~Chapter 4~

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"She waits until the last minute. Like always." Uma murmured, as Harry's pocket watch read one to six.

Then, I see her stroll up the wood, and to us.

"Ohh, there's that ray of sunshine." Harry said, with a roll of his eyes.

"So, what am I doing? You're the one who wanted me here." She put her hands on her hips.

"You're going to try to get more crew members. We need as much as we can to bust out of this island." Harry said, as I was about to lean on him, but that would show people that we're together.

We don't want that.

So I leaned on Uma, and she laid her head on my own.

"How am I going to get them to join?" Sabrina asked, with a face full of confusion.

"You'll find a way." I smirked at Harry's comment, but I don't actually think she'd do it.

Because I sure as hell won't.

"Why don't you get your little bitch to do it?" Sabrina yelled, and my face turned red, and I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"Call me his 'little bitch' one more time and I'll rip your throat out."

"You'll do what? Hit me? Oh, I'm so scared." She gasped dramatically.

Why does she hate me so much? What did I do to get her to hate me? Is she just jealous or some shit?

Is it because I'm getting extremely close with Harry? Because we're together? She doesn't know. Unless Uma blabbed, but she isn't like that, besides; Sabrina hated me for months.

So, Sabrina left the ship, and off she went.


I'm going to find out why the hell she hates me so damn much! I'm determined to figure out why she hates me to the core.

"I'm going to figure out why she hates me." And before Harry could grab me and pull me back, I already stomped off the ship.

Of course, before Sabrina walked into a tunnel, I called out to her.

"Hey, Sabrina. Can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Yeah, follow me." Surprised she actually wants to talk to me, I followed her.

We got to the other side of the tunnel, and I stoped.

"Just stop and talk. Harry told me what happened between you." I crossed my arms.

"He did?" She followed my actions.

"Yeah. He said, and I quote, 'We had a thing going on, not that it matters, I called it off. She got attached, and was shouting it from the rooftops'." I rose my eyebrows, as I highly doubted that was true, he was sugarcoating it.

She scoffed, and continued to our aunt's restaurant.


"What?" I asked, not too pleased.

"That's far from the truth."

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