51: Beginning of War

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Risei: wah. What a scenery.

Gaara : I would be expecting a lot from you too. Risei Namikaze. I heard about your skills.

Risei: oops. Got discovered.

Darui: who are you lying to? Hiding in that spot. Everyone can see you. It's so obvious.

Risei sighs " everyone is so fired up..."

Gaara: something tells me you don't approve of this . Bigger hope leads to bigger disappointment?

Risei : .... Uchiha clan. You know right? I lived there for a period of time. Even if I wasn't allowed to clan meetings... I knew clearly of what uchiha people can do. The odds may look like on our side just because we have people. But I don't believe those odds. Gomen.

Gaara: no. It helps to have someone paranoid.

Risei: you're a kazekage right? Then don't trust me so easily. I'm ex-akatsuki.

Gaara: then the more I should trust.

Risei: .... What kind of human are you? That Naruto... Turning everyone into softies.

Kakashi: risei. Enough!

Risei: gomen. I don't like this war. I don't like fighting an uchiha. Are you sure you want to give me my team back? Aren't you afraid?

Gaara: I trust you. Plus, you did prove yourself to wanting to save your own village.

Risei: .... Don't trust me. I don't trust myself.

Kakashi: at least, you won't hurt me. I believe that. I trust that.

Risei: kakashi... .... I'll go prepare. *Body flickers*

" Yo. Long time no see. Traitor. "

Risei: ah. Long time no see. Yuki.

Yuki: deh? Any hot guys in akatsuki?

Yuki: deh? Any hot guys in akatsuki?

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Risei: well... I guess sasori is hot.

Yuki: eh~~ and I thought you would say itachi first~ you forgetful traitorous bitch. Itachi would be so sad if he hears this.

Risei: it's because he's kinda mine that's why I said sasori.

Yuki: that puppet master huh? Eh... His puppets are ugly. You sure he's hot?

Risei: well... He threw away his body. Even his real body is a puppet... So how would I know.

" Would you stop talking about guys? If you're so desperate, get married already. "

Yuki: oh shut up!! Gin!!  Like you have a girlfriend.

Gin: I do have one.

Yuki: Stop smirking!!!  You totally made that up!!

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Yuki: Stop smirking!!!  You totally made that up!!

Risei: but he doesn't seem like he lying~~ oh ho~ Yuki is gin's girl?

Yuki: of course not!!!

Gin: like I want her standards kind of girl.

Yuki: what did you say?!!! Gin!!

Risei sighs " neh. You guys. Are you sure you want to trust me and work with me?"

Gin: I don't mind. It's not like you did anything to harm me. But if I was given orders to kill you, I would. That's all there is to it.

Yuki: it's always been like that isn't it? The three of us. Welcome back. Bitch.

Risei: oh. Arigato.

Yuki: then as usual... I'm the taichou neh. So... The orders given to us is, to join kakashi's unit. Understand?

Gin: eh... In the end we have to face risei's man. So troublesome.

Risei sticks her tongue out " bleh. You're just jealous. "

Yuki: if needed, to restrain you. Though I doubt that's possible. Watch you in another words.

Risei: oh.ok. 

Gin: is it ok? To tell her. Taichou.

Yuki: eh. She'll figure out anyway. She's so sensitive. Might as well make her know not to do stupid things.

Risei: I won't.

Yuki: anyway, we still have our communication seals. We'll still use those when in need. Nah?

Risei: be careful I kill you with it.

Yuki: ok. Kill me then. Life is boring anyway.

Risei sighs " what's with our team..."

Gin: all weirdos you mean.

Risei: that.

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now