49: My Short Hair

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Risei: what do you think? Kakashi

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Risei: what do you think? Kakashi.

Kakashi: um. Suits you very much.

Risei: um. I think so too!

Kakashi: let's go. To tsunade-sama's. Before she starts scolding us again.

Risei: um. Can we go see richi after that?

Kakashi: sure. We should ask kurenai for him back for a few days.

Risei: um. How did you know I wanted to do that?

Kakashi: I want you to stay in konoha for the war. But as much as I would like to say that... Taking care of your child to avoid the war is not something we can afford now. You're not pregnant anymore unlike kurenai. It's inevitable you've to participate in the war.

Risei: why kakashi want me stay in konoha?

Kakashi: because you finally don't run away from me anymore.

She couldn't rebut , so she gave him a kiss on the cheek " forgive me?"

Kakashi: how could I not?

Kakashi: yo. Tsunade-sama.

Tsunade: sorry. Making you take up the burden of konoha.

Kakashi: ha ha... Almost.

Tsunade: and you!! Risei!!!

Risei : I_I !!! Heh...

Tsunade sighs " I know you want to do your best for konoha. Ah!! I can't find the words to scold you!!!"

Risei: gomen.

Tsunade: well if you know what I want to say. What's with chasing after Sasuke? I did hear about the promise from Kakashi. Is it really only about that? Nothing else?

Risei: nothing else. I also think... Tobi is going to use edo tensei. A revival technique to revive the dead. That's why he tried to kill me. He probably still thinks I'm dead.

Tsunade: at least there's something I can tell the other kages.

Kakashi: risei knows how to use the jutsu.

Tsunade: so you know how to release it?!!!

Risei: Hai. But it's impossible to release it by any other person other than the caster. I can only change the orders given by the caster.

Tsunade: that's still good!!!

Risei: not really.

Tsunade: what do you mean?

Risei: it's a complicated seal to use to change the order. Not everyone can do it. The best way is to seal the bodies and make them unmovable.

Tsunade: at least we have a way to counter it. Risei.

Risei: Hai?

Tsunade: no more reckless actions from you.  Think more for yourself. Please. I can't save you everytime.

Kakashi pats her head " don't worry. I'm watching over her. " Tsunade smiled " then that's good. "

Kurenai : oh. Your hair... You cut it. You look so pretty. I like your short hair!!

Risei: arigato.

Kurenai: here is richi. He's an unusually quiet boy. Doesn't cry much. Doesn't even ask for attention.

Risei carries over richi in her arms " richi... " Richi yawns with his small little mouth and turns on his side.

Kakashi : richi. Kawaii. Kurenai. We'll be bringing him back for a few days. Is that ok?

Kurenai: of course!! One little family. I'm a little envious.

Risei: gomen... Kurenai.

Kurenai: no. That's not what I mean. Can I be his godmother? Richi's.

Risei: of course you can. If I die in war, you're going to be his mother. I'm fine if you don't ever tell him I'm his mother. After all... I didn't do much for him.

Kurenai: risei... Risei. Come back alive.

Risei looks to kurenai " kurenai...?"

Kurenai: come back alive. Then you can do things for him. Be his real mother.

Risei: um... I'll try.

Kurenai: don't try. Do everything you can to come back.

Risei: kurenai.... Um!!

Risei knocks onto the door. Naruto comes and opens the door " oh. Risei. Kakashi sensei. "

Kakashi: yo. Naruto.

Naruto: why are you here? Kakashi sensei.

Kakashi: to accompany her.

Naruto: could it be...? Kakashi sensei and risei~~

Risei: busybody.

Naruto: so you two are?!!

Risei: half.

Naruto: half ?

" anyway... " She takes out a scroll " this is for you. " Naruto takes it over and opens it. He reads the title " uzumaki library of seals. What's this? Risei. "

Risei: it's the uzumaki family's library. Inside has all the information of the seals the uzumaki family has ever researched and collected on. It was passed to me by your parents. I promised to pass it back to you when you're ready. You are the real uzumaki descendant. You should keep it. Use it. Don't give it away. You can even destroy it. Just don't give it away.

Naruto: are you sure? To give me this.

Risei: it belongs to you. You're the uzumaki descendant. I... I am just a fake. Just someone who was blessed with something of your family.

Naruto: if my parents gave it to you, then they must treat you as a family member too. So you must be kinda uzumaki too.

Risei: Naruto...

He passess her back the scroll " I can't really use seals anyway. You are better at using them. You keep them."

Risei: me...? No. You keep it. I have my... Own copy of key... Don't worry. They self destruct upon my death...

Naruto: oh... you went after Sasuke. Didn't you? How is he?

Risei: fine. Just angry and hateful. Not at his nii-san anymore. But to something else.

Naruto: I see.

Risei bows " gomenasai. I couldn't keep my promise. I couldn't kill pein and you almost died. "

Naruto: risei!! You tried!! Arigato!!

Risei lifts her head " Naruto... You're so kind... "

Naruto: then... We can be family right? From now on.

Risei: are you sure...? A person like me...

Naruto: ah. You're a nice person. And... Can I call you risei-nee? Risei , risei... Kind of weird. I mean you're older than me.

Risei: Naruto...

Kakashi: risei. Just accept it.

Risei: ok. Arigato.

Naruto: no. Arigato.

Risei: then I'll be leaving now.

Naruto: risei-nee!!

She turns her head around.

Naruto: your short hair is really pretty!!

Risei Namikaze ; uzumaki's descendantWhere stories live. Discover now