~Chapter 13~

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"So, how do you know we're getting closer?" I asked, as I stepped over a twig. "Ugh."

"It's like a magnet; it's drawing me somewhere. I don't know where, but the further I get to it, the more I know we are getting closer." Crazy, crazy, crazy.

"I'm questioning this 'magnet'." My boyfriend said from behind me.

"Oh right, you're here." Sabrina rolled her eyes. "Can you leave, Harry?"

"I'd rather watch you fail at your mission on locating whatever the hell you're looking for." I chuckled at his comment, and burned down a rose bush.

"That's it!" Sabrina yelled, and the next thing I knew, Harry's gone.

"What this hell?" I looked around, but he was no where in sight.

My heart rate picked up, and I felt anxiety starting to attack me.

Ever since Evie left, I left this void in me, and I grew this fear of loosing people I loved. And I don't know how to make it go away.

"We don't need him." Sabrina shrugged, and my breathing picked up.

"Bring him back, or I'll have you rotting in Hell!"

"Oh, relax, would you?" She yelled, and sighed. "He's not hurt or sent somewhere back. He's in your dorm or his, or just somewhere in the castle. God, you overreact." If only she knew the hell I went through.

"Fuck you, Sabrina, bring him back!" My hair burned on my head, and a ring of blue fire surrounded her.

"Calm down!"

"Bring. . .him. . .back. . ."

"Fine! If it'll make you feel better. Why do you care so much?"

As much as I disliked her, I broke down a small bit.

"Because I love him! I can't loose someone else I care about!" My voice cracked as I said 'else'.

"That's all I ever wanted you to learn, even though I pushed it out and told you to stay away from it. I was afraid of loving myself because I didn't want to be let down." I looked at the ground, not really caring about what she had to say. Because it wasn't about Harry. "This is t about Harry, isn't it? It's about us." I kept my poker face. "I am so unexplainably sorry I betrayed you. I've seen what I am. I've seen that in half Isle, half Auradon. You want to be good, you, just like me, are neither." She ran to me and wrapped her arms around me, and I just stood there in my poker face. "Lilith, I'm so sorry." A single year fell down my cheek, but I didn't care.

"This doesn't mean I forgive you." I grabbed her arms and dropped them.

"I know. I have time to make up for that. I don't plan to waste a second of it. Now," she wiped her face of tears, "enough of the sappy-ness, let's go find this thing."


A good bit of walking in silence later, I heard voices. Mal and Ben. Of course they're in these stupid woods. Why am I even here? I dread spending any sort of time with Sabrina.

"Lilith! Sabrina!" That way too happy voice of Ben's called to us.

"Oh, Zeus." I leaned my head on a tree, and pulled my hair up with a tie.

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