~Chapter 20~

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(question: who's she going to HoCo with? Harry or Maddox?)

"Will you go to Homecoming with me?" He asked,

"Yeah, sure, why not?" I smiled, and he threw down the poster board, sat down the box of my favorite chocolates.

I ran to him, and wrapped my arms around him.

I looked deep into his eyes, and felt myself falling—


Beep! Beep!

"Ugh!" I grabbed my pillow, and threw it on my night stand. "I hate that stupid alarm."

I heard Uma chuckle from the bed a few feet away, "It's your fault for setting it last night." She yawned,

Uma was more of a morning person than I was, but that's not saying a lot. Uma was always up bright and early before me.

"Shut up, and I'm surprised your not with Bas."

"Bas is bashful about everything. He's not dominant at all, and I keep telling him not to be so shy."

"He is Bashful's son, what do you expect?"

"I know, I know. I'm working with him about stuff, okay?"

"Calm the hell down, girl. It takes time."

"We both know I have patience the size of a pinhead."

"Well, get some the size of a pincushion."

"Now, that's too much."

"No it's not, they're small."

"What's a pincushion?"

"Evie has a pincushion bracelet, she wears it when we were having a fitting for our HoCo dresses."

"Speaking of Homecoming, did he ask you?"

"He did indeed. Two days ago. He's picking me up here."

"He's picking you up? I'm taking Bas to Homecoming. You think we could double date? You know, what those people do in T.V.?"

"Sure, why not? But we're not double dancing. We can do it separately."

"Duh, Lil, we're not like that."

"Yeah, Uma, I know. Now, let's get ready for Homecoming!"




"Evie, that was my ear!"

Evie was using some sort of hot device to curl my hair somehow, and it burned my ear.

She was doing my hair for Homecoming, as she was doing Uma, too.

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