35: Seeing Sasuke Again

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Obito: he thinks I'm madara. You won't say anything. Would you?

Risei: fine. I won't say. Not like it makes a difference.
Risei: Sasuke. I've brought itachi's eyes.

Sasuke: is that you?! Risei-nee.

Risei: you still call me risei-nee...

Sasuke: gomen.

Risei: no. I'm kinda happy. I'll take out your old ones and give you these. Don't abuse them.

Sasuke: um. You made a promise to watch over me. From who?

Risei: .... ....Nano told you. Itachi did. We both thought that the way to make you stronger was to leave you alone. He thought about hate. I thought about independence. You needed it.

Sasuke: I see...

Risei: I'm going to anaethise you. You'll go to sleep for a while. You still trust me right?

Sasuke: um.

Sasuke was told the truth by 'tobi' and unsure about the truth he was given about the massacre of his clan , he asked risei " is what he's telling true?"

Risei: um... They are all true. But whether the uchiha clan was rebelling a not... I did not. After all... I am just a person who stayed at the mansion . I'm not an uchiha. I'm not allowed to attend any of their meetings.

Sasuke: I see...

Obito: but you do hate danzou.

She clenched her fist " that man.. is disgusting. He shouldn't deserve to live." She sighs " anyway. Don't take the blindfolds for three hours."

Sasuke: risei-nee, where are you going? Weren't you supposed to watch over me?

Risei: well... I don't like him. So I'm leaving. If you need anything...

She walks to Sasuke and puts a seal on him " call me. This is a communication seal . " She kisses his forehead " don't be reckless." And she leaves.

Risei takes out the necklace from her bag . She then takes out one more ring and slots it into the necklace. She wears it " Shisui. Itachi. By my side. "

She was quickly surrounded my kumogakure ninjas. She was standing outside their gate.

Risei: I want to see the raikage.
She was brought to the raikage with hands tied behind her back.

Raikage : Risei Namikaze. What are you doing here?

Risei: firstly... I have to know what you think of me. That way, I know if what I'm going to say is going to be listened.

Raikage: what?!!

Risei: they're valuable information. I don't want to be treated like an idiot.

Raikage: fair enough. You're ex- akatsuki. Though I don't really trust that bit.

Risei: how much do you not trust?

Raikage: 20%

Risei: fair enough. Akatsuki has captured most of the bijuus. I've been keeping track. Though I've warned every other junchuriki... It's obvious not one of them has succeeded in defending themselves against the akatsuki.

Raikage: so you're here to warn us.

Risei: ah. Though it would be a wise decision to alliance the rest of the hidden villages... It's also obvious no one cares to what I've to say. So... That's it. Let me go.

Raikage: I can't have that.

" then I'll just leave myself." And she teleports.

Raikage: damn it!!

And... She teleports to Sasuke's side.

Risei: you called me? Said you needed my help. Is there something you need?

Sasuke: I may need you help on something. And... This is my team.

Karin: uzumaki Karin.

Risei: uzumaki... What's your specialty?

Karin: huh?! Healing.

Risei: healing... Uzumaki...

Sasuke: they're orochimaru's ...

Suigetsu: experiments!

Risei: no wonder. What a waste of talent.

Karin: arigato...

Risei: he is...

Jugo: jugo desu.

Risei: oh. Risei Namikaze desu.

Suigetsu: eh~~ aren't you that akatsuki who quitted?

Risei: so was orochimaru.

Suigetsu: heh. He was?

Sasuke: risei-nee. You'll follow us right?

Risei: .... I don't really have something to do now... Sure.

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now