~Chapter 15~

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So, the first fight I ever had with Harry was successful. The other ones we had? Not as much. They were all so stupid, yet enough to fight about it.

I don't even remember what we were fighting about, but all I wanted was things to back to normal.

I haven't been able to sleep well in a week because I wasn't in his arms.

But there was a fight that was bound to come up.

Where we're going to live.

I love it here in Auradon, and all my friends are here as well.

But Harry keeps talking about how we're gonna go back to the Isle, and how we're going to be captains together again.

As much as I loved the Isle, I couldn't go back. I can't.

The only reason I was mad at Evie all those months ago wasn't even anger, it was jealously.

Jealously that she got something I didn't.

To live in luxury and have the perfect little life.

And I wanted that.

And now I have that.

But now I don't want it.

I have everything, and it's too perfect.

I knew I didn't belong at Auradon, but I don't wanna go back to the Isle. When I thought about it, I realized I'd be leaving everyone.

Including Evie.

And Evie is my only family, excluding Uma because she'll never fill Evie's spot, and I can't leave her. Just like I can't leave Gil, Uma, Jay, Carlos and Mal.

They're my friends and family.

Maybe even Sabrina slightly, but I hardly ever see her since she lives with her dad.

Who, by the way, still gives me bad vibes.

I put on one of Harry's old shirts that he left in my room before, also covering that up with a leather jacket. I put on some pants. I also put on my favorite boots, and looked in the mirror.

There stood a broken girl with the reddest eyes you've ever seen before.

Every night for a week, I cried myself to sleep. It was silent so Uma couldn't hear it, besides, she's usually with her new guy friend.

I cried because I knew this rough patch between me and Harry was going to last for awhile and I don't know how to stop it.

What can I do?

So, I put on my poker face, forgetting about makeup, and walked out the door.

There were posters all around the school about this new dance that Jane was throwing. It was called Homecoming or something like that.

I sighed, and looked at the ground below me, and felt empty that Harry wasn't walking me to class.

He's probably not taking me to the dance either.

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