16: Like Their Mum

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Sasuke: risei-nee!!

Risei continues in her steps ignoring. Sasuke chases up and pulls on her shirt on the back " risei-nee!" She turns around " Sasuke. " He lits up " risei-nee."

Risei: I'm busy. Mission.

Sasuke: how come you never come visit me?

Risei: you're grown up now. You can think and care for yourself.

His smile turns down " risei-nee..."

Risei: I grew up by myself too. That's how I became strong. You can do it too. It's risei by the way.

Sasuke: Hai.

Risei: I need to go on a mission now. If you need anything, you can ask san daime where I stay. But I'm very busy, so it's better you pretend I don't exist. Unless you're going to die.

Sasuke: Hai.

" Alright. " And she turns around to leave.
Kakashi met risei outside of the gate " isn't that a little bit harsh?"

Risei: he needs to grow.

Kakashi: Hai Hai. Act like you don't care. You always go see him and Naruto first whenever you return to konoha. It's like you're their mum.

Risei: I made a promise.

Kakashi: you're so serious. I'm joking.

Risei: I'm turning into the past you. Except I'm not mean like you. *Thumbs up* karma for you. Because you have to bear with me.

Kakashi: meanie.

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now