43: You're an Akatsuki Aren't You?!

978 18 0

Danzou: could you stop following me?

" Meow. " The cat jumped down.

Danzou: hmph.

" Meow. I'm watching you. " Nino the cat spoke.

Danzou: sneaky bitch.
Risei: hm? This chakra... Sasuke... Zetsu. And... That person.

Risei: yo~~ zetsu.

Zetsu: as usual,  you sense people fast.

Risei: can't help it that I'm sensitive.

Zetsu: what do you want from me? Aren't you stalking danzou?

Risei: I have nino watching danzou and nano watching Sasuke for me. Don't try stupid stunts. What is tobi doing here with Sasuke?

Zetsu: suddenly not using his real name?

Risei: he's probably no longer that person. Isn't it?

Zetsu: hmph.

Risei senses a presence behind her. She turns around " Tobi."

Tobi ( obito ) : oh. Not destroy zetsu yet?

Risei: it's not like I hate him.

Tobi: right. You don't hate anything or anyone. Except danzou.

Risei: um. That's true.

Tobi: then join me. I'll help you kill that danzou.

Risei: you could have if you wanted so. You don't need me that much to use that as a bait. You're probably not going to do it anyway until danzou really gets in your way.

Tobi: it's the same isn't it? You just want him dead. You won't ever have to worry about him being a threat to your baby.

Risei: you make it sound like you're going to do it on one of these days.

Tobi: that can be arranged.

Risei: .....

Tobi smiled under his mask " you also need to watch over Sasuke. Don't you?"

Risei: ... Fine. I'm not joining you. I'm joining Sasuke.

Risei: it's about time. My Sasuke is being beat up very badly.

Tobi: Hai Hai. Kind onee-chan.

He used his kamui and teleported to inside of the building.

Risei cracks her fingers " it's been long... Since I've killed people... Damn it... Akatsuki sure made me rotten."

Tobi: daijobu. You're returning today anyway.

" Shut up. " She looks to the people charging towards her " gomen . " She takes out her katana and kills them off easily " no challenge. The kages brought these kind of people to protect them? Even as a small guard... At least have some level of skill. "

Tobi : now you're being picky.

Nano : you're here. I'm returning then. *Poof*

Risei walked over and picked up Sasuke's body " they're coming. The kages."

Karin: what are you doing with Sasuke?!!

Risei: ah. The annoying one. She'll be useful... Have to bring her too.

" So you are an akatsuki aren't you?!! Risei Namikaze!!" The raikage shouts out.

Risei: so annoying. Madara . Let's go.

" So bossy. " And tobi kamuis themselves out of there.

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now