here. We're family isn't it?

Risei: family... Sasuke-kun... Do you even know what that means? Family...

Sasuke: of course . I'm your family. You're mine.

Risei: Sasuke... Um. Arigato.

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now