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"You're going to Auradon? Without me?" I asked my best friend, as she grabbed my hands

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"You're going to Auradon? Without me?" I asked my best friend, as she grabbed my hands.

"Don't worry, L. I promise once we get the wand, I'll come and get you." Evie nodded, and I looked at her.

"You promise?"

"I swear on my life."


"Bullshit!" I screamed at the television.

Mal gave the Fairy Godmother her wand back.

"What about me? Huh? Did you forget me when your off playing 'good girl'? Huh, Evie? You promised me freedom! You promised to get me away from here, and take over the world! Liar! You were supposed to be my best friend." I yelled again, and felt my head turn hot.

Probably because my blue hair turned into blue fire. I get my temper from my dad, Hades, who can't be here right now.

He's never here. He's always in the Underworld, also known as Hell.

I grabbed a cup from the counter, and threw it at the T.V., and they both shattered.

I stormed out of the house, and stormed off somewhere.

I ended up bumping into a dark girl, with a pirate hat.

"Watch it!" We both yelled at the same time, so I looked at her.

Blue hair, like mine, but it was in braids and it was lighter and longer than mine.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"Uma." She smirked, and crossed her arms.

"Lilith. Who do you think you are?"

"I think I'm Uma, the daughter of Ursula." I laughed, and smirked.

"Daughter of Hades."

"Explains the fire hair."

"Explains the pirate hat."

"Why are you so pissed?"

"Evie was my best friend, and now you know that Mal and King Ben are together, oh, and now the kids who were on the Isle, now are good and live in Auradon."

"What the-- Did Fairy Godmother cast a spell or something?"

"No. When Mal held the wand in her hand, she gave it back to Fairy Godmother!"

"They betrayed us. So, you have no friends, now?"


"We don't need them, you're part of my crew now."


"Yeah, Lilith, my crew is as real as it gets."

"You want the daughter of the God of the Underworld on your crew?"

"Oh yeah, it's a lot of fun. You know how to use a sword?"


"Come on, there's so much to know." She grabbed my hand, and dragged me to her mother's shop.

"What are you doing?"

"Here." She threw a sword at me, and I caught it.


"You can't just catch me off guard!"

"Uma, who's the new one?" A guy, who didn't look half bad, looked me up and down.

"Lilith. Daughter of Hades, Harry, show a little respect." Uma said, as Harry nodded.

"I'm Harry. Son of Hook." His accent was extremely hot.

"Ah." I nodded, and he smirked.

"We gotta teach her how to be a pirate." Uma said, and threw a hat at me. "Put that on."

"I'm not sure I'm meant to be--"

"We weren't all meant to be a pirate, we just are. Here, sword fight."


"No buts, come on!" She swung a sword at me, and I held my sword up, which blocked it. "There. Keep it up. First things first, always be on guard."

breaks out into song that teaches Lilith how to be a pirate•

"I get it now. Like this?" I swung my sword at her, and we dueled.

I knocked her sword out of her hand, and held mine to her neck.

"Good job, for a newbie. I like you, Lilith. We're going to be great friends."

(Ignore the other person, that's just a gif)

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