52: Haku vs My Team

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Risei had returned to kakashi's side " kakashi. I'm back. "

Kakashi : oh.

Yuki: yo. Kakashi-san.

Kakashi: oh. Yuki.

Gin: don't touch her hands. She'll poison you.

Yuki: like I'll do such a stupid thing!! I'll just end up poisoning myself!!

Gin: you are that stupid.

Yuki: I'm a taichou !! Your taichou!!

Then, there were murmurs around them... A konoha ninja came to kakashi's side " erm... Kakashi-san. Is this such a good idea? Everyone is uncomfortable with this idea. Letting the three of them on the platoon. I mean... If they don't follow risei around... I guess that's fine. "

Kakashi: I can see why everyone is saying that.

Then a rock ninja came over " don't mind I say this... But... Yuki is an expert on poisons and gas. And gin plus risei who are great sensory ninjas... If they decide to attack us on risei's order... "

" Ah... Everyone is suspecting us because of you. " Yuki scratches her head. She takes out a pill from her pocket " risei. Eat this. "

Risei sighs " but it's bitter... Really bitter... "

Yuki: shut up and eat it. I don't want all the kages and these people to think I'm on your side. Medical ninja, you guys know what is this right?

Gin: yaa... Yuki is being mean.

Yuki: shut up. I'm saving your ass. That's right. This is that famous poison I made. If without antidote for every eight hours,one will die. Risei.

" Hai hai." Risei takes the pill and swallows it.

" Ooi. Ooi. Is she speaking the truth?"

" Ah... That pill is golden and purple. It is that one. The poison destroys the body on a cellular level."

Yuki: that's right. I can even speed up her death if I want to. Her life is in my hands.

" You may just be bluffing!!! You guys has been a team since young!!!"

Yuki: hm... true . I make her die. I die. So I'm risking my own life for you people here. Helping her seems like a good idea. That's what you think right? But you need to trust me. Because I don't want to see an entire human race extinct. I know what this war holds. You don't have to trust her by giving her your life. Just trust her enough to clean your butts or save you. And when you think she might betray you, kill her.  Use her like a tool. I won't stop you. Nah. Gin.

Gin: like I want to involve myself in messy business.

Kakashi: what a speech... Don't even need me... What a taichou she has.

Kakashi: I never knew you were such a person. Yuki.

Yuki: don't need your compliments. Don't want. I don't want you to come looking for me.

Kakashi: what? And I was going to be relying on you... One of the best ambush teams~~

Yuki: don't want. Don't want. Don't want.

Gin: you heard her. We don't like troublesome business.

Kakashi sighs " risei~~ "

Risei: taichou says no.

Yuki pats onto risei's head " um um. Our good girl. You didn't disappoint us and betray us because of your lover."

Kakashi: you guys are just bullying me.

Haku had made ice mirrors and they could reflect attacks he made

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Haku had made ice mirrors and they could reflect attacks he made. He threw kunais into one of the mirror and they started to reflect to the ninjas that were getting close to him. He then made the mirrors surround a large amount of people and trapped them in shooting kunais to the middle.

Just then a puff of gas... Floats into the area... the ninjas in the middle coughs... Coughs... And faints.

Haku: making your comrades faint... Is that such a good idea?

Yuki: hehe. Faint... Huh?

Haku coughs " poison?" As she sees blood on her palms.

Yuki: apparently my poisons won't work much effect on you... Since you can't die. But you can't control if your body feels weak. Can you?

Haku: how about your comrades?

Yuki: you didn't think that's all the gas does... Do you?

And *clank* gin had his katana against haku's kunai. Haku was loosing strength...

" Goodbye." Gin smirked as the seal on his shoulder spreads onto his katana and onto haku's kunai. Haku tries to threaten gin " you sure? I'll kill your comrades. "

Gin: what comrades?

Haku looks down and realises that they were enclosed in a sphere barrier. Risei looks to haku's eyes " you should pay attention to your arm."

Haku looks to his arm and the seals had already spreaded to him. The seals quickly takes over his body as haku feels a loss of chakra as the seals eat up his chakra to spread across haku's body.

Haku: zabuza... Gomen... I couldn't help you.

Gin: don't worry. He'll be fine.

Haku: I see... Arigato.

Gin: we going to leave him here?

Risei: leave it to the seal team. They don't trust me anyway.

The ninjas wake up after taking the antidote .

" You... Guys ... Saved us."

" Arigato... You guys... Risei... You too."

Risei: it's ok. I understand.

Gin: yaa... That communication seal on the shoulder... Sure is dangerous. Yuki. Can I have it off?

Yuki: no. Liar. Like you want it off.

Gin: meanie. Tearing my platform.

Yuki: Next place.

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now